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  1. The National 988 Suicide Lifeline Has Launched - Here’s How It Works

    The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available nationwide! If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, text or call 9-8-8 to get assistance and support from trained counselors or help with finding local resources.
    By Roger Murray
  2. Telemynd Achieves HITRUST CSF® Certification to Manage Risk, Improve Security Posture, and Meet Compliance Requirements

    HITRUST CSF Certification validates Telemynd is committed to meeting key regulations and protecting sensitive information.
    Maynard, Massachusetts, December 6, 2021 – Telemynd, a leading provider of behavioral health solutions, today announced the MyCare telebehavioral health solution has earned Certified status for information security by HITRUST.
    HITRUST CSF Certified status demonstrates that the organization’s MyCare telebehavioral health solution has met key regulations and industry-defined requirements and is appropriately managing risk. This achievement places Telemynd in an elite group of organizations worldwide that have earned this certification. By including federal and state regulations, standards, and frameworks, and incorporating a risk-based approach, the HITRUST CSF helps organizations address these challenges through a comprehensive and flexible framework of prescriptive and scalable security controls.
    “Organizations, like ours, are under more pressure than ever to meet complex compliance and privacy requirements that include technical and process elements such as NIST, ISO, and COBIT,” said Patrick Herguth, Chief Executive Office at Telemynd. “We are pleased to demonstrate to our customers the highest standards for protecting sensitive data and information by achieving HITRUST CSF Certification.”
    “The HITRUST CSF Assurance Program is the most rigorous available, consisting of a multitude of quality assurance checks, both automated and manual,” said Bimal Sheth, Vice President of Assurance Services, HITRUST. “The fact that Telemynd has achieved HITRUST CSF Certification attests to the high quality of their information risk management and compliance program.”
     About Telemynd
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    Maynard, MA 01754
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    Roger Murray
    Marketing Director
    By Roger Murray
  3. Choosing Between A Prescriber Or Therapist?

    Both therapists and prescribers work with you to help improve your mental health, but they offer vastly different services. If you’ve decided it’s time to see a provider but you’re not sure what kind of support you need, read this guide to find out which could be the best fit for you.
    Therapist or Prescriber — Which Is Right For Me?
    By Roger Murray

Recent Blog Entries

  1. International Self-Care Day

    With commitments like work, family, school, and more, many struggle to find time to prioritize themselves. While caught up in daily responsibilities and stress, it's easy to neglect one's physical, mental, and emotional health.
    Self-care is vital to overall wellness. Taking time to look after oneself holistically encourages a healthy lifestyle and can make managing challenges easier. Keep reading to learn more about the significance of self-care, what it encompasses, and how to build a personalized self-care routine that sticks.
    Why Self-Care Is Essential
    Self-care is about incorporating beneficial behaviors and activities into daily life. This decision-making process helps individuals conveniently and effectively care for themselves while incorporating professional assistance when necessary.
    Small acts of self-care can make a significant difference, such as taking a walk, eating a healthy meal, or meditating for five minutes. Making self-care a priority is an act of self-preservation that has multiple benefits, including:
    More energy Better immune system health Lower risk of illness Stress management Higher self-esteem Increased productivity and focus Higher levels of life satisfaction More fulfillment Better relationships Reduced burnout Types of Self-Care
    Self-care is a holistic practice, meaning it nurtures the mind, body, and soul. The purpose is to create a harmonious balance of positive behaviors that support each life facet. The following are five areas of self-care:
    Physical Health: Physical health is a state of well-being where all internal and external parts of the body function as expected. Emotional Health: Emotional health is a fundamental aspect of mental health awareness. It involves one's awareness and ability to cope with positive and negative emotions. Spiritual Health: Spiritual health balances the other aspects of humanity. It includes a purposeful life, fulfillment, and connection with existence and experiences beyond the human level. Social Health: Social health is the ability to interact and form healthy connections and relationships with others. Psychological Health: Psychological health combines how one thinks, feels, relates, and exists in daily life. It's distinguished by emotional, spiritual, social, and mental dimensions. How to Practice Self-Care
    Proper self-care looks different for everyone. Still, there are common practices that can improve well-being. Here are some tried-and-true behaviors that can positively contribute to overall wellness and self-care.
    Practice Mindfulness
    Looking after mental health is a cornerstone of self-care. Mindfulness is a therapeutic technique where someone focuses on the present moment. Individuals achieve this mental state by calmly recognizing and accepting their thoughts, feelings, and body sensations without judgment. People practice mindfulness in many ways, such as meditation, breathing techniques, yoga, and art.
    Mindfulness techniques can reduce stress, increase self-awareness, boost creativity, and even benefit physical health. Blocking out distracting noise and focusing on the present can seem challenging, but starting slow can help with success. Studies show that just 10 minutes of daily meditation can produce lasting benefits over time.
    Physical activity is essential for mental health, along with increasing energy and reducing the risk of illnesses. Regular exercise can reduce mild anxiety and depression, improve cognitive functioning, and enhance self-esteem.
    Fitness doesn't have to mean high-impact workouts or spending hours in the gym every day. Just adding 30 minutes of daily physical activity can greatly improve your health and boost your mood. People can exercise in ways that work for their lifestyles. Some fun ways to incorporate fitness into a self-care routine include:
    Bike riding Walking Skiing Hiking Jumping rope Dancing Martial arts Playing frisbee Yoga Swimming Get Restful Sleep
    Sleep and self-care go hand in hand. After a long day, the body and mind crave rejuvenation. Getting plenty of rest helps with cognitive processes, emotional regulation, and overall psychological functioning. Prioritizing restful sleep is key to giving the body adequate time to rest without interruptions and ensuring that the brain performs optimally the following day.
    With all of life's responsibilities, getting enough sleep can seem tough. However, removing distractions like phones and computers, setting a bedtime, and creating the ideal sleep environment can help form better sleep habits and improve self-care.
    Journaling can help individuals clear their minds by writing down their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. A journal is a safe space to write about daily events and reflect on those moments for inspiration, growth, and problem-solving. Keeping a self-care journal can encourage self-awareness, help process emotions, reduce stress, and improve mental health. For those who find journaling challenging, several prompts are available with ideas, questions, or suggestions that can help inspire a start. For instance, individuals can end each night journaling about five things they're grateful for or looking forward to the next day.
    Eat a Balanced Diet
    What someone eats directly impacts their health and energy levels. Maintaining a nutritious and well-balanced diet provides the body with the necessary minerals, vitamins, and nutrients to perform optimally. It also boosts the immune system, supports bodily functions, and greatly benefits overall health. Cooking a variety of healthy home-cooked meals is an effective and fun way to practice self-care while getting vegetables, fruits, and whole grains in.
    Get Outside
    Being outside in nature can drastically improve overall health. Similar to mindfulness, taking time out of the day to get outside can help one feel more relaxed and at peace. This could mean walking on a local trail, going to the park, or relaxing at the beach. The soothing elements of nature can improve mood, relieve stress and anger, enhance self-esteem, and help individuals meet new people.
    Set Goals and Priorities
    Establishing goals and priorities is crucial to self-care. Understanding the things one wants to achieve in life can make it simple to prioritize the necessary steps to accomplish them. This can make daily life more fulfilling and less stressful because the individual knows they are actively working toward the things that matter to them. Whether it's taking up a new hobby or saving up for a vacation, understanding goals and priorities helps people take control of their lives.
    Establish Boundaries
    Setting rules and limits for oneself within relationships is essential in self-care. Boundaries help individuals protect their time and energy and maintain mutually respectful relationships. While it's easy to get caught up in trying to do everything for others, communicating needs, limits, and preferences can build a healthy foundation for empowerment. Understanding one's boundaries makes it easier to say "no" to things that may overwhelm them.
    Setting boundaries can prioritize self-care and reduce feelings of emotional exhaustion, resentment, and burnout. Boundaries are vital in personal and professional relationships to ensure a person puts themselves first. They create a space for self-awareness, autonomy, and honoring values, which are all imperative to self-care.
    Stay Connected With Loved Ones
    Building and maintaining a social network can help individuals feel loved and appreciated. Loneliness and isolation can be detrimental to self-care. Both are linked to a higher risk of developing physical and mental health conditions, including heart disease, dementia, depression, and anxiety.
    Support and camaraderie have the opposite effect. Research shows that people with solid support systems have better health, longer lives, and overall higher well-being. Having positive people to share moments with and lean on in times of need can also encourage self-growth and practical help.
    Limit Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits
    Unhealthy habits like excessive drinking, smoking, and poor nutrition can make practicing self-care more challenging. These habits can disrupt your overall health, leading to increased mental and physical strain. Practice self-care by creating a plan to control these behaviors. Unhealthy habits will always be a part of life, but substituting them for healthier behaviors as much as possible can help maintain self-care.
    Ways to Build a Lasting Self-Care Routine
    Building a self-care routine is an individualized process. Self-care is a journey that requires trial and effort to reach a plan that fits an individual's situation. The goal of self-care is to embrace positive behaviors that will improve overall health and wellness. Changing and creating new habits takes time, consistency, and intention, so it's crucial to incorporate self-care in ways that work best for one's lifestyle.
    First, individuals should consider areas in their lives that could be improved and activities that nurture their minds, body, and soul. Dedicate time each day to slowly working on these activities. Start with small daily rituals like a morning jog, a five-minute meditation, or adding vegetables to every meal.
    As one masters these small habits, one can continue to build on them, adjusting the routine as one sees fit. Self-care is crucial every day, but setting aside a special moment for self-care once a week can also help to slowly ease into a routine.
    Family and loved ones can be essential to a self-care journey. A loved one with similar self-care goals can act as an accountability partner. Working together to achieve self-care goals can make it easier to stay committed to the journey.
    Complement Your Self-Care Journey with Telemynd
    Incorporating self-care into your daily routines can make incredible improvements to overall health. Professional mental health care can further enhance your journey.
    Keeping up with regular in-person therapy sessions can seem overwhelming. That's why Telemynd is here to help. Our virtual mental health services connect individuals with behavioral health specialists nationwide, bringing compassionate care to you. Contact Telemynd to learn more about improving well-being and elevating your self-care journey.
  2. Coping With PTSD During Fireworks and Celebrations

    When it comes to certain holiday celebrations like the 4th of July, it can be common to use fireworks. However, the noises, smells, and lights from fireworks can be distressing for those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD can affect war veterans, first responders like paramedics or firefighters, and those who've experienced other traumatic events.
    Fireworks and other loud sounds can trigger PTSD symptoms. However, it is possible to plan and use strategies and techniques to cope.
    What Is PTSD?
    PTSD is a condition that can develop as a result of trauma. The clinical definition of trauma is experiencing a threat of death or serious injury, sustaining serious injury, or actual or threatened violence. PTSD can develop if a person:
    Directly experiences the trauma. Witnesses someone else experiencing it. Learns that it happened to a close friend or relative. Is indirectly exposed to trauma, like first responders. The signs and symptoms of PTSD include:
    Experiencing disturbing intrusive thoughts, such as nightmares or memories of the trauma. Avoiding things related to the trauma, like people, places, and thoughts. Having negative feelings or thoughts, like excessive self-blame. Being highly reactive, highly irritable, hypervigilant, or easily startled. Going through a traumatic event does not necessarily mean that PTSD will develop, and different experiences can be traumatic for different people. Research suggests that up to 32% of first responders, more than 30% of veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and as many as 12% of adults in the general population have PTSD.
    Effects of Fireworks on PTSD
    Fireworks during Independence Day or other celebrations may cause a person with PTSD to become highly reactive, especially if the traumatic event they experienced involved  loud noises like explosions, gun fire etc. This is why fireworks are triggers, because they can set off a memory or a piece of the traumatic experience.
    During a firework display, those with PTSD may:
    Feel on edge. Have a strong reaction to the flashing lights. Be easily startled by the sound. Experience flashbacks of the traumatic event. Feel numb or emotionally distant. Feel a lack of control over the situation. Use drugs or alcohol to cope with unwanted thoughts and feelings. How Trauma and Triggers Affect the Brain
    A traumatic event like an explosion can cause an intolerance to loud sounds. For veterans, in particular, blast exposure has been shown to significantly increase the chances of sound intolerance, including that of fireworks. This is a result of how the brain operates during a traumatic experience.
    Fear Circuitry
    Trauma impacts what scientists call the "fear circuitry" in the brain, an inherent protective mechanism. During a traumatic event, the fear circuitry kicks in, and the prefrontal cortex — the part of the brain involved in thought and planning — works less.
    This means that the person re-experiencing trauma goes into survival mode and is not able to think through the situation and rationalize what is happening.
    Furthermore, during a traumatic event, the brain encodes memories differently than it normally does. For instance, the brain may recall the sounds and smells of an explosion but not the time of day it occurred.
    Emotional Responses
    When a person with PTSD hears fireworks, their brain's fear circuitry kicks in. It mostly connects with the sounds, smells, and sight, and not the context of the situation. As a result, a person cannot easily tell themselves that a celebration with fireworks is occurring and that it is not a life-threatening situation. Instead, they feel anxiety and fear and survival mode kicks in telling them to act to protect themselves.
    Strategies and Tips to Prepare for Fireworks
    If someone experiences PTSD symptoms from fireworks, it's important to follow strategies like planning ahead, creating a safe environment, leaning on social support, and seeking professional guidance.
    Plan Ahead
    Some tips on how individuals can effectively prepare for holidays and events include:
    Practicing self-compassion and remembering that trauma reactions do not indicate weakness. Rather, it is how the brain has learned to cope. Reminding themselves that it took them time to train to be on alert for threats. Therefore, it will take them time to retrain themselves so that they are not on high alert when no threat is present. This protective reaction is normal and okay. Using ongoing reassuring self-talk, such as telling oneself that the current environment is safe and that upcoming fireworks are for a specific celebration. Finding out ahead of time if fireworks will occur. Using self-care to feel and function as well as possible, such as good sleep, journaling, and avoiding the use of substances. Having calming techniques prepared that can be used when triggered, like mindful breathing exercises. Create a Safe Environment
    Creating a setting that feels safe can help people enjoy the holidays. Ways to do this include:
    Staying inside and watching fireworks on television. Staying in a comforting room without windows or where blinds or curtains can be drawn. Sitting in a comfortable chair with a weighted blanket. Being surrounded by trusted loved ones and mementos from loved ones. Listening to music or sounds that are calming Lean on Social Supports
    Reaching out to loved ones can go a long way toward mental and emotional well-being. Consider the following actions:
    Talk with trusted people about thoughts and feelings as the event approaches. Invite a trusted person to join at an event for moral support. Invite loved ones to spend the holiday or celebration in a way that does not involve fireworks or other triggers. Seek Professional Guidance
    Meeting with a mental health professional can help develop coping strategies tailored to the individual. Different people with PTSD can have different triggers, and a therapist can help understand someone's unique situation.
    Help a Loved One With PTSD
    When someone is struggling internally, it is not uncommon for them to feel like they have to remain silent. Taking the initiative to help in various ways can mean the world to them. This can include:
    Showing them compassion. Using supportive and comforting words like, "You are safe, and I am here with you." Sitting with them away from the rest of the celebration and talking them through calming techniques Asking guests how they feel about fireworks and avoiding them when planning a celebration. Tools and Techniques for Immediate Relief
    It is also possible to manage unexpected fireworks or other loud noises with mindfulness exercises, technology aids, and medication to help feel safe.
    Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques
    Calming or grounding techniques can help to bring a person back to the present moment when they feel anxious or panicked. Here are two techniques that can help.
    5-4-3-2-1 Exercise
    Take these six steps to connect with the senses and return the mind to the present surroundings:
    Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take deep breaths. Open your eyes. Then, name five items present in the area and state their colors. Try to identify four different sounds. Touch three different things and notice how they feel. Try to identify two different smells. Notice and identify one taste, perhaps the lingering flavors of the last meal or the minty flavor of chewing gum. Deep Breathing Exercise
    When feeling anxious, breathing tends to be shallower, as the air does not reach the belly, and the brain receives less oxygen. This makes it harder to think clearly in a difficult situation. When experiencing stress or a trauma trigger, follow these five steps:
    Close your eyes and lay one hand on the chest and the other on the belly. Pay attention to and visualize the air entering through the nose, into the lungs, and the belly. With each breath, be sure that the hand on the belly comes out further than the one on the chest. Pay attention to and visualize the air leaving the belly, then the chest, and then the nose. Repeat these four steps with subsequent breaths. While doing grounding techniques, it can also be helpful to remind oneself that the current situation is safe and temporary and that it will pass.
    Technology Aids
    Distractions from fireworks or other upsetting noises can help ease anxiety at the moment. For instance, using noise-canceling headphones or earplugs can help reduce sound. Another tip is to use a smartphone app that provides calming sounds and visuals.
    Medication can help manage anxiety or panic. Some medications are prescribed on a daily basis, and others are to be taken as needed in an anxiety-provoking situation. You should always talk with your provider about medication changes, uses, and the best options suited to your individual needs.
    Long-Term PTSD Management
    It is important to note that short-term strategies to avoid fireworks or other triggers are not meant to be the ultimate solution for managing PTSD. While it may feel more comfortable in the moment to avoid triggers, doing so can actually worsen the problem in the long term. The key is to not only prepare for the day itself but to also take actions that can promote recovery in the long run.
    Community Resources
    Support groups for trauma survivors can provide a sense of community and solidarity, as well as a place to give and receive support and coping strategies. Such groups may be located within the community, such as community centers, hospitals, and mental health resources.
    Mental Health Treatment
    Ongoing behavioral therapy is fundamental to treating PTSD. It can help people identify their triggers and develop coping strategies that are uniquely helpful to them. Moreover, evidence-based cognitive-behavioral therapies can help alter a person's fear structures and help to retrain their brain’s processing.
    Telemynd is here to meet the needs of those who deal with PTSD. Both treatments and therapy are available through virtual appointments. These allow for convenient and private services from the comfort of home.
    Long-Term Emotional Safety Is Possible
    It is possible in the long run to respond to triggers rather than just react to them, and it is never too late to reach out for help. Telemynd is here to support military members, their loved ones, and anyone dealing with PTSD or other mental health conditions. Click here to get connected with Telemynd's services.
  3. Mindful Breathing Techniques

    In the fast-paced world we live in, finding moments of calm and focus is crucial for our mental well-being. One powerful and accessible tool for achieving this is mindful breathing. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the science behind mindful breathing, explore various techniques, and provide practical tips for seamlessly integrating this practice into your daily life.
    Why Mindful Breathing Matters for Mental Well-being
    In the hustle and bustle of modern life, stress and anxiety have become commonplace. Understanding the link between mindful breathing and mental health is the first step toward reclaiming a sense of peace. Mindful breathing is not just a relaxation technique; it's a pathway to improved mental clarity, emotional balance, and overall well-being.
    The Science Behind Mindful Breathing
    Our breath is intimately connected to our autonomic nervous system. Exploring the science behind mindful breathing reveals its profound impact on the body. From lowering cortisol levels to stimulating the relaxation response through the parasympathetic nervous system, the physiological benefits of deep, intentional breathing are both immediate and enduring.
    Mindful Breathing Techniques
    3-Part Breath Technique: Begin your journey with the 3-Part Breath Technique, a simple yet powerful practice. Inhale deeply, filling your lungs in three distinct parts, and exhale slowly. This technique not only promotes relaxation but also encourages a heightened awareness of your breath. Box Breathing Technique: Derived from military practices, the Box Breathing Technique is a structured method for achieving calmness. Inhale, hold, exhale, and hold again, each for a count of four. This technique serves as a powerful tool for managing stress and maintaining focus. Counted Breath Technique: For those new to mindful breathing, the Counted Breath Technique offers a gentle introduction. Inhale for a count, then exhale for one count longer than your inhale. Incorporating counting enhances focus and mindfulness, making this technique suitable for beginners. The Connection Between Breath and Mindfulness Meditation
    Mindful breathing serves as a gateway to mindfulness meditation. Explore how combining breath awareness with meditation amplifies the benefits, fostering a deeper sense of presence and tranquility. Discover how this synergy can positively impact various aspects of your life.
    Tips for Incorporating Mindful Breathing into Daily Life
    Morning Routine: Transform your mornings by incorporating mindful breathing into your routine. Start your day with a few minutes of intentional breathwork to set a positive tone for the hours ahead. Workplace Integration: Navigate the demands of your workday with grace by integrating mindful breathing. Quick, discreet exercises can be performed at your desk to manage stress and maintain focus. Before Sleep Ritual: Ease into a restful night's sleep by adopting a mindful breathing ritual before bedtime. Unwind and let go of the day's stressors with guided breathing techniques designed for relaxation. Mindful Breathing Apps and Resources
    Explore the world of mindful breathing with the help of technology. We've compiled a list of recommended apps that offer guided breathing exercises, making it easier than ever to cultivate a regular practice. Additionally, discover online resources providing a wealth of information and support for your mindful breathing journey.
    Mindful Breathing Success Stories
    Real-life testimonials from individuals who have experienced transformative changes through mindful breathing add a personal touch to this guide. Discover inspiring stories of people who have harnessed the power of their breath to overcome challenges and enhance their well-being.
    Overcoming Common Challenges
    Embarking on a mindful breathing journey may come with its own set of challenges. From finding time in a busy schedule to maintaining consistency, we address common obstacles and provide practical tips for overcoming them. Learn how to navigate potential roadblocks on your path to mindful breathing mastery.
    As we conclude our journey through the world of mindful breathing, it's essential to reflect on the profound impact this practice can have on our lives. Mindful breathing is not just a technique; it's a lifestyle. By harnessing the power of your breath, you can cultivate a greater sense of calm, focus, and overall well-being. Invite these practices into your daily life, share your experiences, and join the community of individuals committed to living mindfully in 2023.

Latest Handouts

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