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    1. How COVID-19 Is Contributing To Increased Mental Health Issues & What You Can Do About it

      No one would argue that it's been a tough year for all of us. We’ve never experienced a global pandemic to this extent in our lifetime. In addition to medical fears and loss associated with the COVID-19 virus itself, health experts say Americans are experiencing Anxiety and Depression made worse by pandemic-related stressors, including job loss, evictions, remote learning, travel restrictions and limits on gatherings with family or friends. As well, the length of time the pandemic has gone on is causing many of us to have increased feelings of emotional exhaustion and hopelessness. 
      Survey Confirms Symptoms Of Anxiety & Depression Are Up
      A Census Bureau - CDC survey conducted over the past Summer and Fall found that expanded symptoms of Depression and Anxiety have been seen in all 50 states. The survey concluded that 1 in 4 of us reported feeling anxious more than half of the previous week, and 1 in 5 of us reported feelings of depression during the same time period. Results also showed the volume of calls to help lines have increased significantly compared to previous years, driven by COVID-19-related concerns.
      The Study Further Found That The Increased Stress, Anxiety & Depressed Feelings May Be Causing:
      Heightened fear and worry about health, finances, jobs, and loss of support services
      Changes in sleep or eating patterns, as well as difficulty sleeping or concentrating
      Worsening of chronic health problems
      Increased muscle tension and pain
      Increased use of tobacco, and/or alcohol and other substances
      What Can You Do To Relieve Stressful Feelings During The Pandemic?
      Focus on things you can control rather than the constant barrage of negative information coming at you through the media, colleagues, family, and friends. When you move the center of control from something outside yourself to inside yourself, you can help reduce anxiety. Try the following:
      Limit news and media consumption, including social media. When we constantly check our newsfeed and see bad news, it activates our sympathetic nervous system, and can send us into fight-or-flight mode. Doing this hour after hour can exacerbate mental health issues. Experts recommend limiting news and social media checks to once or twice a day, turning off news alerts, getting your information from one or two credible news sources, and only posting positive messages and comments on social media.
      Keep your routine, even if it feels disrupted. Experts say establishing and keeping consistent daily and weekly routines is a way for people to feel there is some certainty during the pandemic. Even if you work from home now, try to get up at the same time as before the pandemic and keep as much of your normal morning routine as possible - go for a walk or run, eat a healthy breakfast, and drink that cup of coffee or tea. Keep up regularly-scheduled medical and therapy appointments (most can be done online now). If you used to grocery shop once a week for example, but now are isolating at home, try using an online grocery delivery service, but do your online shopping at the same day/time you used to go out to the store.
      Make social connections by checking in with loved ones regularly. While social distancing and limits on gatherings are essential to slow the spread of the virus, you can still check-in with family and friends by phone, Zoom or Facetime, text or email. You might even consider taking live cooking or craft classes online (or whatever aligns with your hobbies) - you’ll connect with the teacher as well as the other students while in the class. Science shows there’s a clear connection between mental health and social contact, so make formal time in your schedule to for social activities, as it's one of the things that can easily fall off your to-do list. 
      For most people, the stressful and depressed feelings will resolve on their own over time, but for some, they may not. Health experts recommend you seek professional help if you find yourself overwhelmed by continuing or increasing symptoms like exhaustion, fatigue, guilt, irritability, sleep problems, intrusive thoughts, and a reduced capacity to experience pleasure. 
      Are You Noticing Signs Of Increased Anxiety Or Depression During The Pandemic? 
      You can access licensed psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and therapists who provide treatment for depression from the convenience of your home. Click here to find your current insurance provider and request an appointment today!  
      CDC: Mental Health and Coping with Stress During the Pandemic
      The Lancet: The mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with and without depressive, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorders
      CDC - Census Bureau: Anxiety and Depression Household Pulse Survey
    2. 5 Self-Care Goals For The New Year & How They Can Help Manage Depression

      Have you made your goals for the New Year? Make sure self-care is on the list! Looking after yourself (self-care) is critical to your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Most often we read about practical self-care practices that keep us healthy, like balanced eating and good sleeping habits. But it's also important to identify and make time to do things that really nurture you, like connecting with friends and family, doing hobbies, or just sitting still with a good cup of tea.
      Living With Depression Can Make Self-Care More Difficult
      However, when you live with Depression (sometimes called Major Depressive Disorder), the idea of self-care may feel like adding another burden to your already heavy load. 
      And here’s why. Depression is a clinical mood disorder that affects how you feel, think, and behave and can lead to a variety of other problems if left untreated. It’s defined by the medical community as “feelings of sadness intense enough to interfere with functioning and/or a decreased interest or pleasure in activities”. You can find the symptoms of Depression here. And it’s not uncommon - Depression affects an estimated one in 15 adults in any given year, and one in six people will experience it at some time in their life.
      Often, Depression leaves you feeling like your physical and emotional self is “running on empty”, and so you’re drained of the ability to look after yourself. Self-care takes a back seat. And to complicate things, when you start to feel better, you may even ditch certain self-care habits - thinking you don’t need them anymore. It’s common when people start to improve, to get relaxed about therapy and treatment plans, and before you know it, you’ve suffered a relapse.
      Scientists say there's a neurobiological reason for this. The frontal lobe region of our brain is responsible for executive function—a set of skills that involves judgment and reasoning. The issue is that Depression is associated with dysfunction of the frontal lobes, so it's no surprise that people with depression find it hard to judge whether they need self-care or not.
      Skipping Self-Care Is A Slippery Slope To Relapse
      But There Are Ways To Prevent it
      As a whole, the best thing you can do to stave off a relapse is to stick to your treatment plan and create a healthy environment with basic self-care goals. Try not to think of self-care as a big, burdensome project, but rather a series of small choices that add up to a healthier lifestyle. And set realistic goals for yourself - don’t aim so high that your goals are unattainable or you may end up disappointed.
      Here Are 5 Attainable Self-Care Goals To Try In The New Year That Can Help Manage Depression:
      Stay tuned to your body. Mental illness doesn’t impact our brains alone; it’s physical, too. Depression can decrease energy, make you feel exhausted, and experience body aches or headaches. Start by noticing how you feel – both physically and emotionally – on a daily basis. Watch for physical symptoms that may provide clues as to what is happening in your brain. Noticing symptoms early can help you practice better self-care and potentially stave off a full-blown episode.
      Attend your therapy sessions consistently. Even if you’re tempted to skip a session or two, trust the process and attend them all. Consider discussing your reluctance with your therapist. He or she may be able to spot some faulty reasoning on your part. Or, if indeed you are better and changes are warranted, you and your therapist can make those necessary adjustments together.
      Take your meds as prescribed. Missing a dose can interfere with the medication’s effectiveness, and symptoms may return. Always talk to your behavioral health provider about stopping or changing doses. And remember, alcohol or drugs can also interrupt the efficacy of prescription medications, so avoid them.
      Learn deep-breathing or meditation and practice it every day. Scientists say this is one of the most effective self-care methods. Even though it seems unnatural at first, taking a series of deep breaths can help slow down racing or irrational thoughts. The act of slowly and deliberately inhaling and exhaling increases circulation releases endorphins, and relaxes muscles. And do this throughout the day - even just for 30 seconds - not just when you start to feel anxious or depressed. It will make a big difference in the way you feel.
      It’s the little things. Finally, self-care doesn’t have to mean fancy spas, big vacations, or running a marathon. Taking better care of yourself can happen at home. Making time regularly to take a walk, read a book, play with an animal, chat with good friends on the phone, watch a movie, or practice a hobby can help you cope with Depression more effectively. If you’re lonely, volunteering can be a great way to meet people and feel better about yourself - and again, it doesn’t have to be a big time commitment - maybe it’s just one or two hours every couple of weeks.
      Do You Recognize Any Of These Signs Of Depression? 
      You can access licensed psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and therapists who provide treatment for depression from the convenience of your home. Click here to find your current insurance provider and request an appointment today!  
      CDC: Mental Health and Coping with Stress During the Pandemic
      CDC: Taking Care of Your Emotional Health
      NIH | National Institutes of Mental Health: Self-care for anxiety and depression: a comparison of evidence from Cochrane reviews and practice to inform decision-making and priority-setting
      NIH | National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: Meditation in Depth
    3. 6 Signs Of Holiday Anxiety

      Holiday songs, the media, friends and co-workers urge us to be merry during the holiday season. However, that’s not always easy to do! As much as we love the holidays, they are invariably a stressful time of year. According to the American Psychological Association, 61% of us describe our anxiety as elevated during the holiday season.
      What causes this extra anxiety? Many things. The additional financial demands of the season, travel, interpersonal family dynamics, balancing work, shopping, cooking and decorating, too many social events, memories of past holidays, as well as unrealistic expectations can contribute to creating the perfect storm of emotions.
      Even in normal times, many living with Generalized Anxiety Disorder – a chronic state of anxiety and stress which can make a person feel constantly worried even when there is little to no reason to. The stress can become debilitating and can lead to a loss of perspective on the current situation. GAD is treatable by a behavioral health specialist but nonetheless requires those who live with it to take extra care of themselves with a balance of healthy diet and exercise. The added psychological pressure of the holidays can present a special challenge for those struggling with GAD. You may feel like crawling under a comforter and sleeping until the new year!
      It’s important to recognize key signs that things are becoming overwhelming and to know some coping skills to reduce the anxiety as it happens.
      6 Signs You Are Experiencing Extra Anxiety During The Holidays
      Key signs to look for are changes in mood or behavior that differ from your norm.
      Be On The Lookout For:
      Erratic or unusual behavior, irritability or impulsivity.
      Physical symptoms of anxiety, such as a rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, shaking, dizziness, sweating, an upset stomach, or a dry mouth.
      Social withdrawal as some individuals try to avoid situations that will bring on feelings of anxiety or panic. You may also lose interest in activities you used to enjoy.
      Changes in appetite and weight – either up or down.
      Insomnia, extra exhaustion and other sleep disturbances.
      Panic attacks that cause faintness, trouble breathing, pounding heartbeat, or nausea.
      How To Cope With Holiday Anxiety
      Below are some practical tips you can do to decrease stress during the holidays. We also recommend creating an Anxiety Action Plan containing helpful coping mechanisms beforehand, so that if you start seeing some of the early anxiety indicators listed above, you can put it into place. 
      Prioritize your health. Make sure you are eating healthy foods, staying physically active, and getting enough sleep. Think twice about overindulging in alcohol—as it can worsen anxiety symptoms.
      Plan ahead. Think about your triggers and try to head them off. For example, if you're worried about money, put together a budget before the holidays. If holiday shopping causes stress, try to do it early, and avoid the stores by shopping online. If social situations make you uncomfortable, accept just a few invitations in advance and ask a good friend to attend with you. Use a calendar to plan specific days for shopping, baking, or gift-wrapping.
      Stick to a routine as much as possible. Wake up at the same time, try to eat at the same time every day, take your regular walk, and journal if you normally do that. Don’t schedule a new hair style or make drastic changes to your environment during the holidays!
      Schedule worry time. Yes, you read that right. Instead of worrying all the time, schedule a dedicated time –maybe even once a day – to do nothing but worry for a few minutes. Write the  worries down if possible and even brainstorm solutions. This way, constant worrying won’t burn you out.
      Make time for self-care. Schedule time in your day to relax with yoga or meditation, drink a cup of coffee or tea, listen to a podcast, play with the dog, or even take a quick nap. Choose something that relaxes your body and calms your mind.
      Ask for support. Let your friends and family know that you might need extra support. It’s always ok to ask for help. Some experts even suggest practicing a secret signal with someone you trust who can help you during events if you become overwhelmed or anxious. And don’t forget to reach out to a behavioral health professional for additional help and resources.
      In general, experts advise lowering your expectations during the holiday season, try to keep things as simple as possible, and remember that you're not alone – many others are experiencing holiday anxiety like you.
      Do You Recognize Any Of These Signs Of Anxiety? 
      You can access licensed psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and therapists who provide treatment for anxiety from the convenience of your home. Click here to find your current insurance provider and request an appointment today!  
      National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Mental Health and the Holiday Blues
      Harvard Women’s’ Health Watch: A Holiday Advisory for Your Emotions
      Harvard Mahoney Neuroscience Institute: Holiday stress and the brain
      U.S. Army Health: Handling stress and anxiety during the winter holidays
    4. What Is Bipolar Disorder?

      Bipolar Disorder, formerly called Manic Depression, is a mental illness associated with dramatic shifts in mood, energy, and the ability to think clearly. Individuals with Bipolar Disorder experience repeated and significant mood swings, or ‘episodes’, that can make them feel very high (manic) or very low (depressive). These moods differ from the typical ups-and-downs most people experience. 
      The condition affects men and women equally, impacting approximately 2.8% of the U.S. population. The average age of onset is 25, but it can also occur in teens. With a good treatment plan including therapy, medications, and a healthy lifestyle, individuals can manage their symptoms effectively.
      Definition of Bipolar Disorder
      There are three types of Bipolar Disorder, according to NIH | National Institutes of Mental Health:
      Bipolar I Disorder: when people experience one or more episodes of mania. Most people diagnosed with Bipolar I have episodes of both mania and depression, though an episode of depression is not necessary for a diagnosis. To be diagnosed with Bipolar I, manic episodes must last at least seven days or be so severe that hospitalization is required.
      Bipolar II Disorder: when depressive episodes shift back and forth with hypomanic episodes, but never a “full” manic episode.
      Cyclothymic Disorder: a chronically unstable mood state in which people experience hypomania and mild depression for at least two years. They may have brief periods of normal mood, but these periods last less than eight weeks.
      In addition, some individuals experience symptoms of Bipolar Disorder that do not exactly match the three categories listed above, and are referred to as “other specified and unspecified Bipolar Disorders”.
      Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
      According to the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), symptoms of Bipolar Disorder break down into manic and depressive symptoms, depending on what kind of episode is happening. During an episode, the symptoms listed below may last every day for most of the day, and episodes may last for several days or weeks.

      It can sometimes be more difficult to identify symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in teens than in adults since moodiness is common in teens anyway. If you or a loved one are experiencing any symptoms, be sure to check with a behavioral health professional who can rule out Bipolar Disorder or make an official diagnosis.
      Causes And Risk Factors Of Bipolar Disorder
      Most scientists agree that there is no single cause of Bipolar Disorder and it’s likely that multiple factors contribute to an individual’s chance of having the illness. Factors that may increase the risk of developing Bipolar Disorder, or act as a trigger for the first episode include:
      Having a first-degree relative, such as a parent or sibling, with the disorder
      Periods of high stress, such as the death of a loved one or other traumatic event
      Drug or alcohol abuse
      Treatment For Bipolar Disorder
      Bipolar Disorder is very treatable. Medication or a combination of therapy and medication are used to manage the disorder over time. Since people respond to treatment in different ways, those with Bipolar Disorder may need to try different combinations of medications and therapy before finding the plan that works for them.
      Bipolar Disorder doesn't get better on its own. If you or a loved one have any of the symptoms of depressive or manic episodes listed above, see a behavioral health professional. Treatment can help keep your symptoms under control.
      Do you or a loved one have symptoms of Bipolar Disorder? 
      Telemynd is a nationally delegated telebehavioral health provider for Tricare members. You can access licensed psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and therapists who can diagnose and provide treatment for Bipolar Disorder from the convenience of your home. Click here to find your current insurance provider to request an appointment today!  
      American Psychiatric Association: What Are Bipolar Disorders?
      National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Bipolar Disorder
      NIH | National Institutes of Mental Health: What Is Bipolar Disorder?
    5. What Is ADHD? (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)

      Everybody can have trouble sitting still or paying attention now and then. However, for some people, it’s so difficult that it interferes with school, work, and social life. These individuals may have ADHD (short for Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder), one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood – and for many, it lasts well into adulthood. Approximately 9% of children and 5% of adults have been diagnosed with ADHD, and professionals believe there are likely more who are undiagnosed. Fortunately, our society has become more cognizant of ADHD symptoms, so there’s a better chance of catching it early and getting treatment.
      Definition of ADHD
      ADHD is defined as a “persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development”.
      Scientists first documented children exhibiting inattentiveness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity in 1902. Since that time, the disorder has had many names. Previously known as simply ADD, the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), renamed the disorder Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, which better reflects the importance of the inattention part of the disorder as well as the other characteristics of hyperactivity and impulsivity.
      Symptoms and Diagnosis of ADHD
      The DSM-5 criteria for ADHD are lengthy, and are slightly different for children vs. adults.
      To be diagnosed with Inattention, 6 or more of the symptoms below must be present for children up to 16 years old, while 5 or more symptoms must be present for those 17 years and older. Symptoms must be present for at least 6 months, and be disruptive and inappropriate for developmental level:
      Often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, at work, or with other activities.
      Often has trouble holding attention on tasks or play activities.
      Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly.
      Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (e.g., loses focus, side-tracked).
      Often has trouble organizing tasks and activities.
      Often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to do tasks that require mental effort over a long period of time (such as schoolwork or homework).
      Often loses things necessary for tasks and activities (e.g. school materials, pencils, books, tools, wallets, keys, paperwork, eyeglasses, mobile telephones).
      Is often easily distracted
      Is often forgetful in daily activities.
      To be diagnosed with Hyperactivity and Impulsivity, 6 or more of the symptoms below must be present for children up to 16 years old, while 5 or more symptoms must be present for those 17 years and older. Symptoms must be present for at least 6 months, and be disruptive and inappropriate for developmental level:
      Often fidgets with or taps hands or feet, or squirms in seat.
      Often leaves seat in situations when remaining seated is expected.
      Often runs about or climbs in situations where it is not appropriate (adolescents or adults may be limited to feeling restless).
      Often unable to play or take part in leisure activities quietly.
      Is often “on the go” acting as if “driven by a motor”.
      Often talks excessively.
      Often blurts out an answer before a question has been completed.
      Often has trouble waiting their turn.
      Often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations or games)
      In addition, the following conditions must be met:
      Several inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive symptoms were present before age 12 years.
      Several symptoms are present in two or more settings, (such as at home, school or work; with friends or relatives; in other activities).
      There is clear evidence that the symptoms interfere with, or reduce the quality of, social, school, or work functioning.
      The symptoms are not better explained by another mental disorder (such as anxiety disorder, dissociative disorder, or a personality disorder). 
      Causes And Risk Factors
      Scientists are not sure what causes ADHD, although many studies suggest that genetics plays a big role. In addition, researchers are looking into possible environmental factors such as lead paint, and are also studying how brain injuries, nutrition, and social environment might contribute to ADHD.
      Scientists do know that the risk of ADHD can increase with the following factors:
      Close relative, such as a parent or sibling, has ADHD or other mental health disorder
      Alcohol or drugs during pregnancy
      Premature birth
      How Does ADHD Impact Daily Life?
      Children with ADHD often experience delays in independent functioning and may seem to behave younger than their peers. They may also have mild delays in language, motor skills, or social development that are not part of ADHD, but often co-occur. Kids with ADHD tend to have low frustration tolerance, difficulty controlling their emotions, and often experience mood swings. Ultimately, they’re at risk for potential problems in adolescence if the ADHD is not diagnosed and treated, such as academic failure or delays, difficulties with peers, risky behavior, or substance abuse. Early identification and treatment by a behavioral health provider is extremely important.
      Many adults who have ADHD don’t know it. They may feel that it’s difficult to get organized, stick to a project or job, or remember to keep appointments. Daily tasks such as getting up in the morning, getting ready for work, arriving on time, and being productive on the job can be especially challenging for adults with undiagnosed ADHD.  Adults with ADHD have difficulties with attention, focus, executive function, and working memory. If you feel you or your loved one have any of these symptoms, check in with a behavioral health provider who can diagnose and treat you – individuals with ADHD can be very successful in life with the right help!
      Treatment for ADHD
      ADHD can be treated with a combination of support, therapy, and medication. Speak with a behavioral health professional to learn how best to approach treatment that is right for you or your loved one. They will assess current symptoms and history to determine the best treatment plan.
      For example, certain kinds of therapy can help individuals with ADHD become more aware of their deficits in attention or focus and can provide skills for improving organization and efficiency in daily tasks. Therapy may also address feelings of low self-esteem, and help control impulsive and risky behaviors. 
      Do you or a loved one have symptoms of ADHD? 
      You can access licensed psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and therapists who can diagnose and provide treatment for ADHD from the convenience of your home. Click here to find your current insurance provider and request an appointment today!  
      Centers for Disease Control (CDC): What is ADHD?
      Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD): ADHD
      NIH | National Institutes of Mental Health: What is ADHD?
    6. Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

      It's normal to have upsetting memories, to feel stressed, or even to have trouble sleeping after experiencing a traumatic event. But most people start to feel better after a few weeks or months. If you still have intense, disturbing thoughts and feelings related to that experience long after the traumatic event, you may have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly known as PTSD.
      Definition of PTSD
      PTSD is a mental health disorder that occurs after experiencing or witnessing an upsetting traumatic event such as a natural disaster, accident, sexual assault, terroristic act, deployment into a  combat zone, or being threatened with death or serious injury. Individuals who have been diagnosed with PTSD may relive the event through flashbacks or nightmares; feel continual sadness, fear, or anger; or an overarching detachment toward those they previously held closest. Strong negative reactions to sensory cues that remind them of the event is another common effect; seemingly “ordinary” loud noises or even an accidental touch could cause a trigger. 
      PTSD affects 3.6% of the U.S. adult population. About 37% of those diagnosed with PTSD are classified as having severe symptoms. If you or a loved one are in the military, the statistics are even higher: 11-20 out of every 100 veterans who served in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have PTSD in a given year.
      PTSD often occurs with other related conditions, such as Depression, substance abuse, memory problems, and other mental health problems.
      Know that PTSD is not a weakness. Anyone who experiences trauma is susceptible to developing it. We don’t yet know why some experience stronger PTSD symptoms while others are able to seemingly move past the events, but research continues to be conducted for improved treatment.
      Symptoms of PTSD
      According to the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), in order to be diagnosed with PTSD, an individual must have all of the following for at least one month:
      At least one re-experiencing symptom (e.g., flashbacks—reliving the trauma over and over, including physical symptoms like a racing heart or sweating, bad dreams, or frightening thoughts)
      At least one avoidance symptom (e.g., staying away from places, events, or objects that are reminders of the traumatic experience, or avoiding thoughts or feelings related to the traumatic event)
      At least two arousal and reactivity symptoms (e.g., being easily startled, feeling tense or “on edge”, having difficulty sleeping, having angry outbursts)
      At least two cognition and mood symptoms (e.g., trouble remembering the key features of the traumatic event, negative thoughts about oneself or the world, distorted feelings like guilt or blame, or loss of interest in enjoyable activities)
      Many individuals develop symptoms within three months of the trauma, but symptoms can appear later and often persist for months or years. It’s best to speak with a behavioral health professional to get a clear diagnosis and to find how best to approach a treatment plan that’s right for you.
      Causes And Risk Factors
      Anyone can develop PTSD at any age after a triggering event, but multiple risk factors play a part in determining whether an individual will develop PTSD after a traumatic event or not, including:
      Childhood trauma (related or unrelated to the triggering trauma)
      Feeling horror, helplessness, or extreme fear during and after the event
      Having little or no social support after the event
      Dealing with additional stress after the event, such as loss of a loved one, job or home, or medical injury
      A history of mental illness or substance abuse
      Scientists believe that our “fight-or-flight” instincts – which can be life-saving during a crisis – when extended past the event, can leave us with ongoing, unhelpful symptoms. 
      How Does PTSD Impact Daily Life?
      PTSD can impact our day-to-day routines in many ways, making it difficult to do daily tasks, such as sleeping, eating, or concentrating. It can impact relationships, and our outlook on life. For example, remembering and reliving the initial trauma may cause problems at work or at home – triggering an out-of-perspective or inappropriate emotional response to everyday experiences. Individuals who have avoidance symptoms may do things like avoiding driving or riding in a car. Other individuals may feel stressed and angry all the time or isolated from friends and family. Left untreated, PTSD can cause dependence on drugs or alcohol or avoidance of activities that once made us happy. 
      Treatment for PTSD
      It’s important to know that it’s never too late to get help for PTSD! While it cannot be cured, PTSD is treatable and mitigated in several ways. Treatment typically combines therapy, medication, and self-management strategies, such as self-soothing and mindfulness. Service animals, particularly dogs, often help with reducing symptoms of PTSD.
      Please note, if you or a loved one have thoughts of suicide, you should contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), Option 1.
      Do You Or A Loved One Have Symptoms Of PTSD? 
      Telemynd is a national telebehavioral health provider covered with many insurers. You can access licensed psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and therapists from the convenience of your home. Click here to find your current insurance provider and request an appointment today!  
      NIH | National Institutes of Mental Health: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
      American Psychiatric Association: What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
      Department of Veterans Affairs, National Center for PTSD: PTSD
    7. What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

      Feeling nervous about life? Having a hard time concentrating or relaxing because you worry all the time? Can't shake the feeling that something bad will happen and you are unprepared?  You’re not alone.
      If you are in a chronic state of anxiety and stress, you may have Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), which can make a person feel constantly worried even when there is little or no reason to. You may worry about missing a deadline, losing a job or a loved one, or having an accident. You may even worry about worrying too much. The stress can become debilitating and can lead to a loss of perspective on your current situation.
      Definition of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
      Generalized Anxiety Disorder is characterized in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) as “6 months or more of chronic, exaggerated worry and tension that is unfounded, or much more severe than the normal, everyday worry most people experience”.  An estimated 31.1% of U.S. adults experience an anxiety disorder at some time in their lives. The disorder can begin at any age, and affects children as well as adults. 
      The good news is that GAD is treatable.
      Symptoms of GAD
      People with GAD can't rid themselves of the feeling of worry, even while recognizing that it may be unwarranted. They may be unable to relax and have trouble falling or staying asleep. In addition, they may:
      Feel restless, irritable or feel “on edge”
      Have a hard time concentrating
      Be easily startled
      Feel easily tired or exhausted all the time
      Have headaches, muscle aches, or stomach aches 
      Have a hard time swallowing
      Tremble or twitch
      Feel sweaty, light-headed or out of breath
      Feel nauseous or tingling in the extremities
      Have to go to the bathroom a lot
      Experience hot flashes
      Causes and risk factors
      Scientists find that anxiety disorders result from a combination of genetic, behavioral, and developmental causes. Risk factors include a family history of anxiety and recent periods of stress. People with certain personality traits, such as shyness, may also be more vulnerable to developing anxiety disorders.
      Physiologically, scientists believe that GAD probably arises from over-activation of the brain mechanism responsible for fear and the “fight-or-flight” response. The amygdala is the part of your brain that initiates a response to perceived danger. It communicates with the hypothalamus which then releases hormones that raise your heart rate and blood pressure, tense your muscles, and ready your body to fight or run. According to scientists, in people with GAD, the amygdala may be so sensitive that it overreacts to situations that aren't really threatening, inadvertently provoking an emergency stress response. Over time, anxiety can become attached to thoughts that are not related to true sources of danger -  in a sense, “the brain may inadvertently create its own fears”.
      How does GAD impact daily life?
      All of us worry about everyday things - how we are going to get all our errands done while staying on top of work deadlines; how we’ll pay for the next vacation or the kids’ college education; how we’ll take care of an aging parent or deal with an in-law at the next family holiday. These are all normal.
      It’s when this worry becomes uncontrollable, lasts for months at a time, and interferes with our ability to function, that it’s time to seek a behavioral health professional to diagnose potential GAD. Adults who have been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder say things like, “I dreaded going to work because I couldn’t keep my mind focused”, or “I was having trouble falling asleep every night because my mind was racing with worry, so I was always tired”, or “I was irritated with my family all the time”.
      If you or your loved one are in the military or serve as a first responder, there is already a justifiable amount of things to worry about, such as separation from those you hold dear, frequent moves, or parenting alone while a loved one is deployed; however this worry can sometimes develop into something more. Active duty military as well as veterans can develop anxiety disorder after experiencing trauma, or during high-stress situations, such as the transition from military to civilian life. In fact, the VA stated there was a 327% increase in reported anxiety disorders among service members between 2000 and 2012. Caring for a loved one with anxiety disorder presents its own challenges, and you want to make sure you have the best professional resources available to help.
      Children and teens are also susceptible to developing an anxiety disorder. According to NIH, an estimated 31.9% of adolescents have some form of anxiety disorder. Symptoms are identical to adults - excessive, chronic worry plus physical symptoms. Children with GAD tend to dwell about the same things as their non-anxious peers, but do so in excess. They may focus obsessively on things they see in the news, such as forest fires or crime. These worries and symptoms can impair daily functioning, and may cause them to avoid activities that trigger or worsen their feelings of stress, so school work and relationships suffer.
      Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
      GAD can be treated with a combination of therapy, medication, or both. Speak  with a behavioral health professional on how best to approach a treatment that is right for you. In some cases, a healthy lifestyle including good diet, exercise and the right amount of sleep can help reduce symptoms.
      Although different techniques may work for different people, a therapist can help you identify new ways of thinking and reacting to situations that help you feel less anxious. You may be advised to track your responses over time to discover potential behavior patterns, or learn techniques to promote relaxation. Both medication and therapy take time to work, so it is recommended to continue with your prescribed regimen and not get discouraged too quickly. This is manageable, and there is help to cope with these feelings. You can feel better.
      Feeling like you or a loved one may have some of the anxiety symptoms described here? 
      Telemynd is a nationally delegated telebehavioral health provider for TRICARE members. You can access licensed psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and therapists from the convenience of your home. You can review benefit coverage or visit our request appointment page to choose your current insurance provider and get started!
      NIH | National Institutes of Mental Health: Generalized Anxiety Disorder
      American Psychiatric Association: What are Anxiety Disorders?
      Harvard Mental Health Letter: Generalized Anxiety Disorder
      National Alliance on Mental Health Illness: Anxiety Disorders
    8. Differences Between Adjustment Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, & Depression

      You or a loved one just received a diagnosis of Adjustment Disorder (AD) from a behavioral health professional. What does it mean? And how is AD different from Anxiety Disorder or Depression? 
      Definition of Adjustment Disorder
      Adjustment Disorder is a condition that can occur when you have difficulty coping with a specific, stressful life event - for example, a death or illness in the family, getting fired or laid off from a job, significant relationship issues like break-ups or divorce, or sudden change in social settings (more isolation, for example) due to the pandemic. Because of this, Adjustment Disorder can also be referred to as “situational depression.” The inability to adjust to stressful events like these can cause one or more severe psychological and/or physical symptoms. 
      According to the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), in order to be diagnosed with Adjustment Disorder, individuals must have emotional or behavioral symptoms within 3 months of having been exposed to a stressor (like those mentioned above), and symptoms must be clinically significant as shown by one or more of the following: 
      Marked distress that is out of proportion to the stressor
      The symptoms significantly impair social or occupational functioning.
      Stressors that cause AD can even reoccur over time, for example, seasonal business crises, or recurrent hospitalizations for an illness or disability.
      Adjustment disorders can affect both adults and children. It’s estimated that each year, almost 7% of adults in the US are diagnosed with AD. These disorders typically resolve over time and with treatment by a behavioral health professional.
      Symptoms of Adjustment Disorder
      Symptoms vary depending on how the disorder manifests. Adjustment Disorder can be present with these symptoms: 
      Depressed mood, sadness
      Feelings of hopelessness
      Severe changes in emotions manifesting in things like frequent crying
      Feeling or acting unusually argumentative
      Changes in conduct (i.e., acting up in school or work)
      Worry, nervousness, jitteriness
      While the symptoms of Adjustment Disorder can be short-term and usually improve over time, they may resemble other psychiatric conditions, such as Major Depression or Anxiety Disorders. So, how can you tell the difference?
      How to tell the difference between Adjustment Disorder, Depression and Anxiety Disorder
      Individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder often have a lengthy and consistent history of anxiety and excessive worry, whereas individuals with Adjustment Disorder only experience their symptoms in times of or in response to stress or change.
      You can have both disorders, and Anxiety Disorder can be made worse by stressors such as change or adjusting to new routines. But if you have Adjustment Disorder, you’ll typically see a reduction in your anxiety as you adapt to the change or learn to cope with the stressor, while anxiety and related symptoms are continual for those with GAD.
      Similarly, there are key differences between Adjustment Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder, with the two differentiating factors being duration and cause. While Adjustment Disorder traditionally resolves within a matter of months, Major Depression tends to last much longer and only resolves with professional treatment. And while AD is triggered by a specific event, Depression seems to be caused by genetic and psychological factors, and cannot be attributed to a specific event.
      Summary of the differences between Adjustment Disorder, Depression and Anxiety Disorder

      Regardless of whether you have symptoms of Adjustment Disorder, GAD, or Depression, it is important to know that treatment is available and feeling better is possible. It’s important to start by having a behavioral health professional diagnose your condition, they can then help to manage your symptoms and learn coping skills. Like GAD and Depression, treatment for Adjustment Disorder is typically a combination of individual therapy, family therapy or group therapy, and to a lesser extent, medication.
      Has a recent stressful event caused you or a loved one to have symptoms of Adjustment Disorder? 
      Telemynd is a national telebehavioral health provider covered with many insurers. You can access licensed psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and therapists from the convenience of your home. Click here to find your current insurance provider and request an appointment today!  
      Johns Hopkins Medicine: Adjustment Disorders
      Merck Manual 2020: Adjustment Disorders
    9. Understanding Major Depressive Disorder

      Feeling “blue”, “out of sorts”, or “down in the dumps” are ways we describe feelings of sadness or melancholy. Most of us have felt this way at one time or another. However, what’s known as Clinical Depression or Major Depressive Disorder has multiple symptoms in addition to sadness. As well, individuals with true Depression feel these symptoms much more intensely and experience them for longer periods of time.
      Depression is a clinical mood disorder that affects how you feel, think, and behave and can lead to a variety of other problems if left untreated. Depression isn't a weakness and you can't just "snap out" of it. In fact, it may cause you to have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities. Fortunately, with early detection and a treatment plan consisting of medication, therapy, and healthy lifestyle choices, many people can and do manage their depression.
      Definition of Major Depressive Disorder
      After Anxiety, Depression is the most common mental health disorder. According to the American Psychiatric Association, Depression affects an estimated one in 15 adults in any given year, and one in six people will experience it at some time in their life. Depression can occur at any time, but typically first appears during the late teens to mid-20s. People of all ages and all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds experience Depression.
      Depressive Disorders are defined as “feelings of sadness intense enough to interfere with functioning and/or a decreased interest or pleasure in activities”. There are several types of Depressive Disorders and all are commonly called “Depression”. Major Depressive Disorder, the subject of this article, is defined by the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) as experiencing at least 5 of the symptoms listed below nearly every day for a 2-week period, and one of them must be depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure.
      Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder
      Multiple, persistent symptoms are required for a diagnosis of Major Depression:
      Persistent sad mood
      Feelings of hopelessness, or pessimism
      Irritability and/or anxiousness
      Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
      Loss of interest in hobbies and normal activities
      Decreased energy or tiredness
      Moving or talking slowly
      Feeling restless
      Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
      Difficulty sleeping or conversely, frequent oversleeping
      Appetite changes
      Aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems without a clear physical cause 
      If you’ve been experiencing some of these symptoms nearly every day for at least two weeks, you may be suffering from Depression. A behavioral health professional can make an official diagnosis.
      Causes and risk factors
      The exact cause of Depression is unclear, but reduced levels of key neurotransmitters like serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine in the brain are believed to play a part in most cases. These are hormones that stabilize your mood, your feelings of well-being, pleasure, happiness, and your capacity to feel energized, so lower levels can have a very negative impact on your well-being and ability to function on a daily basis.
      A number of risk factors may make Depression more likely:
      Heredity (genetic factors contribute to Depression in about half of individuals diagnosed)
      Significantly emotionally distressing events, particularly those involving a loss
      Certain physical and anxiety disorders
      Substance and alcohol use disorders
      Side effects of certain drugs
      Social class, race, and culture do not affect the chance that people will experience Depression during their lifetime.
      How does Depression impact daily life?
      Even though there are many situations in life that can cause sadness and in which we might describe ourselves as being “depressed”, it is important to know the difference between “everyday” sadness and Clinical Depression. Understanding this difference can assist people in getting the help, support, and treatment they need. If you have any doubts about what you are feeling, contact a behavioral health professional who can make an official diagnosis and suggest the best treatment.
      Without treatment, individuals with Clinical Depression may be more likely to use alcohol or other drugs in an attempt to help them sleep or to feel less sad. It’s also been found that those with undiagnosed Depression are more likely to smoke or to neglect their health in other ways. Depression may also reduce the immune system's ability to respond to infection; as a result, people with untreated Depression are more likely to get sick more often.
      All of these things impact our ability to function well on a daily basis, to do our jobs, and to be the best parent, spouse, son, daughter, caregiver, or friend that we can be. Therefore, getting an early diagnosis and treatment plan is critical.
      Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder
      Most Depressive Disorders can be treated with a combination of support, therapy, and medication. Speak with a behavioral health professional on how best to approach treatment that is right for you. They will assess your current symptoms and your history of Depression in order to determine the best treatment plan. Once it is chosen, the plan may change over time depending on how well you respond to the care provided. 
      Expect your mood to improve gradually, not immediately. In some cases, a healthy lifestyle including a good diet, exercise, and healthy sleep habits can also help reduce symptoms. In addition, behavioral health specialists may recommend spending time with good friends and family, rather than isolating yourself, as well as continuing to educate yourself about Depression, as information can feel empowering.
      Please note, if you or a loved one have thoughts of suicide, contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), Option 1
      Do you or a loved one have symptoms of Depression?
      You can access licensed psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and therapists from the convenience of your home. Click here to find your current insurance provider and request an appointment today!
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