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  1. Many people wonder, “Does eating healthy make you feel better?” In the case of the food and mood connection, the simple answer is yes. In fact, food is the fuel that drives all the body’s processes, so it makes sense that providing the body with the highest quality of fuel can make you feel your best, both physically and mentally. Read on to learn about the relationship between food and mood, as well as how to cultivate healthy eating habits one meal at a time. The Importance of Healthy Eating Habits Being mindful of food consumption can play a big role in overall well-being. This is because mindful nutrition can have a significant impact on your physical and mental health. Healthy eating habits can lower your risk of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia. Eating healthy foods can also increase your immunity and help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight, both of which help maximize wellness. The Connection Between Healthy Eating and Mood The benefits of eating nutritious food transcend the effects on the physical body. Beyond helping you avoid chronic disease and excess body weight, eating healthy foods can also improve energy levels, focus, and mood. In fact, researchers have found that people who follow a healthy eating pattern have better mental health than those who adhere to less healthy diets. The converse is also true: Fueling the body with poor-quality food can negatively impact mental health. Researchers are uncertain why there is a food and mood connection, but it may be related to the small microorganisms that live in the gastrointestinal tract (the “gut microbiome”) and their influence on mood and behavior. Healthy eating patterns can also reduce underlying inflammation within the body, which may improve mood disorders. Another proposed mechanism is that eating a healthy and consistent diet can minimize wild swings in blood sugar levels, which may be a factor in conditions of low mood. Tips for How to Cultivate Healthy Eating Habits It’s one thing to know the importance of creating healthy eating habits. It’s quite another challenge to maintain those habits over the long term. Here are some helpful tips for how to cultivate healthy eating habits. Tip #1: Meal Plan in Advance Having an eating plan in place in advance can help you avoid a situation in which you are super hungry and tempted to give in to cravings for unhealthy food choices. Meal planning can be a helpful way to start cultivating healthy eating habits. Start by writing down what you typically eat in a given week, broken down by each meal. Then, evaluate where you can start making changes. This may be as small as making a big batch of oatmeal over the weekend and progressively eating it for breakfast during the week instead of relying on whatever's around at the office for grazing. Gradually, you can ramp up your meal planning so that you're being deliberate or mindful for the majority of meals each week. If you know in advance that you will have a particularly busy or hectic day, take that into consideration when food prepping so that you have a quick and easy meal planned or, even better, plenty of leftovers available from the day before. Tip #2: Make the Mood Food Connection Fun Parents across the board are used to using various strategies to make healthy eating more appealing to kids (i.e., “ants on a log” to get children to consume celery, peanut butter, and raisins). The same strategy can be applied to adults of all ages as well. Eating healthy foods does not have to be boring. Instead, look for a fun and easy cookbook or search for fun and easy recipes on Pinterest to help stay motivated. Experimenting with food shapes (star-shaped cucumbers, anyone?) and creative dips can trick the brain into being excited about eating foods that may feel less thrilling at first blush. Tip #3: Avoid Absolute Restriction Trying to cut certain “temptation” foods completely out of the diet is very difficult to do and maintain. You may have a string of healthy eating days and then go completely off the rails when you lose willpower or have a “cheat day.” Nothing can derail a balanced diet like bouncing back and forth between super-healthy meals and meals that are completely void of any nutrition at all. Instead, you should avoid absolute restriction and permit yourself to eat what you enjoy in moderation, while also eating healthy foods. Tip #4: Stay Well Hydrated Part of a healthy eating plan includes staying well hydrated. Sometimes you may feel hungry when you’re actually just thirsty, which is why it’s important to keep up with daily water intake requirements (3.7 liters for the average man and 2.7 liters for the average woman). Some studies have even shown that drinking water before a meal may reduce the amount that a person eats during the meal, so staying well hydrated may also help with portion control. Tip #5: Experiment With Spices Eating healthy means eating a rainbow of different-colored fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats. Adding a number of new fruits and vegetables into the diet may be enough to spice things up, but if you are struggling to stick to a healthy eating habit, adding more spices can help too. Healthy herbs and spices can keep new foods interesting and fun to experiment with, and many herbs and spices have wellness-boosting properties themselves. Tip #6: Don’t Get Too Ambitious When you have early success with mindful eating, you should pat yourself on the back and applaud your efforts. And it’s equally important to not get over-ambitious with trying a new recipe every night because this can lead to burnout. Instead, work on perfecting a few new easy recipes for the arsenal and incorporating these into your daily life. Gradually building in a new dish here and there can help mix things up without feeling too overwhelming and making you vulnerable to giving up altogether. Common Challenges of Healthy Eating Habits In today’s world, it’s not always easy to eat healthy, even when you know it's the best way to keep yourself firing on all cylinders. The following challenges are common, but some workarounds can help sustain healthy eating habits. Challenge #1: Eating Healthy Can Be Expensive Shopping exclusively at a farmer’s market or high-end grocery is a recipe for financial distress. People often find it challenging to change their eating habits because fresh, healthy produce tends to be more pricey than processed foods that are more shelf-stable. While this is a real challenge, it doesn’t have to get in the way of embracing the food and mood connection. To stay within budget, try to buy healthy foods in bulk, and shop during sales whenever possible. One way to do this is to eat the fresh produce that is in season at any given time of year. Buying frozen produce can also help save money while still maximizing nutritional benefits. Challenge #2: Eating Healthy Can Be Time-Consuming Another challenge when it comes to making healthy food choices is that it can initially take more time and effort to eat healthy than it does to make last-minute food decisions and pick up dinner from the drive-through on the way home. It takes real cognitive work to plan out meals, shop for ingredients, and then prepare those meals, compared to eating out or buying ready-made meals. However, once you get into a pattern of eating healthy, it's simple to find workarounds to reduce the amount of time required. Meal prepping in advance, so that you have easy, ready-to-go snacks, lunches, or dinners, can go a long way in cutting down on preparation time. Also, seek out recipes with just a few ingredients and meals that can be prepared on "auto pilot" — such as one pot meals, sheet pan meals, or slow cooker meals. Challenge #3: Eating Healthy Can Make It Hard to Socialize It may be intimidating to make changes to a nutrition plan if you're worried about the social implications. If eating out or frequent dinners are part of your work culture or social life, you may feel self-conscious about not ordering pizza with the group or eating a salad instead of digging into the burger and fries. However, healthy eating options are typically available everywhere, once you start to look. Taking a peek at the menu online ahead of time can help reduce decision-related stress in the moment and make it more likely that you will stick to the plan. Sometimes, just choosing the healthier option in a social setting, or the lesser evil, can go a long way in sticking to a balanced diet. Embracing the Food-Mood Connection The undeniable connection between food and mood highlights the importance of healthy eating habits for both physical and mental well-being. Nourishing our bodies with high-quality fuel can lead to increased energy, focus, and better mental health. Strategies like meal planning, creative food choices, moderation, hydration, and flavor experimentation aid in cultivating these habits. Despite challenges, embracing this relationship empowers us to enhance our overall wellness, meal by mindful meal.
  2. Beyond the frenzy of school supply shopping, lies a more crucial task on the back-to-school agenda for parents – helping their children manage the stress that often accompanies this transition. As the school year brings forth new teachers, friends, and expectations, it's important for parents to play a pivotal role in establishing routines and nurturing a positive mindset that can help children tackle change confidently. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into practical strategies that empower parents to support their kids' emotional well-being during the back-to-school period. Reducing Back-to-School Anxiety Through Routines The shift from summer's carefree days to structured school routines can trigger anxiety in children. Establishing a new routine can help ease this transition by providing predictability and a sense of control. Here’s how parents can guide their children in crafting an effective routine: Step 1: Crafting a Realistic Schedule Parents should work backward from fixed constraints, like school start times, to build a routine. Allot extra time to account for learning curves and unforeseen delays, ensuring a stress-free start to the day. Step 2: Involving Children in the Process Foster a sense of ownership by involving children in the routine creation process. Encourage them to participate in decisions, such as choosing an alarm tone or a morning activity, instilling a sense of empowerment. Step 3: Preparing Through Practice Parents can ease children into the new routine gradually by adjusting sleep schedules and practicing the routine in the weeks leading up to school. Conduct a "practice morning" to allow kids to visualize and adjust to the changes. Step 4: Embracing Flexibility Accept that unexpected factors may influence the routine. Flexibility is key in adapting to unforeseen circumstances, allowing both parents and children to feel more empowered. Supporting Mental and Emotional Well-Being Beyond routines, providing mental and emotional support is paramount for a successful transition. Parents can take several steps to help children cope with back-to-school stress: Open Communication: Establish an "open door" policy where children feel comfortable sharing their concerns. Active listening can go a long way in managing anxieties effectively. Creative Outlets: Encourage children to express their emotions through journaling, art, or other creative avenues, offering alternative channels for communication. Trusted Support System: Inform children about other supportive adults they can turn to, such as family members or caregivers, giving them multiple outlets to address their worries. Positive Mindset: Foster enthusiasm and a positive outlook about the new school year to help children approach change with optimism. Additional Support For children facing heightened back-to-school anxiety, seeking professional help is a viable option. Telemynd offers a range of expert mental health services, including licensed psychiatrists and therapists who can provided personalized support tailored to children's needs. Empowering children during the back-to-school transition involves more than just checking off school supply lists. By creating effective routines, fostering open communication, and supporting mental well-being, parents lay a strong foundation for their children's emotional resilience. This comprehensive guide equips parents with practical tools to guide their kids through the journey of change, ensuring a confident and successful start to the new school year.
  3. When people hear the term “self-care,” they may envision someone taking a spa day or a long vacation to the Caribbean. Ahhh, sounds dreamy … but that’s not exactly self-care. While those activities may be relaxing, they are not an accurate depiction of practicing self-care, and they are too costly to help anyone on a regular basis. True self-care is a routine of repeated activities that help someone care for their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. While the specific habits will look slightly different for everyone, the overall goals are always balance and a healthy lifestyle. This article will provide a beginner’s guide to self-care. Anyone starting their self-care journey can begin with confidence and find helpful tips in this self-care guide. Self-Care for Beginners Before anyone can begin practicing self-care, they must first understand what it is — and what it is not. The general goals and practice of self-care are similar for everyone: Find balance in life by making time for activities that refresh them physically, mentally, and emotionally. Self-care is not typically lavish events or expensive vacations. It's not something to do just once or twice a year. And self-care is not something that only happens when the rest of life is put on hold. More commonly, self-care looks like small daily activities or routines taking 20 minutes or less. Some may cost money — like buying a face mask or enjoying a specialty coffee. But others are free: petting a dog, reading a book from the library, or talking to a friend. Self-care activities are important for general health and well-being. Not only are they enjoyable, but they also serve a scientific purpose for the body. Engaging in self-care activities releases “happiness chemicals” in the brain: serotonin, endorphins, dopamine, and oxytocin. Keeping these chemicals flowing helps prevent depression and improves overall mood and health. Anyone beginning to practice self-care can take small steps toward improving their mental health and well-being. Essential Tips for Starting Self-Care Self-care for beginners may take some practice before someone feels any results. People who are already overwhelmed and near burnout find it difficult to add one more thing to their schedule. But truly, everyone deserves self-care. It is available to anyone who makes an effort to take care of themselves for a few minutes a day or throughout the week. Beginners to self-care should follow these essential tips for starting self-care routines. 1. Assess Needs The first step in self-care for beginners is to pause and assess their needs. Where are they feeling the least balanced and healthy right now? For example, if they have been feeling tired and overworked lately, the most obvious need is a physical one: sleep. But it's important to take the time to look a little deeper to assess all needs. Sleep is a physical need, but it is closely related to mental health. If the thing keeping someone awake at night is a stressful relationship, they may have unmet emotional needs. If they’re restless because their brain keeps worrying over to-do lists, their true need may be relaxation and a mental break. All these situations can make someone feel tired, but the answer to solving them looks different in each scenario. Self-care is a unique process for everyone. It’s most effective when someone takes the time to assess their needs first and then find self-care habits to meet those needs. A self-care beginner can assess self-care needs in the following categories: Physical: Are they getting balanced meals, exercise, feeling strong and healthy, getting sleep? Mental: Are they able to function at work, make decisions, think clearly, and complete long-term projects? Emotional: Do they feel valued, respected, fulfilled? Do they have people to talk to about challenges? Depending on their answers to these questions, someone can focus on the self-care routines that will fill in the gaps for their current mental and physical well-being. 2. Set Obtainable Goals Self-care can bring balance to many issues, but it doesn’t work overnight. It’s also not a replacement for prescriptions from a doctor. When someone is starting a new self-care routine, they need to be realistic about what they want to achieve with self-care and how much time they can realistically commit to self-care. For example, a relaxing bedtime routine may be an ideal solution for someone struggling to get enough sleep. But it may be unrealistic for them to spend an hour every single night taking a bath, writing in a journal, practicing meditation, and listening to relaxing music. Instead, they may need to break up these activities into smaller chunks of time throughout the week. It’s important to set reasonable goals and a realistic timeline for a self-care journey. It usually takes about a month of repeated effort before something becomes a habit. A self-care beginner should try their new self-care routine for several weeks before reevaluating and making adjustments. It helps to review the assessment questions above to see if there have been any changes or improvements. 3. Create a Self-Care Toolkit Any self-care guide for beginners will include a list of self-care activities to try. These are considered self-care toolkits because they are things someone can pick and choose to support their overall well-being. The tools are generally the same, but people will use different options for various situations, depending on their self-care needs. Self-care means valuing oneself enough to carve out time for the things they need most: Physical needs, like exercise and healthy meals Intellectual stimulation, like learning a new skill Emotional connection, like talking to friends Relaxation needs, like soaking in a hot bath If none of those activities sound appealing, don’t worry! There are many paths for a beginner to start practicing self-care. Don’t get caught up in the details because self-care habits look a little different for everyone. Keep reading to discover more detailed suggestions for a self-care toolkit. 4. Overcome Challenges and Setbacks Any time someone begins a new habit, they are bound to encounter difficulties. They may forget to set aside time for the self-care activities they want to enjoy. Or someone may try a few self-care routines and feel awkward, like they aren’t a good fit. These challenges are common, especially for self-care beginners. The most important thing is persistence. No one should give up on their own self-care! If one type of activity isn’t working, switch to a different option from the self-care toolkit. If fitting self-care into a daily routine is difficult, someone can try scheduling it into a calendar or setting reminders on the phone. It’s worthwhile to make self-care a priority and keep those self-care “appointments” in the schedule. 5. Celebrate Progress and Self-Reflection Since self-care routines impact physical and mental health in tiny ways throughout the day, someone may not see a dramatic change immediately after beginning to practice self-care. Remember, change is gradual. So it’s important to celebrate baby steps and small improvements along the way. An essential tip for starting self-care is to take time to reflect on progress. Someone who reviews the assessment questions every few weeks will start to notice improved answers. When self-care becomes an automatic part of their routine, that’s a sign of success. If a self-care activity becomes the highlight of the day, that means it’s working! To maximize self-care benefits, celebrate progress with small rewards or monthly treats. Celebration can be self-care too. How to Create a Self-Care Toolkit Ultimately, self-care comes down to the individual activities and routines someone chooses to prioritize for their own well-being. The activities may look different for each person, but the self-care message is always the same: “I’m doing this because I value myself, and I’m worth it.” For example, one person may enjoy taking walks in the woods, while someone else prefers reading a book, but both are making time for activities they enjoy. Self-care for beginners means picking and choosing activities from the following lists to see which ones best fulfill their unmet needs. As needs change, it’s natural to try different self-care activities from the toolkit. Self-care activities to nurture physical well-being: Go for a walk (preferably in nature) Drink water Do stretching exercises Take deep breaths Close your eyes, give them a break Eat a healthy meal Get a good night’s sleep Soak up sunlight Take a bath or shower Exercise for 10-20 minutes Buy new clothes or makeup Use a cleansing face mask Bake something yummy Get a massage Take a 20-minute power nap Get a manicure or pedicure Dance to music Self-care activities to cultivate mental and emotional well-being: Listen to music Write in a gratitude journal Call or text someone Laugh Practice meditation Write down positive affirmations Spend time with a friend Light a candle Drink a cup of tea Pet a dog or cat Water plants or flowers Color or paint in a de-stressing coloring book Read a self-help book Snuggle with a weighted blanket Listen to inspiring podcasts De-clutter your space Put together a puzzle Try a creative hobby Read mental health blogs Smell flowers or essential oils Do an act of kindness for someone Plan a social event Hug someone Create and enforce boundaries Talk to a coach or therapist Anyone beginning their self-care journey can choose several fun ideas from the self-care toolkit here. They should select the activities that best meet their personal needs based on the assessment questions. After trying at least one a day for a week, they can repeat the activities that were most helpful to them. Self-care for beginners doesn’t have to be intimidating! With the tips from this self-care guide, anyone can take steps toward self-care and improving their physical and mental well-being.
  4. Get ready for National Wellness Month! At Telemynd, we believe that everyone deserves access to mental health and well-being practices that promote a healthier and happier life. That's why we're excited to present our 30-Day Wellness Challenge, focusing on activities and practices to enhance your mental health. Join us on this journey of self-care and discovery, as we embark on a month-long quest to prioritize our mental well-being one day at a time. Day 1-5: Mindfulness Start the challenge by incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine. Practice deep breathing exercises, meditation, or simply take a few minutes each day to be fully present in the moment. If you need guidance for your mindfulness practice, YouTube offers a wide range of resources, including guided meditations, calming background sounds, and other videos, to help you cultivate mindful environment wherever you are. Day 6-10: Get Moving Physical activity is essential for mental well-being. Try engaging in free workout videos available online or take a walk in nature. Invite friends or family to join you, making exercise both fun and social. Day 11-16: Journal Your Thoughts Journaling is a therapeutic practice that allows you to express your thoughts and emotions freely. Invest in an affordable notebook or use digital journaling apps to track your progress and reflect on your feelings throughout the challenge. Day 17-21: Cultivate Gratitude Practicing gratitude can significantly improve your mental health. Each day, write down three things you are thankful for. Whether it's a beautiful sunset, a supportive friend, or a small achievement, expressing gratitude can shift your focus to the positive aspects of life. Day 22-26: Connect with Nature Spend time outdoors and connect with nature during this phase of the challenge. Enjoy a picnic in the park, take a hike, or have a relaxing day at the beach. Nature has a calming effect on the mind and soul, helping you recharge and rejuvenate. Day 27-31: Embrace Creativity Engaging in creative activities can be incredibly therapeutic. Try drawing, painting, writing poetry, or learning a musical instrument. You don't need expensive art supplies; simple materials will do. Let your creativity flow freely and notice the positive impact on your mental well-being. Bonus Tips: Social Support: Reach out to friends and family for emotional support during the challenge. Share your experiences, feelings, and progress with them. Get Inspired: Try exploring various online resources or ideas to discover activities or practices you may want to try during each week of this challenge. Remember, everyone's wellness journey is unique, so feel free to personalize the challenge to suit your needs and preferences. Let your individuality shine as you embark on this transformative and enriching experience! Telemynd Resources: Telemynd offers affordable and accessible mental health services. Consider exploring our virtual therapy sessions and mental health resources for expert guidance and support.
  5. With August right around the corner, we know that the days of carefree summer adventures with your kids are drawing to a close. However, there's still time to make the most of this season before school starts again. Summer for kids is all about relaxation, with no school schedules to worry about. They can stay up late, enjoy family trips, and engage in creative activities. This time presents a wonderful opportunity for kids to explore new things, discover their local surroundings, and create lasting memories during family outings. As parents, we all want to ensure that summer adventures with our kids are enjoyable for everyone involved. Yet, we understand that summer can be a bit overwhelming for parents, as we try to keep our kids fed and entertained. The days might feel never-ending, and the bickering over toys and screen time can add to the stress. It's not uncommon for the craft ideas we find online to end up causing more mess and frustration than anticipated. For parents seeking a stress-free summer experience with their kids, it's essential to plan ahead with kid-friendly activities and family outings. While there's no guarantee of a perfect, stress-free day, we've found that by preparing in advance, staying flexible, and involving our children in the planning process, we are more likely to have successful and enjoyable summer adventures with the little ones. If you're looking for stress-free activities to enjoy with your kids during these last days of summer, we've put together some helpful tips for you. Let's make the most of this time and create wonderful memories with our children Planning Summer Activities With Children When preparing for summer adventures with children, parents can take steps to set themselves up for success. It’s important for parents to consider their child(ren)’s age and be realistic about what activities are the best fit for their schedule and budget. The best activities are those parents can set up and demonstrate for their child, which they can enjoy safely with minimal supervision. Open-ended play will keep kids entertained for a long period of time while developing their problem-solving or creative abilities. To keep summer activities running smoothly and stress-free, parents should follow these tips for kid-friendly summer adventures. Create a Schedule Kids can make the most of summer activities when they have a predictable schedule to follow. Children with predictable routines are generally calmer and find it easier to adjust between activities. This doesn’t mean parents need to plan every minute of the day. But they should give kids of all ages some structure for the day. Some ideas for a summer schedule include: Do chores right after breakfast Go outside to play in the morning Do 20 minutes of reading Quiet time after lunch Complete workbook activities before screen time Go to the pool on Saturday afternoons If a child is still learning to read, parents can use color-coded papers or pictures to display the schedule for their child. Practice Flexibility and Embrace Unpredictability Yes, schedules and structure are important. But life won’t look the same every single day of the summer. Children love when little unexpected events change their regular routines. Embrace the flexibility of summer days with these simple, stress-free adventures for children: Let kids pick out a treat at the grocery store Attend kid craft activities at the library After kids earn allowance from chores, take them out for ice cream or snow cones Fill up water balloons on a hot afternoon Spin a wheel of possible activities for the day Stay up late to catch fireflies Summer allows for more flexible schedules, so be sure to do simple unpredictable summer activities with kids to make the best memories. Involve Kids in the Planning Process Kids of any age can get involved in planning family-friendly summer activities. Parents who involve their kids in making summer plans will enjoy several benefits. Kids who help plan activities are more likely to participate and enjoy with a willing attitude. Parents who ask their kids for ideas are empowering their children to make choices. The whole family can benefit from the unique perspective and ideas kids have. Older children can do research on local places they would like to visit or activities related to their own areas of interest. Younger children can draw inspiration from the letters of the alphabet. Invite them to think of crafts, activities, and food related to a different letter each day. When planning a family vacation, get input from everyone, including young children. Try to ensure there is something for each person to look forward to and enjoy about a trip. Kid-Friendly Summer Adventures Parents always need ideas for stress-free summer activities with kids. Some find it’s best to stockpile summer activity inspiration so they always have a suggestion for a rainy day or when a kid complains, “I’m bored.” Many parents make a Summer Bucket List of fun things to do with kids and display it on the wall where kids can choose activities each day. Another idea is to make a Bored Jar with small cards listing activities kids can do on their own throughout the summer. Once a child can read, they select an item from the jar and enjoy the prompt activity for the next hour. Having fresh, creative ideas for summer activities will get parents through the long, hot days of summer. Parents can add these family-friendly summer activities with kids to the schedule: Outside Activities Turn on the hose and sprinklers Fill up a baby pool and add floating toys Read a book in the shade Create sidewalk chalk art Mix a bucket of bubble solution, dip tennis rackets and string loops in to make giant bubbles Hang up a sheet and use a projector to make a drive-in movie Make a muffin-tin picnic, with assorted snacks and finger foods in muffin tin cups Hands-On Crafts Draw and paint with finger paint or cornstarch chalk, using cut fruit or vegetable pieces as stamps Set up simple age-appropriate science experiments Play with modeling clay, using household objects to make imprints or cut shapes Plant flowers or vegetables so kids can water them and watch for blooms Let kids choose a new skill to learn, like baking, sewing, photography, etc. Go on a nature walk, collect plants to press and trace Local Outings Go to a park, playground, or sports field Play at a kid-friendly splash pad Swim at a public pool Visit the library for story-time, themed activities, or Summer Reading programs Ride bikes on a park path or trail Taste-test local sweet treats until you find a family favorite Tips for Stress-Free Family Outings Planning summer adventures for the family can be fun and lead to great memories! But going anywhere with kids can be a recipe for stress and exhaustion, especially if parents find themselves unprepared. It’s important to plan ahead and take care of the parents’ needs, too, so the whole family can have a successful trip. Parents planning a local day trip or a bigger week-long adventure can practice these vacation tips for families. When Packing, Be Overprepared For a stress-free family outing, parents need to plan ahead and prepare for the unexpected. This means making an itinerary with flexibility for kids getting tired of walking or needing a midday nap. Pack layers of clothing so everyone is prepared for cold or rainy days. Parents should bring plenty of snacks and water to fuel kids through summer adventures. During family outings, many parents bring a basic first aid kit with sunscreen, band-aids, anti-itch ointment, sunburn relief, and children’s fever medicine. That way, they are prepared to help a child feel better immediately without losing time searching for a store. Parents should also take time to prepare their child for travel during family vacations. When kids don’t understand where they are going or what the plan is for their trip, they may feel more anxious about the family outing. When parents discuss travel details with their kids and answer their questions, it helps kids relax and enjoy the adventure. Self-Care for Stress-Free Family Vacations One of the most important vacation tips for families is for parents to remember their own self-care throughout the summer. It’s important for adults to take care of themselves, especially if they are caring for young children. Parents who are nourished, well-rested, and feel emotionally supported will find it easier to relax and be patient during family activities in summer. That’s why parents should consider their own self-care before and during family outings. Instead of staying up late packing or eating fast food during a road trip, parents can plan small moments and routines that help them relax throughout the summer. Self-care for parents in summer might include: Waking up before their kids to enjoy a relaxing morning ritual Walking in nature daily to be rejuvenated Planning time to exercise or be active Staying hydrated, especially on hot summer days Eating fresh produce to get vitamins and fiber Building daily quiet time into their kids’ schedule Engaging socially—in person or via text—with supportive people Going to bed early enough to feel refreshed the next day Taking time to be in the moment and soak it all in When parents take care of themselves and their own basic care needs, they will be better prepared to handle family outings with kids. Stress-Free Summer Adventures With Kids Parents who want to reduce their stress and enjoy fun summer activities with kids should focus on planning ahead while providing both structure and flexibility. They can make a list of the best age-appropriate activities for their child. When preparing for outings or family vacations this summer, parents should pack for possible challenges. And finally, parents should tend to their own self-care so they’re better able to enjoy summer adventures as a family.
  6. The world of work is very different than it used to be. Data from the Pew Research Center suggests that 35% of people whose jobs can be remote are working from home full-time. Further, self-employment or freelance work often means wearing multiple hats over the course of the week. While having a varied and flexible work schedule is nice, it can also mean time management and productivity challenges compared to the traditional 8 to 5 workday. The good news is – whether working from home, the office, or both - there are productivity hacks for effective time management and boosting productivity. In this article, we provide a range of strategies - different people find that different methods work better for them. Organizing for Effective Time Management Placing all life responsibilities onto a calendar and to-do lists can help clear the mind and focus more easily on the task at hand. It also takes away the need to rely on memory. The latest research found that people who use paper planners, versus those who use mobile device calendars, made higher-quality plans and more successfully carried them out. The researchers explain that a paper calendar allows people to see a broader time period. This gives a big-picture perspective while planning. All information is also viewed more easily on a paper planner, whereas on mobile devices, you have to click on an event to see its details. Planners with monthly and weekly pages, and a few blank pages for to-do lists, can be the most useful. Furthermore, if folks use them for both work and personal activities, they can avoid scheduling conflicts and have a sense of their work-life balance. Here are ways to use paper planners to enhance productivity: Noting deadlines. Place deadlines, meetings, and events on the monthly pages. Also note regular tasks such as taxes, car servicing, and the annual vet appointment. Color coding. Use different colors to designate time off, bills, deadlines, and meetings. This makes it easier to see what’s coming due and when a particular event is occurring. Writing to-do lists. Write all regular to-dos in categories. For example, regular activities (cleaning and laundry), projects (home repairs), work-related tasks (invoicing), and hobbies or bucket list items. These serve as a good reminder and help to make steady progress on longer-term projects. Planning ahead. Spending 15-30 minutes on the weekend to plan the upcoming week is a great way of improving efficiency. Look at your calendar over the next few months to see approaching events and deadlines. Prioritize based on due dates and work complexity. On the weekly page, place tasks for each day on one side and that day’s schedule on the other. Then look at your to-do lists and write any tasks needed from those as well. Designating days. Those who wear a few hats in the week can benefit from devoting an entire day to wearing just one. Switching between multiple responsibilities can make it difficult to complete projects because no specific one gets a significant amount of time. For example, if Mondays and Tuesdays are days to meet with clients, Wednesdays and Thursdays can be reserved for writing. Establishing a Daily Routine Having a routine helps regulate the body’s internal clock. This facilitates quality sleep, which is needed to be productive. What’s more, a routine can support healthy habits, like eating regular meals and going to bed and getting up at consistent times. A few helpful aspects of a daily routine can include: Getting up earlier. Some research suggests that early risers feel better mentally and emotionally. Getting up early also provides more time to work during the day and, in turn, have more off-time in the evenings. Furthermore, more business hours are available for you to contact organizations. Getting dressed each day. Even when working remotely, some people find that wearing regular clothes can help them get into the work mindset. It can also make it more satisfying to relax in pajamas later. Considering individual needs. For those who are most alert in the morning, that might be the time to write, and the afternoons can be the time for running errands, for example. Breaking Down Large Projects Tackling a project like a 50-page report can feel overwhelming. However, just a bit of planning can alleviate anxiety and foster progress. Two key things to do include: Breaking it up into smaller tasks. This can be, for instance, research, an outline, each chapter, editing, and final proofreading. Setting mini-deadlines. Set shorter deadlines for each task by considering how long it will take and working backward in your calendar from the final deadline. Setting Measurable Goals for Boosting Productivity The key to productivity is to set measurable goals. This can also be a time-saving strategy. SMART is a great acronym to use: Specific. Be clear on the task you are broaching. Measurable. Establish a quantifiable outcome. Achievable. Have a realistic goal that sets you up for success. Relevant. Prioritize. Time-bound. Give yourself a time limit. For a 2000-word article due in 3 days, a strong goal would be “From 8 am to noon, I will do the research and complete my outline.” This is referring to a specific project, a measurable outcome (an outline); it is achievable because the time frame is appropriate, it is relevant because the project is due in 3 days, and it is time-bound (4 hours). Vague goals, like “today I’m going to write for 4 hours,” are not as useful. They can lead to spending time in front of the computer and going down the research rabbit hole resulting in only one written paragraph. Avoiding Multitasking While it may seem like multitasking can increase productivity, it is actually counterproductive. The truth is, the brain cannot focus on two or more tasks at once without slowing processing and making mistakes. The way to fight the urge to multitask is to minimize distractions. Minimizing Distractions Between calls, texts, social media, and emails, there is always something pulling for everyone’s attention. Here are some tips for staying focused: Create a workspace. Set aside a space in your home for work. This can also help put you in the work mindset. Keep devices separate. Reserve the phone for social media and games and stay off those sites on the work computer. Website blockers are useful for this. Turn off unnecessary notifications. Unimportant notifications – such as social media and email - can be silenced during work time. Be purposeful with email: Check email at only certain times per day. If working on time-sensitive matters with others, email notifications can be set for only those from certain people. Use the day’s to-do list: Not only can the list help avoid procrastination, but it can also keep your attention focused. Delegating for Maximizing Productivity Those with an overflowing plate may benefit from pausing and asking themselves if they can delegate any tasks to coworkers. Folks may ask for help from someone who is reliable or more skilled at the task than they are. Or, supervisors can delegate to supervisees by: Playing to their interests and goals Providing the needed resources Giving specific parameters like objectives and deadlines Additionally, little chores also add up to a significant amount of time and take away focus. If the kids are on summer break, they can be in charge of walking the dog or helping Grandma take her medication on time. Using Little Tricks for Big Gains Small time-saving strategies can help make each day as productive as possible. Different approaches work for different people, so the key is to use techniques that work for you. Additional time management tips include: Planning meals. Plan meals based on your schedule for the upcoming week and shop for needed ingredients just once. This helps avoid having to make last-minute decisions or trips to the store. Using short breaks effectively. Thirty minutes in between meetings is a great time for small tasks like making phone calls, going to the mailbox, or sending emails. Using long breaks wisely. Use large chunks of time for in-depth tasks like writing or studying. Touching things only once. The “touch it once” rule means immediately acting on something while it is in hand. For instance, right after checking mail, going ahead and sorting it, shredding credit card applications, etc. Creating a mail pile just gives a dreaded mini-project at the end of the week. Or, when coming across a recipe of interest, writing down the needed ingredients right then, saving the trouble of having to remember to make the list later. Knowing when 80% is perfect. Perfectionists can find it hard to call a task “done.” But for some tasks, 80% is all that is needed. For instance, an email to the boss should probably be proofread, but not one informing book club members of details of the next meeting. Organizing the computer. This can be one of the most useful time management techniques. Create shortcuts on your desktop for files and folders you always open. Create templates for documents you write regularly, like invoices. Backing-up files. Prepare for tech snafus so that you don’t lose your work: at the end of each workday, make copies of your documents onto a jump drive. Using self-rewards. Some people find that giving themselves little rewards throughout the day keeps them motivated. For instance, get on social media only after finishing the chapter you are writing. Looking forward to things. Planning for dinner with friends in the middle of the week, for example, can also be a motivator for completing tasks. Taking Care of Yourself The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say productivity improves with good health. Humans can only do so much if they do not feel their best. Here are some ways to sustain energy and well-being: Eating healthy. A balanced diet is important for energy and long-term health. Getting enough sleep. Too little sleep slows people down the next day and negatively affects health in the long run. Exercising. Keeping the body active has positive effects on mood and energy. Some people exercise in the morning to get energized for the day. Others prefer to exercise in the afternoon when they feel less mentally alert. Taking breaks. Sitting for too long can tighten muscles and strain the eyes. Set an alarm to stand up regularly and stretch. The American Optometric Association suggests the 20-20-20 rule: take a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet away. Interacting with others: Working from home can cause loneliness. Scheduling time with friends, working in a coffee shop, or volunteering are just a few ways to combat this. Calling it a day. Work and personal time can blend together. Checking email in front of the tv means less focus on your favorite show as well as on your correspondence. Moreover, emails will always be rolling in. Pick a consistent time to end the workday to maintain a healthy balance of work and rest. Unwinding. Give yourself time to relax before bed, whether that’s by streaming your favorite show, reading a book, or spending time with loved ones. This also helps with sleep. Being creative: Schedule in time for hobbies. Having a creative outlet or expressing another facet of yourself improves well-being. Having a play day. Give yourself 24 hours per week to do whatever you want, whether it be going to the park or engaging in a hobby. In today's ever-evolving work landscape, embracing productivity hacks is essential for effective time management. Whether working remotely or in the office, implementing strategies like organizing with paper planners, establishing a daily routine, breaking down large projects, setting measurable goals, avoiding multitasking, and minimizing distractions can significantly boost productivity. Additionally, taking care of oneself through healthy habits and creative outlets contributes to overall well-being and enhances work-life balance. By incorporating these techniques, individuals can navigate the dynamic world of work with greater efficiency and satisfaction.
  7. Veterans fight for our country and dedicate their lives to keeping people safe. Their brave and selfless acts should never go unnoticed. Even after returning home, some veterans continue to advocate for the people. Spending time on the front lines can come with many battles, whether with physical or mental health. Many veterans return home lacking tools and resources to readjust to everyday life. Plenty of companies support veterans' causes, but special recognition goes to veteran-run ones. Veteran-run small businesses continue to help other veterans every day. Many provide employment opportunities, donate to veteran causes, and support veterans in need. Shop These 10 Veteran-Owned Small Businesses These 10 veteran-owned businesses are doing just that. From donating products to giving back a percentage of sales to military causes, the following businesses focus on serving the community. 1. Boldfoot Socks Boldfoot Socks aims to show the true meaning of “American-made.” With a unique variety of socks ranging from patriotic to argyle, Boldfoot Socks has something for everyone. And with an incredible cause. Boldfoot Socks donates 5% of each sale to veterans and the U.S. military to improve health services, help with jobs, and reduce homelessness. Boldfoot Socks goes the extra mile in customer service, granting three-month sock insurance to replace socks with rips, tears, or holes without question. Every pair of socks is sourced from American-manufactured products and materials with a distinct message. Boldfoot Socks exemplifies what it means to be American-made, striving to repay those who risk their lives to defend our country. 2. Gatorz Eyewear Launched in 1989, Gatorz Eyewear turned a passion for motorcycles into a sunglasses empire. Backed by the U.S. Navy SEALs Foundation, Gatorz Eyewear withstands high speeds, whether on the battlefield or freefalling from the sky. After passing the ultimate performance test, Gatorz Eyewear is the preferred choice of the U.S. Navy SEALs. Each pair of sunglasses is crafted from billet aluminum, with a sleek look that’s equally durable. When it comes to giving back, Gatorz Eyewear fights just as hard. Along with the U.S. Navy SEALs, Gatorz is a proud supporter of the Green Beret and Global SOF Foundation. Veterans, military, and first responder personnel can also receive a special discount for their service. 3. Frag Out Flavor An American patriotic celebration just isn’t complete without a barbecue. Combat veteran Patrick Flynn knows this too well. Founded in 2017, Frag Out Flavor boasts exciting flavors to spice up your next cookout. From Honey BBQ to Mango Habenero blends, these best-selling spices support a bigger mission. Your next BBQ will boast exciting flavors while supporting a larger mission. Purchasing Frag Out Flavor products means sharing the flavor with deployed veteran troops. Frag Out Flavor donates to the veteran community while supporting those who defend our country with every sale. 4. 4Freedom Apparel Honoring heroes with USA-made clothing, hats, and accessories, 4Freedom Apparel takes pride in giving back to veterans. Owned and operated by military couple Jonathan and Shari, each piece of 4Freedom Apparel gear stylishly boasts the American flag. 4Freedom Apparel is for those who are proud to be American and want to represent their dedication to those who gave their lives to fight for the U.S. A proud supporter of multiple foundations that give back, like the Wingman Foundation, Vets 4 Vets, and K9s For Warriors, 4Freedom Apparel donates a portion of its sales to help support each cause. 5. Nine Line Apparel A lifestyle brand founded by Patriots for Patriots, Nine Line Apparel strives to start conversions between those who have served and people who support them. “Nine Line” is an emergency call used during combat. It’s often the difference between life and death for the many severely wounded soldiers. Nine Line Apparel creates patriotic accessories and clothing for men, women, and kids, inspiring unity and camaraderie for Americans nationwide. With an emphasis on dedicated support, Nine Line Apparel raises awareness for military and first responder charities, along with disaster relief, veteran initiatives, and more through the Nine Line Foundation. 6. Snap-On Tools One hundred years of advertising has made Snap-on Tools a legend in the tool sales industry. Developed in 1920, Snap-on Tools started with “five unique handles and ten sockets.” Today, this company sells directly to professional technicians, with 80% of its products manufactured in the U.S. Snap-on is a proud partner of the Honor Flight Network, an organization that raises funds to fly WWII veterans to Washington, D.C. to see their memorial. Since the program's beginning in 2013, Snap-on has sent over 700 veterans, guardians, and family members to experience this once-in-a-lifetime moment. 7. Boss Dog Boss Dog pays homage to the essential role dogs play in the military and our daily lives. With nothing less than the best, this award-winning line of top-quality dog treats gives canine companions the nutrients they need. From Boss PROBALLS with probiotics to freeze-dried, complete meals, ingredients like raw goat’s milk, taurine, DHA, and Greek yogurt show your dog they are indeed a boss. Boss Dog also sells several durable accessories for your best friend, like harnesses, leashes, and collars. With every sale, Boss Dog works to give the best to our heroes. The company sponsors and supports vet and military charities like Heroes for Healthcare, Victory Service Dogs, Folds of Honor, Pets for Vets, and Trails of Purpose. 8. Bravo Sierra Developed within the U.S. military community in 2018, Bravo Sierra brings high-performance personal care to people nationwide. Bravo Sierra only uses clean, skin-friendly ingredients that smell great even in the most demanding conditions. From aluminum-free deodorant to sunscreen, these 100% American-made products serve a higher purpose than just keeping civilians fresh. With 40% of its founding team and 30% of all current employees made up of veterans, Bravo Sierra works to provide opportunities for vets in need. The company also donates 5% of all sales to the Morale Welfare and Recreation (MWR) program and provides a 15% discount on Bravo Sierra products for all active duty, veterans, and military family members. 9. Oscar Mike Oscar Mike goes above and beyond to support veterans. Its products aren’t just American-made, from production to stocking and shipping. Oscar Mike also donates 100% of its apparel profits to help veterans in need. With a wide range of apparel and accessories like T-shirts, hoodies, and canteens, the Oscar Mike Foundation supports injured Vets who need to stay active. This mission hits home for the founders, a group of injured vets dedicated to creating a space where vets can continue a competitive lifestyle after injury. Focused on creating camaraderie and spaces for injured vets, Oscar Mike has raised over $2.5 million in funds to build a new adaptive sports facility. Oscar Mike bands together to stay active, even competing in Spartan races across the nation. 10. Hero Soap Company Hero Soap Company is a veteran-owned body wash and bar soap company with most ingredients sourced in the U.S. With captivating, natural scents from cedarwood to lavender, these handmade soaps keep civilians and veterans clean and smelling fresh. Hero Soap company donates a portion of every sale to charities that support active military, veterans, and first responders, including the 14th Hour Foundation, Operation Finally Home, Gary Sinise Foundation, and Operation Interdependence. It's donated over 1,200 bars to deployed troops and prides itself on being the most American company in the USA. Support a Veteran Small Business Giving back is a wonderful feeling. So why not give back to the people who have sacrificed a huge part of their lives for this country? People can support small businesses with every purchase from a veteran-owned business and help provide resources.
  8. Is it possible for someone to improve their mental health and well-being through positive thoughts and talk therapy? The science of positive psychology claims it is not only possible, but also an avenue for mental health care to combat depression and loneliness. This article will explore the main positive psychology principles, the benefits of positive psychology for those who practice it, and how to use positive psychology coaching as a mental health resource. After exploring the history and science behind it, keep reading for the best books on positive psychology and inspirational psychology quotes. What Is Positive Psychology? The biggest goal of positive psychology is to teach someone to shift their perspective, which empowers them to improve their quality of life. Unlike traditional psychology, which focuses on a patient’s weaknesses and mental illness, positive psychology’s focus is on the strengths that allow a patient to build a satisfying, meaningful life. By learning more about positive experiences and traits like gratitude or resilience, people can improve their own happiness, well-being, and self-confidence. Positive psychology is a relatively new branch of psychology, established in 2000. Martin Seligman, a researcher with a background in psychology, had spent decades studying depression and the link between feelings of sadness and helplessness. He found that patients who learned to build positive character traits could also learn optimism and resilience to improve their overall mental health. Seligman felt that traditional psychology had placed too much emphasis on healing damage and not enough effort on building human strengths. Seligman believed the field of positive psychology could correct the imbalance with a focus on helping people find fulfillment in creativity, engaging in meaningful pursuits, facing adversity, and relating to others. In 1998, Seligman was elected president of the American Psychological Association. He added positive psychology as a new subfield to focus on the life-giving aspects of psychology. In 2000, Seligman published the foundational paper of positive psychology with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, another psychologist known for developing the concept of “flow.” Positive psychology is not meant to replace traditional psychology. Instead, it complements traditional psychology by focusing on “what is going right with an individual” to build positive well-being. What Are Positive Psychology Principles? Positive psychology is a “soft science” based on evidence-based theories developed from research such as surveys, animal experiments, brain imaging, and case studies. The predominant theory is the observation that developing strong social relationships, personal character traits, and overall happiness can act as a buffer for life’s setbacks. Positive psychology promotes the theory that well-being can not only be defined and measured in humans, but it can also be taught. Through positive psychology principles, people can learn to improve their physical and mental well-being. Some of the important theories and principles of positive psychology are: To live a “good life,” feelings of satisfaction and well-being are more important than feelings of temporary pleasure. A “good day” usually has three main characteristics: feelings of competence, autonomy, and a connection to others. Work and relationships matter in terms of making life worth living because they give people a sense of meaning. Money cannot buy happiness, but helping other people or volunteering almost always leads to feelings of happiness. Based on these theories, Seligman proposed five different building blocks of well-being, which are now referred to as the PERMA model. These include: Positive emotions Engagement (with a project or hobby) Relationships Meaning Accomplishment or achievement Patients using positive psychology coaching can learn to develop their own character traits and strengthen these five core areas. Positive psychology demonstrates how people can live meaningful and fulfilling lives by enhancing their everyday experiences. What Is “Flow” in Positive Psychology Principles? The concept of “flow,” mentioned above, is another positive psychology principle. Csikszentmihalyi coined this term after observing artists, writers, and athletes who seemed to lose themselves in their work during creative experiences. The state of flow occurs when someone has a high challenge and an equally high skill level. Because entering flow is a rewarding and enjoyable experience, it is linked to happiness and overall well-being. This aspect of positive psychology encourages people to identify their strengths and develop areas of interest where they can find meaning and satisfaction. It is similar to the principle of engagement from the PERMA model. Benefits of Positive Psychology Practicing positive psychology regularly enables someone to boost their social and emotional well-being. It leads people to explore their own character strengths so they are better equipped to face challenging situations. The human brain has a natural tendency to remember frustration and difficulties more than success. This “negativity bias” benefited Stone Age man when there were daily dangers to avoid, but it is less practical for modern man’s success. Positive psychology principles help people reframe the way they look at life, fight pessimism, focus on strengths, and cultivate gratitude. Building a sense of meaning and purpose in life can have a wide range of positive outcomes for those practicing positive psychology. Research demonstrates that older adults who feel their life has meaning and purpose experience higher levels of physical health and mental well-being. Those who felt their lives were meaningful tended to have stronger relationships and more involvement in social activities, so they were less likely to be lonely. While many things can contribute to healthy relationships, feelings of connection, and a resilient character, it’s clear that the practice of positive psychology contributes to overall wellness — both physical and mental health. Common Misconceptions of Positive Psychology Some people think positive psychology is too simple because it focuses on positive experiences but ignores negative emotions and serious conditions like depression or anxiety. It can be viewed as overly optimistic, unrealistically promoting constant happiness. Positive psychology is also misconceived as neglecting individual differences, ignoring the importance of negative experiences, and focusing solely on individual happiness. In reality, positive psychology promotes a balanced perspective that acknowledges both the positive and negative and tailors interventions and therapeutic strategies to the individual based on their specific profile. It is a partner to more traditional therapeutic models of psychology. Instead of diminishing alternative methods of managing symptoms, it enhances them. Positive psychology seeks a balanced life in which an individual is equipped to handle the inevitable difficulties that are part of human existence. Goals of Positive Psychology Coaching For those who want to experience the benefits of positive psychology, the best method is through coaching or talk therapy. With this mental health resource, a client meets regularly with a therapist trained in positive psychology principles. The goal of positive psychology coaching is to improve a client’s quality of life by helping them identify their own strengths, giving them a sense of hope, and teaching them how to nurture feelings like gratitude, happiness, and optimism. Through coaching, clients will set goals that challenge them to build positive relationships, find connections to others, and develop their own talents. How to Use Positive Psychology in Your Daily Routines Since positive psychology focuses on building individual strengths instead of treating weaknesses, it’s accessible for most people to practice at home. Positive psychology embraces the principle that people can change and improve. When someone tries new experiences, sets goals, and looks for opportunities that play to their strengths, they are practicing positive psychology. Exploring activities that create flow moments will improve mood. Making efforts to slow down and savor pleasure can become part of their daily routine. One easy way to practice positive psychology at home is to do gratitude exercises. By focusing on a few things every day that they are grateful for, an individual trains their brain to focus on positive memories and increase their happiness. Some people do this with a gratitude journal, with prompts to help them focus on positive things in life. Other people do this through daily practices of meditation or prayer. The method of practice is not as important as the overall goal of learning to improve well-being by practicing gratitude. Another method of practicing positive psychology is called the experience sampling method, or ESM. This is a type of mindfulness exercise to help lower stress levels and rewire the brain. Using a timer throughout the day, a client is encouraged to pause when they receive the alert, then write down what they are doing, thinking, and feeling. Practicing ESM helps people realize how much of their day is filled with small, positive moments. Positive psychology is accessible to most individuals and can be an effective part of behavioral health care to support individuals in becoming happier, more resilient, and better able to handle life’s challenges. Positive Psychology Quotes “Positive psychology is the scientific study of human strengths and virtues.” – Martin Seligman “A joyful life is an individual creation that cannot be copied from a recipe.” – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi “…positive psychology is not to be confused with untested self-help, footless affirmation, or secular religion — no matter how good these may make us feel.” – Christopher Peterson “Positive psychology is the scientific and applied approach to uncovering people’s strengths and promoting their positive functioning.” – Hugo Alberts “Flourishing is the product of the pursuit and engagement of an authentic life that brings inner joy and happiness through meeting goals, being connected with life passions, and relishing in accomplishments through the peaks and valleys of life.” – Dr. Lynn Soots “The difference between misery and happiness depends on what we do with our attention.” – Sharon Salzberg Best Positive Psychology Books Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life by Martin Seligman Flourish (A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-Being) by Martin Seligman Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Positive Psychology in a Nutshell: The Science of Happiness by Ilona Boniwell Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification by Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman
  9. With their unusual schedules and extreme exposure to public scrutiny, it’s not surprising that many celebrities have mental health conditions. Thankfully, celebrities talking about mental health challenges and solutions can pull back a curtain on conditions often considered private or taboo. Decades ago, seeking medication or treatment for a mental health disorder could be viewed as a career-ending decision. Now, with the help of numerous celebrity mental health advocates, Hollywood and many other industries are beginning to destigmatize mental health. From Selena Gomez’s mental health documentary to Lady Gaga’s PTSD discussions and Jim Carrey’s mental illness honesty, celebrities are removing the stigma of mental health topics. Now, anyone suffering from conditions like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, OCD, or PTSD can find a celebrity who has faced a similar challenge and found a way to work through it. When celebrities promote mental health awareness, fans of those actors and performers will realize they aren’t alone. Destigmatizing mental health means people can openly discuss and learn about the resources available to support someone through a mental health disorder. The following people have been outspoken about their own challenges and have become celebrity mental health advocates. Selena Gomez Battled Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, and Depression In 2016, during her Revival tour, actress and singer Selena Gomez began hearing voices and suffering from paranoia. After years of suffering from depression, periods of mania, and suicidal thoughts, she finally checked into a mental health hospital and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Since then, Selena Gomez has become one of the more prominent celebrities talking about mental health. Her recent mental health documentary, Selena Gomez: My Mind and Me, explored her bipolar diagnosis and how living with mental illness has impacted her life. In 2022, Gomez launched the “Your Words Matter” campaign to help destigmatize mental health treatment. As part of the campaign, she encouraged people to consider the ways they refer to mental health conditions and diagnoses. Using people-first language can remove some of the negative stigma from seeking treatment for mental health. For example, it’s better to refer to someone as “a person with bipolar disorder” rather than “a bipolar person.” Language can empower those who are seeking help to improve mental wellness. The recent campaign isn’t the first time Gomez has spoken up in support of mental health awareness. In 2021, for Mental Health Awareness Month, Gomez launched a campaign called Mental Health 101. In 2020, she established her mental wellness website, WonderMind, where she shared her own bipolar diagnosis. In 2019, she won the McClean Award for mental health advocacy. Gomez treats her bipolar disorder and depression with medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. She informs those following her story that her illness isn’t over, and it never will be. Mental health is something she will continue to work on for life. Gomez wants others, particularly teens and young people, to know that education and research are important tools for mental wellness. Her honesty about her own struggles has made Gomez one of the most relatable celebrity mental health advocates. Lady Gaga Raises Awareness of PTSD and Trauma Therapy Many people associate the term PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) with service members who have been scarred from combat experiences. However, performer Lady Gaga is on a mission to help people understand that PTSD is a mental illness, which can affect anyone who has been through a traumatizing event. In Lady Gaga’s case, her PTSD resulted from being raped repeatedly when she was 19 years old. She made her PTSD diagnosis public in 2016. In a 2020 interview with Oprah, Lady Gaga explained: “I developed PTSD as a result of being raped and also not processing that trauma … I never dealt with it, and then all of a sudden, I started to experience this incredible intense pain throughout my entire body that mimicked the illness I felt after I was raped.” PTSD is an extreme form of stress that usually results from specific traumatic events. It can cause flashbacks, sleeplessness, anger, depression, and physical pain. For Lady Gaga, the pain of unprocessed trauma became fibromyalgia that gave her "head-to-toe pain." While PTSD can be a frightening mental health diagnosis, the good news is that it can be treated with therapy and anti-anxiety medication. In cases of sexual assault or abuse, there is no timeline for recovery. So even if someone is suffering from a childhood event, they will still find support and can take steps toward mental wellness if they go through therapy as an adult. Lady Gaga reminds her listeners that mental health is a medical condition and should be treated that way. In a letter to fans of her Born This Way foundation, Lay Gaga writes, “No one’s invisible pain should go unnoticed … I am continuing to learn how to transcend this because I know I can. If you relate to what I am sharing, please know that you can too.” Daniel Radcliffe Discusses OCD and the Value of Therapy Before becoming a childhood star in the Harry Potter movies at age 11, actor Daniel Radcliffe suffered from compulsions to repeat activities like flipping a light switch or re-stating his own words. Beginning at age 5, he was diagnosed with OCD, or obsessive compulsive disorder. There were times when it took him 5 minutes to turn off a light. He needed to hear his own words repeated after he said them, so he learned to repeat them in his mind or under his breath. While these challenges have caused him many internal struggles, they have not held Radcliffe back from external success. In a 2020 interview, Radcliffe said the most important thing he did to cope with his disorder was going to therapy. “I would encourage everyone to undergo therapy. It doesn’t mean you’re insane or weak.” The more Radcliffe speaks out about his own struggles with OCD, the more he is destigmatizing mental health treatment. Radcliffe is one of the most recognized celebrities talking about mental health, and his experience inspires others to get the support they need. Jim Carrey Challenges Depression Actor Jim Carrey is best known for his comedic roles, where he uses exaggerated facial features to make his audience laugh. But the person behind these humorous characters is someone who has struggled with sadness and depression ever since childhood. Carrey grew up in a stressful environment. His father was often unemployed, and his mother was frequently unwell. Comedy and acting became an escape for Carrey after he dropped out of high school to earn money. He has talked openly about his depression since 2009. Jim Carrey’s mental illness perspective is unique. He views depression as the result of people pretending to be someone they are not. When someone’s mind can no longer play the “character or avatar” they are trying to be, the mind rebels by going into depression mode. In a video interview, Carrey quotes author and spiritual healer Jeff Foster, who says the word “depressed” could be described as “deep rest.” When the mind and body need a deep rest from the work of pretending to be more satisfied than they are, depression settles in. Depression is a mental illness where someone feels extremely sad and disinterested for more than a few weeks at a time. Depression is an extremely common mental disorder, but it can be treated successfully with medication and therapy. Carrey uses medication to manage his depression. But he also mentions how important it is for people to give themselves a “fighting chance” to battle depression by eating healthy food, exercising, getting enough sleep, spending time in the sunlight, and surrounding themselves with support. Jonah Hill Documents Treatment for Anxiety Attacks Sometimes, celebrities battling mental disorders are the best advocates for destigmatizing mental illness. This is the case with actor and director Jonah Hill, who recently made the Netflix film Stutz to share the mental health advice and strategies of his therapist, Dr. Phil Stutz. But because of Hill’s 20-year struggle with anxiety, which is made worse through media appearances, Hill didn't make any public appearances to promote the film. In a letter to fans, Hill wrote: “I’m hoping to make it more normal for people to talk and act on this stuff [mental wellness] so they can take steps toward feeling better and so that the people in their lives might understand their conditions more clearly.” Anxiety is a mental disorder where someone suffers from feelings of worry, anxiety, or fear that are powerful enough to disrupt their daily activities. There are many symptoms of anxiety, but attacks may include feelings of impending doom, rapid breathing, sweating or trembling, and difficulty concentrating. Hill’s documentary Stutz has a powerful message for anyone suffering from anxiety. He made the film to share the tools that helped him in his battle with anxiety and panic attacks. In the film, Dr. Stutz gives this advice to viewers: “You can’t move forward without being vulnerable. Vulnerability is connection to the rest of the world. Take action, no matter how frightened you are. If you can teach somebody that, they can change their whole life.” Celebrities with mental health conditions have a choice to treat their disorders in private or share their pain with the world. Everyone benefits from celebrities talking about mental health because it normalizes the need for medication or therapy and lets people know that mental health resources exist. Celebrity mental health advocates like Selena Gomez, Lady Gaga, Daniel Radcliffe, Jim Carrey, and Jonah Hill help destigmatize mental health conditions. Fans who may be struggling with mental health can view their documentaries and read their stories to learn they aren’t alone. These celebrity mental health advocates are slowly changing perceptions about mental health stigmas. Anyone who needs mental health care should not hesitate to seek support. There are many professionals willing to offer advice, support, and therapy that can improve lives. Begin by visiting Telemynd to connect with quality health care providers from the comfort of home.
  10. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, an opportunity for individuals, families, and communities to reflect on the value of accepting and addressing mental health conditions. Telemynd believes that all people, no matter their age, gender, work history, or income level, should have access to appropriate mental health care. Moreover, Telemynd is committed to destigmatizing mental health care for civilians, service members, veterans, and their families. The Stigma Around Mental Health Care Mental illness is incredibly common. A total of 22% of American adults experience mental illness each year, as do 16% of American children and teens. Getting treatment for mental health conditions is beneficial and effective for most people. Despite this, only about half of people with mental illness receive treatment for their conditions. This may be due to a lack of access to mental health services or worries about how to afford treatment. Another barrier to receiving care is the fear of stigma attached to mental health disorders. The American Psychiatric Association identifies three types of stigma relating to mental health conditions and mental health treatment: Public stigma: Negative or discriminatory attitudes that other people hold about mental illness. Self-stigma: Negative attitudes and internalized shame that people with mental illness have about themselves and their condition. Institutional stigma: Policies from government and private organizations that limit opportunities for people with mental illness. This can include issues such as inadequate funding for research on mental illness and treatment or lack of mental health services compared to services for other types of healthcare. The stigma surrounding mental health care can especially affect groups such as active service members and veterans. Nearly 25% of active duty service members report mental health symptoms. Many avoid seeking care out of concern about what it will do to their careers. The armed forces have tried to address the military mental health stigma by ensuring that getting appropriate care will not affect military careers or security clearance. In recent years, there have been efforts to break the stigma of mental illness and treatment for mental health conditions. Health insurance companies are now required to cover mental health services so people can access treatment more readily. Many employers offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) that help individuals access mental health care when they need it. In addition, discussions of mental health have become more public and widely accepted. Mental Health Awareness Month 2023: Destigmatizing Mental Health Care One of the primary goals for Mental Health Awareness Month in 2023 is to break the stigma of mental health and get treatment for mental health conditions. In recent years, celebrities and brands have joined mental health advocates to openly discuss mental health issues and change public perception of mental illness. These efforts are creating a culture of openness and community among people coping with mental health conditions. It helps set a precedent for talking honestly about mental health and shows a path forward for treatment. TikTok: Social media platform TikTok launched a Mental Health Awareness hub to highlight videos and creators addressing mental health topics and support organizations dedicated to raising awareness about mental health. MLB: Major League Baseball teams have worn green ribbons for Mental Health Awareness Month. Some teams have posted content discussing mental health treatment, with players opening up about their experiences with getting help when they need it. Celebrities: Guns’N’Roses bassist Duff McKagan released a song for Mental Health Awareness Month called “This Is The Song.” He shared his struggles with panic disorders alongside the release. In May 2023, Jason Sudeikis and the cast of the show Ted Lasso visited the White House for a live-streamed conversation about mental health. Singer Demi Lovato has been candid about seeking treatment for bipolar disorder and addiction. British Royal Prince Harry openly discusses his experience with PTSD and how therapy improved his mental health and his marriage, urging others to be open about their own mental health. On Price Harry’s docuseries about mental health, The Me You Can’t See, musician Lady Gaga opened up about her own struggles with PTSD. Social media campaigns: Mental health advocacy groups like the National Alliance on Mental Illness encourage supporters to use social media to normalize discussions about mental health. The organization provides sample social media posts such as “Mental health affects ALL of us. Help us get the word out and start the conversation today! Visit: nami.org/mhm #MoreThanEnough @NAMICommunicate” to build awareness and direct people to resources for getting the help they need. Changing Trends in Acceptance of Mental Health Treatment The trend toward candid discussions of mental health and mental health treatment has affected how people respond to mental health concerns. In recent years, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has reported steady increases in the number of people seeking mental health care for any type of mental health condition. In 2015, 34.2 million adults aged 18 or older sought treatment for mental health conditions. By 2020, more than 41 million Americans received either inpatient or outpatient counseling or received a prescription to manage a mental health condition. The changes are affecting groups of people who typically have not been as open to treating mental illness. Historically, men have been less likely to seek out mental health resources. That is changing as treatment becomes more widely accepted. SAMHSA reports an 11% increase in the number of men getting mental health treatment from 2008 to 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic was another factor in rolling back stigmas about mental health treatment. Fears about illness, stress from changes to work and family life, and the effects of social isolation negatively affected millions of people. The need for help seemed to overcome any concerns about the stigma attached to getting help, and more people sought out treatment in 2020 and 2021. Mental health care providers reported dramatic increases in requests for treatment. Even now, after the worst of the crisis, mental health care providers say they continue to receive calls from prospective patients asking for help with mental health conditions. Taking Care of Mental Health Even without fear of stigma, mental health is a complicated issue. People with mental health conditions and their loved ones may struggle to know what will help and how to access care. Because mental health encompasses a broad range of conditions, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment plan. Some conditions, such as bipolar disorder or depression, are linked to chemical imbalances, so medication is a primary treatment, alongside talk therapy and other supports. Conditions like PTSD occur in the wake of traumatic experiences, so treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy or working with a service animal may be effective. Some types of mental health conditions are temporary and resolve after treatment; others are lifelong and require continual or intermittent treatment. Foundational steps can set up success in managing all kinds of mental health conditions. These steps can help people with mental health conditions as well as the people who care about them. Connect with loved ones: For many people, mental illness can be isolating, so having people to turn to can make it easier to get help and emotional support. Talking to trusted relatives, friends, or colleagues about mental health conditions is a way to gather support. Seek peer support: Talking to others who are experiencing similar mental health struggles can be helpful and affirming. Both people struggling with their mental health and those who care for them can benefit from peer support groups. Identify resources for professional help: Take the time to learn about available mental health services and engage them when necessary. This can include current or former therapists, primary care providers, mental health hotlines, or other resources. Plan out solutions in advance: Knowing what activities soothe mental health symptoms is valuable. Have a set of go-to solutions, such as taking a walk, calling a friend, listening to music, or engaging with nature. Using simple, effective options in the moment can help keep symptoms from escalating. Telemynd Can Help Telemynd is committed to ensuring access to comprehensive mental health solutions, without barriers. Our providers work to offer care that is appropriate, supportive, and free of judgment or stigma. Our telehealth platform is designed to broaden access to mental health services and remove obstacles to getting care. Telemynd’s online platform works by matching people with the behavioral health specialists best suited to support them. We have a national network of therapists and prescribers who can address a wide range of mental health needs. In addition, Telemynd providers offer TRICARE-covered mental health services so that military members and their families have access to excellent mental healthcare. All Telemynd services are conducted via secure video services. Access to mental health care at home offers a greater sense of privacy than having to take time off work or away from family for in-person appointments during business hours. People accessing virtual mental health services may feel less likely to be questioned or judged for seeking care. Virtual behavioral health services also help overcome institutional barriers to care, such as a lack of local providers, transportation issues, or limited office hours. If you’d like to request an appointment or have any questions, feel free to reach out to the care team at 866-991-2103 or visit telemynd.com
  11. Understanding veterans’ mental health statistics and their mental health risks is essential to helping them get the care they need. Veterans’ suicide prevention begins with knowledge and information about the challenges they are facing. They do an important service for the country and deserve the assistance required to face their struggles head-on. Many resources are available to help in times of crisis. Understanding Who Veterans Are The latest data from 2021 reveals there are approximately 16.5 million military veterans in the United States. Although there are currently more male veterans, the number of females enlisting in the military is rising. There are 1.7 million female veterans in the United States. In 2021, 231,741 women were in active-duty force, and 171,000 women were in the National Guard. This made up 17.3% and 21.4%, respectively. The age breakdown of the veteran population is estimated as follows: Ages 18 to 34 years comprise 8.2%. Ages 35 to 54 years comprise 24.0%. Ages 55 to 64 years comprise 18.6%. Ages 65 to 74 years comprise 24.8%. Ages 75 and over comprise 24.4%. Risks Veterans Face When Coming Home Due to the nature of their service, veterans face various risk factors when returning home from service or getting discharged from their duties. These risk factors contribute to poor outcomes for many of the men and women who’ve served the country. Physical Injury Men and women in the military are at an increased risk for physical injury. These may include wounds from being in a battle, vehicle accidents, sprains, and strains, hearing loss or tinnitus, head injuries, and chronic musculoskeletal pain (CMP). A total of 30% of veterans have some disability. Trauma Many veterans endure significant trauma after going through combat. Even if they may not engage in warfare themselves, seeing others get killed, maimed, or injured could lead to a traumatized response. Also, during times of stress and danger, the body commonly experiences a surge of heightened adrenaline and a fight or flight response. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is more common among veterans than the general population. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, approximately 7% will experience PTSD. Vets with PTSD may experience symptoms such as: Avoidance of things that trigger memories about the event Hopeless feelings about life and the future Difficulty with memory Intrusive memories and dreams Irritability or angry outbursts Unemployment and Poverty Veterans have long been at a higher risk for poverty and homelessness. If a vet is struggling with PTSD or another mental health disorder, it makes it challenging to hold down a job. It’s also challenging to keep up with a full-time job if medical conditions hinder a vet’s ability to perform. These factors can lead to homelessness. Veterans Mental Health Statistics Aside from PTSD, as mentioned above, many experience an array of other mental health issues. The National Institute of Health (NIH) research reveals that one-third of veterans have at least one mental health disorder diagnosis, and 41% have either mental health or a behavioral adjustment disorder. Mental Health Disorders Mental health disorders may range in intensity, but even in mild cases can affect the person’s ability to manage life effectively. For example, researchers from the VA New England MIRECC and the Yale School of Medicine conducted a study with veterans experiencing anxiety and PTSD which found that they had a much higher rate of homelessness than the general veteran population. PTSD is also linked to higher rates of suicidal thoughts and impulses, making this mental health condition a significant risk. Compared to the general U.S. population, veteran suicides are higher by 57.3%. The total number that committed suicide in 2020 was 6,146. However, the suicide rate among veterans is slowly decreasing. According to the most recent VA report, there were 343 fewer veteran suicides in 2020 than there were in 2019. Only through the continued work of the VA and qualified mental health professionals can they receive the proper treatment and counseling to help them cope and bring down these statistics even further. Substance Use Disorders Misusing drugs or alcohol is a common method of escape for many people. Since substances provide a temporary feeling of euphoria, veterans may use them to numb the feelings and memories of combat. However, the risk for addiction is high when using illicit substances. Approximately one-fourth of them struggle with illicit drugs, and 80% battle alcohol misuse. One in 10 veterans has been diagnosed with a substance use disorder, which is higher than the general population. Between substance misuse and mental health disorders, veterans are likely to have one or the other condition. Some dealing with untreated mental health problems or suffering from PTSD may turn to drugs or alcohol as a “quick fix” to the problem. Yet, it ends up being an additional problem in the end. When someone has a mental health condition like PTSD combined with substance abuse, they need treatment for a dual-diagnosis disorder. This requires therapy for veterans that addresses the underlying problem and detox in some cases. Resources for Veterans in Need Veterans don’t have to suffer from a mental health disorder in silence. The VA is committed to veterans’ suicide prevention and providing care for mental health issues. The Veterans Affairs mental health services department has made mental health a top priority and recently implemented the National Strategy For Preventing Veteran Suicide and Reducing Military and Veteran Suicide programs. These programs provide a roadmap for assisting those at risk for suicide, whether they have benefits or not. They also have expanded their benefits to include those who are not currently enrolled but experiencing a crisis. Now, they can seek care at no cost if they are dealing with suicidal thoughts or amid a crisis, allowing access to up to 9 million more veterans. In some cases, an individual may be able to go to any VA or non-VA healthcare facility for emergency healthcare at no cost. This may include inpatient or crisis residential care for some time up to 30 days. Outpatient care may be covered for up to 90 days. Another way the Veterans’ Affairs mental health services department is working to help with mental illness is to leverage community providers to provide therapy. They would just need to get approval and a referral from the VA. Then they can schedule an appointment with a mental health provider, such as Telemynd, which provides telehealth and telemedicine care. Keep in mind that if you are having a crisis, you should reach out to emergency helplines or call 911 right away. Many helplines are available, such as the veteran crisis line at 1-800-273-8255 and the veterans’ suicide hotline by dialing 988. These hotlines are available 24/7. How to Access Veteran Mental Health Care Veterans should be proactive in their mental health care. In other words, at the first sign of a problem, reach out to the resources available Often, telehealth is a great way to begin the journey, as you can access compassionate, licensed, and experienced mental health care from the comfort of your own home. You can even get a prescription using telehealth services through the VA referral. Start this process by consulting with your VA physician and telling them about your mental health concerns. They can give you the referral necessary to seek mental health care and have your VA benefits cover the cost. If you lack VA benefits but are experiencing mental health challenges, you are likely covered under the new initiatives mentioned above. Reach out to VA.gov to get the referral necessary for your covered care. You must specifically ask for authorization to seek treatment at Telemynd. Once you receive the authorization, you can contact us directly for an appointment.
  12. Sometimes, new military spouses don’t know what to expect from military life. They often have to rely on the information from their service member, which is sometimes frustratingly limited or, worse, full of confusing acronyms. Fortunately, many incredible resources are available, whether you’re a military wife or husband. Numerous charities, national organizations, and programs on base strive to make military life a little easier. From deployment support programs that strengthen a military marriage to online mental health offerings, there are different benefits military families can take advantage of. Military Spouse Benefits on Base Whether a military family chooses to live on base or off base, many spouse resources are available. 1. Relief Programs Every branch has its own Relief Program or Aid Society to provide emergency relief through interest-free loans. If a military spouse has an unexpected bill for car repairs or a broken appliance, this is a great resource. Army Emergency Relief, the Air Force Aid Society, the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance have offices on their respective military installations. Note that the service member must apply in person for a loan because it will be slowly deducted from their future paychecks. 2. Family Center Most military installations have a Family Center or Readiness Center with multiple programs that support local military families. They know the challenges military families face, so they provide orientation classes for those new to the base, which is a great resource when you have just moved to a new installation. Family Centers also teach new parent classes, offer resume writing support, advise on financial aid for college, and much more. Some support special events and guest speakers throughout the year. Stop by a Family Center for a full list of their local resources. Military Spouse Resources for Deployments Deployments can be a stressful challenge for military families and exhausting for any military wife or husband. These military spouse resources make life a little more bearable during deployments. 3. Care Package Kits From USPS When a service member is deployed, they’ll want care packages with their favorite snacks, any essential toiletries they need, and photos or reminders of home. The good news is that deployment addresses use an APO address, so military spouses won’t pay for international shipping. The United States Postal Service (USPS) sells flat-rate boxes that cost a steady shipping fee, no matter how much is packed inside the box. Here’s a great benefit: The USPS will send a free care package kit to military families. It includes multiple sizes of flat-rate boxes, plus packaging tape, shipping labels, and customs forms. Order through their website to get the kit delivered for free. 4. GreenCare for Troops Yard work can be a struggle when the service member is away. Luckily, volunteers around the country want to help military families with lawn care, leaf removal, and clearing snow during deployments. The GreenCare for Troops program connects a military wife or husband with local volunteers who do their yard work for free! Taking just one task off a military spouse’s shoulders can be an incredible military spouse benefit during deployment. 5. Build-a-Sign At the end of deployment, many military spouses love to celebrate by decorating their house or yard with a welcome home banner. Build-a-Sign provides free customizable canvas banners to military families. These are high-quality, durable banners that celebrate homecoming in any weather. Military families can choose from several designs to welcome their hero home in style and add photos or names to personalize their banners. Military Spouse Resources for a PCS Some military families move often, while others only experience a few PCS moves. Either way, receiving PCS orders is one of the biggest challenges military families face because they must make a plan to relocate the entire household to a new location — sometimes on the other side of the world! These military spouse benefits help families make the most of PCS season. 6. PCSgrades When a service member comes home with PCS orders, the military wife or husband usually starts frantically searching online for everything they can learn about the new location. It’s difficult to figure out housing, schools, and local information on short notice! PCSgrades has Area Guides with details about 100 duty stations, including BAH rates, housing options, schools, and more. If a military family is buying or selling a home when they move, PCSgrades can connect them with a military-friendly real estate agent in the local area. Since military families often need to buy a home from a distance or in a hurry, it’s comforting to work with real estate agents who understand the challenges of PCS moves and know how to navigate the VA home loan. 7. School Liaison Officer For military families with school-aged children, PCS moves bring a new set of challenges. It can feel exhausting trying to learn about school zones near the next military base while also searching for homes and trying to transfer student records. A school liaison officer, or SLO, helps military families moving into the area so they are informed of their school options. The SLO can also help transfer records, register EFMP children, or reinstate any special IEP that needs to be continued at the new school. 8. ASYMCA Military families who live off-base may consider paying high rates for membership at a local gym. Instead, they should check with the ASYMCA to see if there is a YMCA location nearby. The ASYMCA offers military discounts at locations across the country. Their on-site childcare can be used for up to two hours daily, which is a great benefit that can enable spouses to exercise, get work done, or just relax away from the kids for a while. There are additional programs for military spouses and services for military kids from ASYMCA centers around the country. Military Spouse Benefits for Education and Employment In a military marriage, the service member’s career often determines where the family lives and how often they move. This can make it difficult for a wife or husband to maintain a career during the frequent changes of military life. The following resources address the education and employment challenges military families face. 9. Military Spouse Preference The Department of Defense civilian jobs have a special category for military spouses to assist them in their job search and career opportunities. They will have additional “points” added to their application, so military spouses who meet all job qualifications are selected for interviews over other candidates. When looking for work on USAJobs, search the category for military spouses to see the hiring preference details. 10. G.I. Bill Most service members earn the G.I. Bill to cover the cost of college tuition. The service member may transfer this benefit to their spouse or children (under specific conditions), allowing them to get several years free at colleges across the country. The G.I. Bill covers tuition and books and will also provide a housing fee for the service member. If the service member isn’t planning to attend a four-year college, they can share the benefit so the military spouse can get financial aid toward a college or professional certificate that will help them advance their career. 11. LinkedIn Premium LinkedIn provides one free year of LinkedIn Premium to active duty members, veterans, and military spouses. This is a great resource for anyone looking for a job or trying to build their professional network. The Premium plan includes numerous educational videos and certificate programs, plus enhanced insights to job postings. Military Spouse Benefits for Mental Health Military families often undergo constant change and uncertainty, which can lead to increased feelings of stress or depression. It can be difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle and strong connections with loved ones near and far. The following military spouse resources support mental health needs. 12. Military OneSource Counseling Military spouses who want to talk to a counselor about the stresses and challenges of military life qualify for 12 free non-medical counseling sessions through Military OneSource. They can request a counselor through the website and be connected to one that same day. Sessions can be in person, over the phone, or via video chat. Military OneSource counselors cannot diagnose conditions or prescribe medicine, but they can offer great strategies to work through challenges like deployments, help with adjusting after a PCS move, tips for raising military children at different ages, and marriage counseling. 13. Telemynd For those seeking mental health care, Telemynd is a great option. They have a national network of licensed therapists and prescribers who provide TRICARE-covered mental health services. Telemynd therapists and prescribers do not require a referral or authorization for TRICARE Prime active duty families, so it’s easy to access and get started. They offer virtual sessions with secure video chat, so spouses and children can get the care they need, no matter where they are stationed. It’s convenient to connect with a professional virtually, especially if they have children at home or can’t drive themselves to appointments. You can easily book an appointment today on their website.
  13. In May 2023, Fort Benning in Georgia will be renamed Fort Moore in honor of General Harold (Hal) Moore and his wife, Julia (Julie) Moore. General Moore was a decorated veteran of the Korean and Vietnam wars. Mrs. Moore grew up in a military family, married an officer, and became a military parent when two of her sons chose to serve. She was widely recognized for her work supporting military families. For Reuben Dickenson, the Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at Telemynd, this change is close to his heart: He knows the Moore family personally. Dickenson, a veteran, is volunteering to help plan the official renaming ceremony scheduled to take place on May 11, 2023. The Fort Benning Name Change The push for Fort Benning's new name was initiated in 2021 when the Department of Defense followed a Congressional order to rename military sites named after Confederate personnel. Fort Benning was named for Georgia native Henry Benning, who served in the Confederate Army, though he never served in the United States military. The Naming Commission solicited proposals for a Forte Benning name change and other facilities and considered them throughout 2022. The Moores' five children were instrumental in proposing the name change for the Georgia Army base. Fort Benning has special significance for the family. They lived on the base during the General's service during the Vietnam War. Later, their son David was stationed at Fort Benning during his own Army service, and he currently works there as a civilian employee. Both General and Mrs. Moore are buried in the Fort Banning Post Cemetery. They were laid to rest there because General Moore wanted to be surrounded by the troops he led in Vietnam. The Moore family was adamant that the name change reflects the contributions of both Julia and Hal. In an interview with Stars and Stripes, David remarked, "We felt that by nominating them both it creates the opportunity for the Army to honor something bigger than just a name — to honor the Army family." About Hal Moore Hal Moore was a West Point graduate who went on to serve on active duty for 32 years. His early service included time in Japan following World War II, where he trained in the airborne jump school in Tokyo. He was given command of a heavy mortar company in combat during the Korean War, where he earned two Bronze Star Medals for Valor. After the Korean War, Moore returned to the United States, where he taught at West Point, and underwent additional training before reporting to Fort Banning to command a division that would become the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, and 1st Cavalry Division. He was deployed to Vietnam, where he led troops in the Battle of Ia Drang, the first major battle of the war. Vastly outnumbered, Moore and his troops spent three days surrounded by the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) forces. The American troops suffered heavy casualties but eventually drove the PAVN forces off, thanks to artillery action and air support. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism at Ia Drang, another Bronze Star Medal for Valor, and individual awards of the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Palm. Moore's leadership earned him the nickname "the General Patton of Vietnam." After Vietnam, Moore assumed command of the 7th Infantry Division in Korea, followed by command of the Training Center at Fort Ord, CA. There he addressed racial unrest among service members to improve unit cohesion. In 1974, Hal served as the DCSPER, where he focused on rebuilding the NCO Corps. He later wrote a successful memoir of his experience in Vietnam called "We Were Soldiers Once…And Young." It was adapted as the movie "We Were Soldiers," starring Mel Gibson. Hal Moore and his co-author Joe Galloway used the profits from the book to establish the Ia Drang Scholarship Fund. The fund offers scholarship money to descendants of dead or surviving veterans of Ia Drang battles. The fund has distributed $1,823,519 to 322 recipients. About Julia Moore Julia Moore, known as Julie, was born on an Army base in 1929. Her father was a colonel, and she grew up as part of a military family. She met Hal Moore at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, where they married and had their first of five children. A lifelong Red Cross volunteer, Julia Moore was also an active part of the social and community life of every duty station. The family moved 28 times over 32 years, but Julie always made connections in each new community. She often hosted gatherings for other Army wives and made sure families got the support they needed. She was active in Army Community Service, including Officer and NCO Wives' Clubs, Advisory Councils, Post Thrift Shops, daycare centers, and Boy and Girl Scout troops. When her husband was deployed to Vietnam, she learned that death notifications were being delivered by cab drivers hired to drop telegrams off with military spouses. Horrified, she took steps to learn where the notifications were being sent so she could be there when families learned of their loss. She ensured they had a compassionate person with them at their most difficult moment. That experience led her to advocate for better notification procedures, going to the Pentagon to make her case. Thanks to her efforts, an officer and a chaplain are always present when a family learns of a service member's death. In 2005, the military created the Julia C. Moore Award. The annual award is given to civilian spouses who demonstrate outstanding "contributions to the health and welfare of the Army Family." The Moore Family Overjoyed When the Naming Commission announced the decision to rename Fort Benning after the Moores, they explained that the couple exemplified the life experience of military families: "Their story is representative of millions of other military families throughout our history, who have often endured many travels and movements, putting the nation's needs ahead of their personal preferences. If it's a truism that families serve right alongside their service members, the Moore family lived that experience to the fullest. Their stories exceptionally exemplify the service of modern military families." Steve Moore, the Moores' second son who retired from the Army as a Lieutenant Colonel, told Stars and Stripes how he felt when he learned his parents would be honored this way. "I just broke down," he said. "And the reason I felt that deep emotion was I knew what [my parents] had gone through and overcome in a life of service to the nation.… And so, I said to myself through the tears, 'Finally, the Army is going to recognize what service in a military family has always been.'" Military Families and Telemynd Reuben Dickenson, Telemynd's Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, is delighted about the honor bestowed on the Moore family. A West Point graduate and Army veteran himself, Reuben is a friend of the Moore family and supported the proposal to rename the base in their honor. He is looking forward to the official naming ceremony. "Julia Moore understood the strains that military families face. The life of military service is rewarding, but it is also a challenge. The spouses and children of active duty service members have unique mental health needs," Reuben commented. "Julia understood that from her own experience. She lived a life of compassion and service to her fellow family members. I believe I am following her example at Telemynd, where we try to bring that spirit to the care we offer military members and their families." To learn more about the process of renaming the future Fort Moore, you can visit "Fort Moore: Recognizing the Contributions of the Military Spouse and Family," a website about the Moore family and the proposal to rename the base. The official ceremony is scheduled for May 11, 2023. It will be held in Doughboy Stadium on the base. More details about the ceremony and Fort Benning news and updates will be available closer to the event date.
  14. Mental health professionals learned a vital lesson when pandemic lockdowns were prevalent: mental health is essential and must be delivered to individuals wherever they are. Without the necessary support and work of the mental health industry, people may be left to struggle on their own, further aggravating their condition, especially in times of worldwide stress. The latest mental health industry trends tell us the profession is growing to meet modern demands. This is a positive outcome of the stressors brought about by the pandemic. Mental health care services have never been more vibrant and capable of providing the behavioral health care that people need. Latest Mental Health Industry Trends Reviewing the latest mental health industry trends can provide those working in the industry with an understanding and context for dealing with potential changes. These five mental health industry trends represent the face of 2023 and beyond. 1. Mental Health Prioritized in the Workplace Employers are learning that a healthy workspace is essential to not only productivity, but also mental and physical health. An unhealthy workspace is detrimental to employees and can negatively affect retention and productivity. With greater wellness, employers realize they will reap more benefits for the company, making it profitable to invest in employee mental health. With reports that more than 30% of working adults suffer from anxiety and/or depression, employers are taking action to ensure employees have access to mental health services. Organizations are discovering that the payoff for investing in employees’ mental health is worth it. 2. Efforts Made to Reduce Stigma Stigma revolving around mental illness has always been an obstacle to individuals seeking treatment. However, strides are being made to reduce the stigma. More celebrities, athletes, and other big names are talking about their mental health struggles to show that there is no shame in it. The more people talk openly about the issue of mental illness, the less rare it seems. Fewer people will feel the inclination to hide their own mental health problems because there won’t’ be shame attached to doing so. Other big names are starting foundations to promote mental health awareness. The greater awareness and discussions among pop culture icons there are, the fewer people will feel the stigma of seeking treatment. 3. Greater Need for Children’s Mental Health Services Another issue that has taken center stage in the mental health industry is the rise of children’s mental health needs. Studies show that even before the pandemic, approximately one in five children was dealing with a mental health disorder. COVID-19 severely affected the mental health of children and young people. After the pandemic, the number of children with mental health needs soared, leading to more crises and emergency room visits. The shortage of school psychologists and child psychologists/clinicians is exacerbating the problem. However, the focus is on the need for children’s mental health services, which will open doors for mental health careers in this area of expertise. 4. Rise of Open Science Open science platforms have been used by scientists and researchers in the medical community for some time, especially with the rise of COVID-19. Now the mental health industry is taking advantage of its benefits. In the behavioral health field, psychologists and clinicians are using free, open platforms that allow the sharing of scientific research and data. This puts everything out in the open for verification, transparency, and better accuracy, which helps the mental health community. Another side benefit of open science is greater transparency helps reduce stigma also. 5. Increase in the Use of Technology It should come as no surprise that the mental health industry is implementing technology to aid them in doing their work. The rise of telehealth was a welcome convenience for many in mental health careers. As we continue to use all forms of technology, its use in the behavioral health industry will only continue to increase. It offers many benefits for both the provider and the user. What Is the Mental Health Job Outlook? Individuals that work in behavioral health may wonder about the future of the industry. However, they can be assured that the job growth is stable and growing, as noted below. Present Job Outlook for Behavioral Health Those working in the behavioral health industry may have sensed a shift in their job and their clients’ needs. This is not surprising considering all the abovementioned trends implicate the various mental health needs nationwide. Job growth for healthcare grew in the third quarter of 2022 and going into the new year. The healthcare sector includes all behavioral health jobs. Future of Mental Health Careers The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports solid job growth among all mental health positions. Several different types of behavioral health careers exist, with some experiencing higher growth than others. The following is a list of the top mental health careers experiencing predicted job growth. The projected growth is from 2021 to 2031: Substance Abuse Counselor (projected growth= 22%) Clinical Social Workers (projected growth= 11.1%) Marriage and Family Therapists (projected growth= 14%) Psychiatrists (projected growth= 8.7%) Clinical Psychologists/Mental Health Therapists (projected growth= 6%) These mental health jobs have higher projected growth rates than the average growth rate for all U.S. jobs, which is 5.3%. How Technology Is Shaping the Mental Health World According to the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) Office of Health Policy, the use of telehealth experienced a dramatic rise recently. Medical professionals across the country are engaging in the use of digital ways to evaluate patients, prescribe medicine, and provide care. With the pandemic pushing many people into isolation and shutting down several businesses, technology was a lifesaver for the mental health industry. Since more people were feeling the strain of mental health issues, mental health professionals needed to continue to meet the needs of their patients. This was accomplished through telehealth and telemedicine. The CDC reports 37% of adults used telemedicine to connect with their medical provider in 2021, which is the most recent data. This is a big increase from years prior. This percentage will probably only get higher as more providers continue providing telemedicine access. Through telemedicine, patients can meet with their mental health provider for the following: Assessment and evaluation Diagnostic testing Creation of a treatment plan Evidence-based therapy sessions Obtaining prescriptions Benefits of Using Technology in Behavioral Health Jobs Technology in any industry offers a wealth of benefits. The same can be said for the mental health industry. Using telehealth in mental health provides advantages for both the provider and the patient. Mental health providers can gain the following benefits: Allowing a more flexible schedule Meeting with more patients due to a less restrictive environment Saving money because of no commuting to work Offering more convenience since the providers work out of their own home The patient also gains similar advantages. For example, they also can be more relaxed meeting with a therapist while in their own home. People struggling with a depressive disorder may find telehealth a way to get started with therapy. In addition, patients will have a reduction in costs, too, because they won’t need to drive to the appointment. In some situations, insurance companies may have reduced copays for telehealth versus in-person meetings. When a person faces an urgent situation and wants to meet with someone immediately, the wait time may be reduced. Overcoming Barriers to Mental Health Telemedicine merges technology with behavioral health experts. The technology platform can help overcome the various barriers that exist to seeking mental health treatment. Some of these barriers are as follows: Stigma: Although stigma has significantly decreased, it’s not gone. Some people are more vulnerable to it and don’t want to seek treatment publicly. Telemedicine allows people to get the help they need while keeping a low profile. Accessibility: Accessibility to mental health services is limited in many areas. Some people live in rural areas and don’t have nearby mental health facilities. Others may not have access because of their socioeconomic status and inability to get transportation to appointments. Whatever the case might be, telehealth removes that barrier, allowing access to people affected by this issue. Cost: People often do not seek care because of the expense. The issue of cost hinders them from taking care of their mental health. Telehealth provides a cost-effective way to bring mental health care to those in need. Learn More About Expanding Your Mental Health Career Mental health providers can explore more options for expanding their careers with Telemynd. Join the many professional mental health experts delivering outstanding care and services to their patients through the Telemynd platform. Telemynd offers a comprehensive mental health solution for providers and patients. The company delivers personalized behavioral health services that increase care and improve outcomes. By combining technology and the expertise of trained mental health professionals, Telemynd is equipped to meet the mental health demands of 2023 and beyond. Apply to Telemynd’s team today!
  15. Telemynd is pleased to announce we are among the winners of the annual Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Awards, a list of the Best Places to Work in 2023. Unlike other workplace awards, there is no self-nomination or application process, instead it’s entirely based on the feedback our team has voluntarily and anonymously shared on Glassdoor. To determine the winners of the awards, Glassdoor evaluates company reviews shared by current and former team members over the past year. This year, we are proud to be recognized as a Best Place to Work among U.S. companies with fewer than 1,000 team members. A huge thank you goes out to everyone on our team who took the time to share their perspective on what it’s like to work here. We appreciate all the valuable feedback as it only helps us improve. A Statement from Telemynd CEO, Patrick Herguth "As a people-first organization, we are proud to be recognized by our employees and behavioral health providers as being a place they choose to spend their valuable time. We know that high-quality behavioral health always starts with a person. The Telemynd team - from the patient service representatives on the phone helping our clients, to the clinicians providing these valuable services, to the billing team that helps a patient navigate the complexity of their insurance plans – is a mission-driven group that shows up every day to make a difference. This is recognition for everyone on the team and a testament to the culture we have built." Below are just a few words employees shared on Glassdoor that contributed toward the award and make us feel incredibly honored Innovative and Supportive, Clinical Care Manager “Telemynd has been incredibly supportive since I started about a year and a half ago. They are a company who cares about their clients, employees and care providers. Genuinely interested in making their own footprint in the teletherapy world and bridging gaps in underserved communities. While the company may be virtual it feels anything but. Everyone is very connected and there is an emphasis on human connection and that personal touch.” Best Company I Have Worked For, Mental Health Clinician “Develop your own schedule. Once the Client is assigned, you reschedule yourself keeping your clients happy as you can choose if you want to work outside of the hours you posted to the scheduling department. Pay is very reasonable and as with any self-employed position it takes a while to build your caseload, so expect it. The pay has always been on time and I have found no inaccuracies. The advertisements are accurate, not like some platforms, that offer a certain amount per hour and then in the fine print only pay you the advertised amount when you work over a certain amount of hours. Support staff are professional, polite and extremely helpful. Also the medication providers can see your documentation and you can see theirs! This is such a plus, to keep the team running efficiently. BRAVO TELEMYND.” Professional and Pleasant Working Environment, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist “I very much enjoy working with Telemynd as an independent contractor, very professional and caring staff, quick response to questions, very supportive to both patients and therapists, I highly recommend this company to those who have the love and passion for treating patients toward their healing process.” Great Work/Life Balance, Licensed Clinical Social Worker “I love working for Telemynd! The people are great and I am able to schedule my own appointments and see as many clients or as few as I wish. I am not stuck in an 8-6 setting seeing clients every hour and then working until late at night to get my notes done (sound familiar?). If you value your work/life balance and want to work for a company that truly appreciates your contribution to the mental health field, please consider Telemynd.”
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