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    1. Horsing Around: Telemynd Team Member Explains Recreational Therapy For Veterans

      Caroline Kocot, MS, BSW, describes her equine (horse) therapy work with veterans and their families as “incredibly rewarding.” Caroline, who has a degree in social work from Indiana University, is currently a Provider Relations Coordinator with Telemynd, routinely meeting with new providers interested in joining Telemynd’s extensive behavioral health network. 
      Before Telemynd, Caroline worked with innovative therapeutic programs like Bradford Woods Outdoor Center and Battle Buddies, employing therapy techniques like equine therapy - a type of recreational therapy (also called therapeutic recreation). Evidence-based programs like these use outdoor activities - in this case, games and exercises with horses - to help veterans transition back to civilian life while living with the effects of PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, or other combat-related disabilities. Caroline says she enjoyed it so much that she continues to spend her weekends at the programs as often as she can.
      Caroline spoke with us recently about her experiences working with veterans and about how therapists use the connection between people and horses to enhance physical or emotional healing.
      Veterans face unique challenges when they separate from military service and return to civilian life
      Even the most resilient of our veterans can find re-adjustment stressful, and unfortunately, these challenges are also often associated with mental health issues like PTSD, depression, and anxiety. And it's not just soldiers who suffer - studies have found that lengths of deployments are associated with emotional difficulties among military children and spouses too - which is why the programs that Caroline works with involve the families of veterans too.
      Traumatic military events such as combat, accidents, or deaths in the field involving themselves or colleagues can have long-lasting negative effects on vets - such as trouble sleeping, anger, nightmares, and alcohol and drug abuse - all symptoms of PTSD. A JAMA Psychiatry study found the rate of PTSD to be 15 times higher in returning veterans than in civilians. The same study found the rate of depression in returning vets to be 5 times higher than for civilians. Worse still, almost 10% of veterans reported a recent suicide attempt in the last year. These are behavioral health trends that must be addressed.
      What is recreational therapy, and how does it help veterans?
      The National Council for Therapeutic Recreation defines recreational therapy as “treatment services and recreation activities using techniques including arts and crafts, animals, sports, movement, drama, music, and community outings. Recreational therapists are specially trained therapists who treat and help maintain the mental and emotional well-being of their clients by seeking to reduce depression, stress, and anxiety, build confidence, and socialize effectively.”
      Recreational therapy offers an innovative approach to managing mental health issues such as behavior management, anger management, coping and adjustment, stress management, and substance abuse. This type of therapy engages individuals and their families to collaborate and cooperate - in activities that may feel like play - in order to accomplish their goals. Caroline’s work with individuals and horses included activities like walks and (easy) obstacle courses with horses, grooming horses, and even finger painting on the sides of horses (she says the horses love this, as it feels like being groomed). She says, “...but it's more than play. This is evidence-based therapy, and it's working.”
      Research shows that as a result of participating in recreational therapy, individuals develop a better sense of self-control and competency - which may be missing from their lives. Riding and caring for horses appears to improve self-esteem and anxiety. Other benefits may include:
      Promoting general well-being and health Enhancing mood and lessening psychological stress levels Improving teamwork, trust, communication, and social interaction with others Enhancing resilience and helping to overcome negative past experiences Diminishing the focus from disability toward ability, increasing independence, and restoring quality of life Lessons learned from working with veterans and recreational therapy
      Caroline says her experience has taught her that there is a multitude of approaches to addressing behavioral health issues with which many veterans live and that recreational therapy may be the right fit for many. However, she stresses that it's really important to stay the course and not give up if one therapeutic approach does not work. She says, “there are resources and help out there; keep asking for it, and don’t give up if one method doesn't seem to work. As the old adage says, “try, try again”.”
      If you or a veteran you know are experiencing symptoms of PTSD, depression, or anxiety, consider consulting a behavioral health professional
      There are recreational and equine therapy programs located across the U.S. Many involve outdoor activities like the programs Caroline works with. A behavioral health professional is a good place to start to find out more about recreational therapy, local programs, and if this kind of therapy is the right fit for you. If you’re a client, request an appointment online or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today. Our mental health professionals understand the issues facing veterans and their families and have experience treating them. If you’re a behavioral health provider looking to join our network, see all the benefits and learn how to apply here.
    2. Parental Burnout: The Symptoms & Science Behind It

      Parental burnout is real. In fact, it's a diagnosable mental health condition. And the pandemic has made it worse. A survey called “Stress in the Time of Covid-19,” conducted by the Harris Poll with the American Psychological Association, found that 46% of parents with children under 18 said their stress level was very high. Whether it's working longer hours, coordinating working from home with child care, adjusting to new sets of rules, making sure school-aged kids do homework assignments and get to sports practice on time, or just worrying about keeping them safe in the pandemic (and thankfully, the CDC has recently approved vaccines for kids aged 5 and over), there’s a lot on the minds of parents these days. In this article, we look at the research behind parental burnout and ways to mitigate it.
      What are the symptoms of parental burnout?
      Parental burnout is a distinct psychological phenomenon separate from parents feeling generally stressed and tired (and the latter is pretty normal). Parents typically don’t burn out overnight - it's a longer process - although those feelings of irritability and exhaustion may be early warning signs of something bigger. The World Health Organization recently recognized parental burnout syndrome in its International Classification of Diseases as an occupational condition linked to symptoms such as fatigue, changing sleep habits, and substance use. 
      To receive an official diagnosis of parental burnout, you need the following four specific symptoms:
      You feel so exhausted you can’t get out of bed in the morning You become emotionally detached from your children; you might even have trouble showing them how much you love them You take no pleasure or joy in parenting, and have become less productive in the process These feelings are a marked change in behavior for you The science behind parental burnout
      Much of the recent understanding of parental burnout came from a peer-reviewed, published study done at a Belgian university in 2018. Scientists there found that burnout is much more common than previously understood and that it is associated with four primary factors: exhaustion in the parenting role, contrast with previous parental self, feelings of being fed up with the parenting role, and emotional distancing from children. Primary researcher Isabelle Roskam, PhD, concluded that, “...Parental burnout can be very damaging. As regards to the parents themselves, it can give rise to suicidal and escape ideations, which are much more frequent in parental burnout than in job burnout or even depression. This finding is not surprising considering that one cannot resign from one’s parenting role or be put on sick leave from one’s children.”
      A follow-on study done at the same university and published in Frontiers in Psychology, found that although mothers with parental burnout syndrome seem to share some of the same characteristics as postpartum depression, parental burnout differs in that it occurs in mothers with children over 18 months old, and the depressive feelings are not generalized, but experienced specifically in relation to one’s parenting role and tasks.
      Ways to address parental burnout
      The first thing to do if you are feeling symptoms of parental burnout is to talk to a qualified behavioral health professional. This condition is real, so take it seriously. They can help diagnose your condition and come up with a treatment plan that may include some combination of therapy and medication. 
      In addition, experts suggest the following:
      Try to reduce perfectionism. Ask yourself “do I actually have to do everything I think I have to do at this moment?” Set up a structure or framework for each day (although it can be flexible). Experts suggest talking with family members and prioritizing by dividing activities into 3 categories: absolute non-negotiables, things you want to see happen, and things you would like to see happen. In this way, everyone’s expectations are on the same page. Look for the positives - even if it feels as if you are forcing yourself at first. Gratitude has been scientifically linked to improved mood. One way to feel more effective might be to keep a journal in which you write down one thing you did well as a parent every day. Schedule time for fun and relaxation - for you and for your family. It's easier said than done, but engaging in activities, guilt-free, that are good for you, not just good for your kids, will make a big difference. Take a walk outside, call a friend, make time for the gym, or promise yourself one episode of a favorite show at least once a week. If you or someone you know are experiencing symptoms of parental burnout, consider consulting a behavioral health professional
      If you’re a client, request an appointment online or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today. Our mental health professionals understand parental burnout and have experience treating it. If you’re a behavioral health provider looking to join our network, see all the benefits and learn how to apply here.
      New York Times
      American Psychological Association
      Journal of Affective Science
      Frontiers in Psychology
    3. Long-COVID And Its Impact On Mental Health

      As the pandemic nears the 21-month mark, we’re hearing from more and more COVID-19 survivors that the virus’ impact can last beyond the first few weeks of symptoms. For some patients, COVID-19 has a long-term, far-reaching effect on their daily lives, impacting them physically, cognitively, and even emotionally - this is what’s being called “long-haul COVID”, “post-acute COVID” or just “long COVID”. 
      Research shows that about 10% of those who’ve had COVID-19 get long COVID. The odds go up to 22% for those 70 or older. Experts don’t yet know exactly why people get long COVID, although many now believe that it’s not caused by just one thing; that there are multiple diseases happening. One thing we do know are its symptoms. People with long COVID may experience joint pain, headache, stomach cramps, a pins-and-needles feeling, heart palpitations, and more. One study found that even after 100 days, patients still reported fatigue, shortness of breath, loss of memory, concentration difficulties, and sleep disorders.
      Long COVID also appears to impact mental health - studies show that about 1/3 of those who experience long COVID also develop a mental health issue - primarily depression or anxiety disorders. In this article, we discuss what the latest research says about long COVID’s impact on mental health and what can be done to address it.
      Multiple explanations exist for the link between long COVID and mental health
      Scientists now know that in general, COVID-19 isn't just a respiratory illness, but a disease that affects many critical organs, including the brain. COVID-19 patients often experience neurological complications, such as confusion, delirium, and other cognitive impairments - which may help explain some of the psychological effects of the disease.
      In addition, patients living with long COVID may be unable to exercise, socialize, or work - or otherwise live their lives as before. They may be battling feelings of hopelessness and fear that COVID could affect the rest of their lives. All of this can have a significant impact on emotional well-being. Some patients may have spent long periods of time in the hospital and/or in the ICU, which can be deeply stressful or even traumatizing. 
      Echoing this, researchers at University College London interviewed Long COVID patients and found five “themes” which influenced their mental well-being, including: the availability (or lack of availability) of care and understanding from others, perceived lack of treatment options, disruption to ordinary living caused by their symptoms, the lack of clarity about the outcome of their illness, and the changes it caused to their identity
      How can we address the mental health impacts of long COVID?
      As with most mental health disorders, the first place to turn is to a qualified mental health professional. The American Psychological Association reports that many existing psychological and behavioral therapies — like talk therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), group therapy, and peer support, for example — seem to be effective treatments for aspects of long COVID’s psychological symptoms.
      Family members and friends should be validating and supportive when Long COVID patients report psychological symptoms. The University College London research mentioned above found that, as expected, people who felt supported and cared for by their social network and by health professionals were less anxious or depressed than those who did not.
      Interestingly, treating the mental health symptoms of long COVID can also help alleviate some of the physical symptoms, as long COVID has a bidirectional association with physical and mental health. In other words, the ‘mind-body relationship’ may be driving some symptoms, and so addressing them on multiple fronts can be highly effective in reducing their impact.
      If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms of long COVID or showing signs of anxiety or depression, consider consulting a behavioral health professional
      If you’re a client, request an appointment online or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today. Our mental health professionals understand the link between COVID-19 and mental health. If you’re a behavioral health provider looking to join our network, see all the benefits and learn how to apply here.
      Journal of Infection
      The Lancet Psychiatry
      The American Psychological Association (APA)
    4. New Survey Reveals How Stress Can Significantly Impact Our Ability To Make Decisions

      Do you find yourself having trouble thinking about big decisions like whether to switch jobs, start or end a relationship, or move to a new city? Or even more basic daily decisions like where to go on vacation, or how to organize your day? If so, you’re not alone - and stress may be having an impact on your decision-making ability.
      The American Psychological Association (APA) in concert with The Harris Poll just released the results of their 2021 Stress in America survey. This online survey was conducted in August among adults who reside in all parts of the U.S., and reveals that the uncertainty associated with life during the pandemic has caused day-to-day stress to feel overwhelming for the majority of us. Further, this stress has made daily tasks and decision-making more difficult, particularly for younger adults and parents. This post looks at the startling results of this survey and includes suggestions for dealing with everyday stress.
      61% say the pandemic has made them rethink how they are living their lives
      Major sources of stress, according to the survey, include:
      Work (66%)
      Money / finances (61%)
      The economy (59%)
      Family responsibility (57%)
      Personal health (52%)
      The top 2 sources of stress (work and money) are up
      More than one-third of survey respondents said it has been more stressful to make both day-to-day and major life decisions compared with before the pandemic. Younger adults were more likely to feel both kinds of decisions are more stressful now (daily decisions: 40% of Gen Z adults, 46% of millennials, and 39% of Gen Xers vs. 24% of boomers, and 14% of older adults; major decisions: 50% of Gen Z adults and 45% of millennials vs. 33% of Gen Xers, 24% of boomers, and 6% of older adults). 
      Over 60% of all respondents say they have begun to question how they are living their lives and whether they are making the right decisions about it - and increased stress plays a big part of this: 63% say that uncertainty about what the next few months will hold causes them even more stress, and 49% say that the pandemic has made planning for their future virtually impossible.
      Parents are citing significantly more stress over the past 18 months
      ‘Decision-making fatigue’ seems to have had a disproportionate impact on parents, given the big changes to schedules and everyday routines during the pandemic. Many say they are struggling to manage households divided by vaccination status, with one set of rules for vaccinated adults and kids over 12, and another for the younger, unvaccinated kids (although this should resolve soon as the FDA recently authorized a COVID-19 vaccine for 5- to 11-year-olds).
      According to the survey, parents with children under 18 were more likely than those without children to say that both day-to-day decisions and major life decisions are more stressful than pre-pandemic (daily: 47% vs. 30%; major: 44% vs. 31%), with 54% of those with younger children under 5 reporting that day-to-day decisions have become more stressful.
      The real science behind our inability to make decisions when feeling stressed
      Multiple research studies have found that stress has a broad impact on the brain regions involved in decision-making processes. One study found that not only is the methodology of our decision-making altered under stress, but also our ability to make reliable cost-benefit evaluations necessary for bigger life decisions. Stress can cause us to focus too much on potential rewards and too little on potential risks; or put another way, stress biases our decisions toward comfortable (but potentially negative) habits rather than on goals. This obviously becomes problematic when weighing life-changing decisions, such as changing careers or having a baby, for example.
      Suggestions for coping with everyday stress
      It’s not all bad news. The survey did find that U.S. adults maintain an overall positive outlook. 70% said they were confident that everything will work out after the pandemic, and 77% said that overall they are faring ok. What to do if you are feeling more stressed than usual these days? Experts suggest things like:
      Building in regular exercise to your routine - even a brisk, 20 min walk can work wonders to relieve stress
      Eating a balanced diet and limiting alcohol
      Getting enough sleep
      Connecting with supportive friends and family (and the key here is ‘supportive’)
      Making time for hobbies and fun
      Spending quality time with a pet
      Trying meditation, journaling, or yoga if you don’t already practice these 
      Feeling prolonged stress or anxiety? Consider Telemynd
      Request an appointment online or call our care team for assistance in scheduling a session today. Our mental health professionals understand the link between current stresses and mental health. If you’re a behavioral health provider looking to join our team, see all the benefits and learn how to apply here.
      American Psychological Association
      Journal of Neuroscience Research
      The Decision Lab
    5. Mental Health In The Workplace: Why 80% Feel Stressed On The Job And What Can Be Done About It

      No question, stress is affecting us at work. A 2020 survey by Mental Health America found that over 80% of respondents felt emotionally drained from work and 71% said their workplace significantly affects their mental health. Another study by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America found that over 50% of employees say stress and anxiety impacts their workplace quality and performance. The main culprits of all this workplace stress? Deadlines (55%), interpersonal work relationships (53%), staff management (50%), and dealing with unexpected issues and problems (49%) - not to mention the pandemic.
      These statistics seem unsustainable. Some employers recognize this issue and are in the process of creating company policies to address it. In this article, we look at the status of mental health in the workplace, and what both employers and workers can do to address the problem.
      The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on mental health
      A 2020 CDC survey found that 1 in 4 of us reported feeling anxious more than half of the previous week, and 1 in 5 reported feelings of depression during the same time period - driven by COVID-19-related concerns such as illness, remote learning, travel restrictions, the switch to remote work, child care issues, and limits on gatherings with family or friends, and more.
      A recent McKinsey study found that 9 out of 10 employers say they know that COVID-19 is having an impact on their employees by creating unprecedented anxiety and depression, and 70% say they’re taking action - yet the same study found that almost half of workers anticipate that going back to the office will have somewhat or significantly negative impacts on their mental health. 
      Mental health issues in the workplace can impact both employees and employers
      Stress, anxiety and other mental health issues on the job can impact:
      Job performance and productivity
      Physical capability 
      Cognitive functioning
      Communication with coworkers
      Engagement with one’s work
      Mental health issues in the workplace are also associated with higher rates of disability and unemployment. All of these issues are damaging to employers as well as workers.
      What can employers do to address the mental health crisis?
      If you’ve a manager, you’ve probably read about the success of interventions and programs such as the following list - which all start by acknowledging the importance of good mental health at all levels of your organization, and talking openly about the problem. In addition, employers can:
      Provide managers with training to help them recognize the signs and symptoms of stress in team members and encourage them to seek help from qualified mental health professionals
      Make mental health self-assessment tools available to employees
      Distribute materials (such as brochures or videos) about the signs and symptoms of mental health issues and ways to get help
      Provide free or subsidized access to coaching, counseling, or stress management programs 
      What can workers do to address mental health issues in the workplace?
      It can benefit all of us to be on the lookout for warning signs that we might need to make changes at work or get professional help. Experts suggest that each of us can:
      Watch out for warning signs. For example, if you start to notice you’re losing interest in your job or your productivity drops, or you start dreading work each day, or you feel so anxious that you have trouble thinking about everything that you’re supposed to do, it’s an indication that something is not right.
      Consider setting boundaries. Would it help to have a more flexible work schedule, or  set limits as to when and how often you respond to work messages? Or do you need something bigger like a short-term disability leave (usually decided with a mental health professional)?
      Get support. If you find you need help, seek out a trusted friend or family member, peer group, or qualified mental health professional - someone or somewhere you can feel seen, heard and validated. A mental health professional will work with you to determine what mental health condition you are experiencing and come up with a plan to address it.
      Note that it's illegal for an employer to discriminate against you if you have a mental health condition. And according to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, if you have a qualifying condition like major depression for example, you may have a right to a reasonable accommodation that would help you do your job. Talk to a qualified mental health professional about this first.
      If you identify with any of these signs of workplace-related stress or anxiety, consider consulting a behavioral health professional
      If you’re a client, request an appointment online or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today. Our mental health professionals understand the link between the stresses of college life and mental health. If you’re a behavioral health provider looking to join our network, see all the benefits and learn how to apply here.
      Harvard Business Review
      Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
      McKinsey & Company
      McKinsey & Company
    6. Mental Health Issues In College Students Are On The Rise: What Can Be Done About It

      This Fall, over 3 million students started college in the US - some attending classes in-person for the first time in over a year. Do you know a loved one who went away to college this year? We know that teens have a lot on their minds anyway, and while some issues are not new, electronic media has amplified some of the struggles that young people face. On top of that, starting college means learning new systems, places, and faces, as well as potentially facing more academic competition than ever before. Not to mention, the stress of separating from family and living alone - potentially for the first time. 
      So just how does the transition to college impact the mental health of this population? It turns out …significantly. Read on for the research behind the headlines, as well as warning signs to watch out for.
      What the research shows about college students and mental health
      In the context of the stressors mentioned above, many college students experience the first onset of mental health and substance use problems or an exacerbation of existing symptoms. One study found that 60% of all college students suffer from at least one mental health problem. And according to recent surveys from the American College Health Association, 60% of respondents felt ‘overwhelming’ anxiety, while 40% experienced depression. A 2019 Penn State University study found that demand for campus mental health services spiked by over 30% in one year.
      The COVID-19 pandemic seems to have made things worse. Measures such as lockdowns, social distancing, and stay-at-home orders introduced negative impacts on the higher education ecosystem. A 2021 study found that 71% of college students indicated increased stress and anxiety due to COVID-19. This study found that contributing stressors included:
      fear and worry about their own health and the health of their loved ones (91%) difficulty in concentrating (89%) disruptions to sleeping patterns (86%) decreased social interactions due to physical distancing (86%) increased concerns about academic performance (82%) Access to behavioral healthcare is key - but not always a given
      Studies have shown a link between poor academic performance, and anxiety and depression among college students, so it's critical for students to have easy access to help. A study looking at mental health and academic success found that symptoms of depression or anxiety are a significant predictor of a lower GPA, and a higher probability of dropping out.
      The problem is that many colleges and universities are not staffed with enough specialists to handle the volume of students that need help. As well, some students are uncomfortable admitting they need help, think that high stress is “a normal part of student life”, or do not know where to find help. One study found that among students with mental health issues, fewer than half received treatment when they needed it.
      How to spot symptoms of depression or anxiety in college students
      Recognizing signs of depression may seem difficult - but is critical. After all, everyone has “off days” when they feel overwhelmed with the stresses of college. However, when those days become weeks, and/or getting out of bed every day for class becomes a struggle, take notice.
      Here are signs of anxiety or depression to look for in college students:
      not enjoying activities you once loved feeling hopeless no longer attending classes or social outings experiencing extreme anger or sadness  reacting negatively or with apathy to most things talking about death or suicide suddenly turning to drugs or alcohol to suppress feelings family history of depression or anxiety If you or a college student you love shows any of these signs, avoid telling them to "cheer up" or "snap out of it." Many people experiencing mental health issues are aware of their condition, and telling them to “get over it” is not helpful. Instead, encourage them to seek help. If there isn’t help available on campus, consider virtual therapy. Online platforms like Telemynd provide access to mental health specialists from the privacy of a dorm room or home.
      If you recognize any of these signs of anxiety or depression, consider consulting a behavioral health professional
      Request an appointment online or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today. Our mental health professionals understand the link between the stresses of college life and mental health. If you’re a behavioral health provider looking to join Telemynd, see all the benefits and apply here.
      Journal of Affective Disorders
      Journal Medical Research
    7. Social Media, Body Image, & Mental Health

      We spend an average of 2.5 hours per day on social media in the US. And that’s up 31% from 2015. According to the Pew Research Center, 70% of adults and 81% of teens in the U.S. use social media daily. And of course, we all post our best - the best vacation pics, the best party pics, the best outfit pics - it's a recipe for unrealistic comparison on a daily basis. 
      Why do we do it? To boost self-esteem and feel a sense of belonging in our social circles, we post with the hope of receiving positive feedback. But there’s a downside - research shows that time spent on social media has an adverse effect on mental health. The effort spent to achieve and maintain the ideal body so that we look “as good as” others we see on social media, can trigger significant anxiety and depression. In this article, we dig into the research and share suggestions to mitigate the negative impact of social media.
      What the science says about social media and mental health
      Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, and more recently TikTok (whose use is up 800% in the US since 2018) - all provide an easy means to post, view, and compare ourselves to others, 24/7. Filters that provide the ability to airbrush photos, whiten teeth, and more, are easy to find and use. Now, it’s not only celebrities who look perfect—it’s everyone. In fact, plastic surgeons have seen an uptick in requests in recent years from patients who want to look like their (unrealistic) filtered Snapchat or Instagram photos.
      Logically, we know this can’t be healthy behavior. And the science backs this up. Research has linked social media use to decreased sleep, increased anxiety and depression, and significant body dysmorphia - which often leads to eating disorders. 
      One study, published by the Public Library of Open Science (PLoS One), found the prevalence of depression and anxiety to be over 48%, for those of all ages and genders who looked at social media frequently. Another study, published in Computers and Human Behavior, found that individuals who used social media over 2 hours per day reported significantly higher body image concerns and internalizing symptoms than peers reporting no use of social media. A 2018 British study tied social media use to decreased or disrupted sleep, which can be associated with depression, memory loss, and poor work or academic performance.
      One study, published by the Public Library of Open Science (PLoS One), found the prevalence of depression and anxiety to be over 48%, for those of all ages and genders who looked at social media frequently. Another study, published in Computers and Human Behavior, found that individuals who used social media over 2 hours per day reported significantly higher body image concerns and internalizing symptoms than peers reporting no use of social media. A 2018 British study tied social media use to decreased or disrupted sleep, which can be associated with depression, memory loss, and poor work or academic performance.
      How social media’s ‘ideal body image’ portrayal impacts different communities
      Some communities are impacted more than others - for various reasons they are more likely to feel pressure to look good on social media and/or more vulnerable to the effects of constant comparison. For example, studies have found that social media use has been linked to higher rates of depression in teens, which in turn has lead to a higher suicide rate among the age group. When there’s a ‘filter’ applied to the digital images, it can be hard for teens to tell what’s real and what isn’t, which comes at an already difficult time for them physically and emotionally.
      A Pew Research study of teens, technology, and friendships revealed a range of social media-induced stressors:
      Feeling pressure to post attractive content about yourself
      Feeling pressure to get comments and likes on your posts
      Seeing people post about events to which you weren’t invited
      Having someone post things about you that you cannot change or control
      Another community adversely affected by the need to achieve a perfect body for social media is the LGBTQ community. For example, research published out of Dalhousie University found that social demands placed on gay men, based on social media images, to achieve a perfect body, have serious mental health consequences. The men in this study talked about how “constantly thinking about food and body ideals often lead to losing themselves in feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression.” The National Eating Disorder Association similarly found that those who identify as LGBTQ+ experience unique stressors that may contribute to the development of eating disorders - these stressors include the inability to meet body image ideals within LGBTQ+ cultural contexts that are promoted in social media.
      Women in general, and young black women in particular, are also at greater risk for developing mental health issues due to unrealistic body image portrayals on social media. One study found that celebrity culture, as portrayed on social media, perpetuates the ideology that young black women can only achieve beauty through changes in skin color, extended artificial weaves, and a thin body frame. Another study out of Yale University School of Medicine found that as black teen girls navigate social media, “they are aware that they are seen as less desirable than their white teen counterparts.” Of course, all of this leads to significant mental health issues.
      How to mitigate the negatives effects of social media
      Can anything be done to mitigate the downsides of social media? While the biggest changes need to come at a societal level, it turns out that there are some tactics that individuals and families can take - starting with something as simple as monitoring social media use. In an article from Harvard’s McLean Hospital, psychologist Jacqueline Sperling, Ph.D., says “it’s probably unrealistic for most social media users to quit completely. However, they can monitor their behavior to see how their use impacts them.” She adds, “if someone notices that they feel less happy after using social media, they might consider changing how they use the sites, such as viewing them for less time and doing other activities that they enjoy instead.” 
      Experts also suggest the following options:
      Find and follow body-positive accounts and influencers, or join support groups - this can help shift our mindset about the ideal body image set by society.
      Take an ethical stand and refuse to read, or view media, or buy advertised products that do not promote a healthy and diverse body image.
      Use your own social media accounts to become an advocate for positive body image. Give a shout-out to retailers, advertisers, or celebrities who promote natural looks, healthy body size, and diverse body shapes.
      Consult with a behavioral health specialist if you or someone you love is finding it hard to disconnect from social media overuse.
      If you recognize some of these signs for anxiety or depression, consider consulting a behavioral health professional
      Request an appointment online or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today. Our mental health professionals understand the link between social media and mental health. Seeking a meaningful career in behavioral health? Consider joining our national team of providers making a real impact on the lives of thousands, learn more about the benefits here.
    8. Self-Care While Working at Home: Tips for Maintaining Healthy Work-Life Balance

      The COVID-19 pandemic has created a ‘new work normal’ for many of us. While around 7% of Americans worked from home regularly before the pandemic, now 33-50% regularly work from home. Working remotely seems great on the surface, as we get to avoid lengthy morning routines (especially if you’re also getting other family members ready for the day), long commutes, and common office distractions, like the cubemate who talks loudly on the phone. However, many of us have found that when those lines of separation between work, family time, and relaxation are blurred, it can actually lead to more stress. 
      Why is this? Mental health professionals say that things like lack of social contact with others, overworking, and loss of good sleep and eating habits - all of which can happen when we work from home - contribute to a more stressful work experience. They advise that in order to work smarter, and to reduce the chances of mental health issues like anxiety and depression, we should adopt a set of boundaries and routines when working remotely.
      Tips to maintain a healthy work-life balance while working from home
      The most important tip is to separate “work” and “life”. This means both dedicating a physical space to do your work that isn’t your bedroom, and separating your work and home activities throughout the day. For example, it can be tempting to use the time between meetings to do the dishes or the laundry, but this can ultimately lead to burnout.
      Other tips include:
      Establishing a routine. Routines and schedules help us feel a sense of control - so  when work routines are significantly altered, it can feel like we don’t know where to begin or how to be productive. Creating a new schedule can be a good way to regain that sense of control. Start with a robust morning routine – take a shower, meditate, get dressed, etc.  - before logging on for the day. And just like before the pandemic, it pays to remain flexible, as sometimes routines can change. 
      Taking regular breaks. In a normal in-office workday, you probably would have stopped to chat with a coworker, gotten up to refill your coffee or tea, or left the office for lunch. When you’re working from home it can be more difficult to find those break times. So try to schedule breaks on your calendar and hold yourself accountable to those times. During a break, you could go for a quick walk, play with your dog, or meditate if you are so inclined. By regularly removing yourself from the work environment for 10 or 15 minutes, you’ll feel refreshed and productive instead of feeling exhausted and unable to focus.
      Keeping a consistent sleep schedule. Even if you don’t have a meeting until 10am, get up on time anyway. Resist the urge to binge-watch Netflix late at night. The same wake and bedtimes are critical to self-care because they contribute to better overall sleep quality. Otherwise, you may find yourself feeling groggy during the day, or with fluctuations in energy. (And if that happens, it's much more productive to go outside and take a brief, brisk walk instead of taking a nap.)
      Eating healthy food. Stay hydrated throughout the day by filling up a water bottle and keeping it next to you at your desk. Resist the urge to snack all day long - it's so easy  to keep running to the fridge - especially if you are stressed. But if you're particularly challenged by this, consider making your lunch in advance, just as you would have for the office. And be sure to have lots of healthy snacks and less junk food in the house.
      Having a clock-out time. It’s very easy when you work from home to keep working into the evening - to “just answer an email or two to get caught up”. But that can lead to burnout over time. To be as effective as possible at your job, know when to start and to quit for the day. Set your ‘do not disturb’ notifications between 5pm and 8am for example. Resist the urge to check email in the evening and on weekends. Turn off the sound on your phone or laptop so you don't hear the email and message notifications as they come in.
      Making an appointment for “you time”. Self-care isn’t just about long baths and glasses of wine. It means prioritizing the things that you love - whether that’s reading, hiking, visiting with friends, or whatever makes you feel happy and relaxed. It's about finding healthy ways to comfort yourself, setting priorities, staying connected, and creating structure. In this way, you build a stronger foundation for yourself and your career. 
      If you or someone you love shows signs of too much stress or anxiety, consider consulting a behavioral health professional
      If you’re a client, request an appointment online or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today! If you’re a behavioral health provider looking to join our network, see all the benefits and learn how to apply here.
      Wall Street Journal
      The National Sleep Foundation
      Griffis, Hailley
    9. 5 Ways to Address This Year’s Increased Back-to-School Anxiety

      Back-to-school can be a time of heightened stress and excitement for kids in normal years, but this year, add in increased health worries and new routines associated with the covid-19 pandemic, and the level of ‘back-to-school anxiety’ is higher than ever. In fact, at Telemynd, we’ve recently seen an uptick in requests for mental health visits for kids and adolescents. So, with families in mind, this article will look at the reasons why back-to-school may cause extra anxiety this year and some actionable ways to address it. 
      The number of mental health issues in young people has increased in the pandemic
      A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Pediatrics) found that the number of young people struggling with mental health issues has likely doubled compared to pre-pandemic levels. The study found that 1 in 4 kids are experiencing elevated symptoms of depression and 1 in 5 have higher levels of anxiety. A CDC study found that in 2020, emergency room mental health visits increased 31% for kids ages 12 to 17, and 24% for ages 5 to 11, compared to the same period the prior year.
      And it's no wonder. For many young people, the pandemic has increased worries about sickness, family finances, separation from friends, disruption in routine – even coping with grief from loss. A year of remote learning, although necessary for safety, may have taken an emotional toll on many – some may have fallen behind in their studies, or suffered from lack of academic support. 
      Back-to-school transitions will be harder this year
      Most mental health specialists agree that, in general, kids are realizing that the world is not as safe as we all thought it was – and that increases anxiety. Dr. Jennifer Louie, a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute, says, “There’s just anxiety in the air, and I think kids feel that. They are wondering: Are we sure it’s safe to go back (to school)? And are other people safe? And is it safe to touch this?”
      To be sure, some kids have enjoyed homeschooling and spending more time with family. But for those who are predisposed to anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, transitioning back to classroom learning this Fall may be harder than ever.
      How to help kids deal with back-to-school anxiety
      For parents and caretakers, it may feel complicated – on the one hand you want to reassure them that it’s safe to go back to school in-person, while also encouraging them to be cautious, and preparing them to be flexible if rules or situations change. 
      Here are 5 ways to address additional back-to-school anxiety:
      Emphasize safety measures. Talk about how schools have done months of planning to minimize risk and keep everyone safe — and how kids can do their part by following the rules. It's fine to explain that we can never be 100% sure everyone will stay healthy, but that there are measures in place to try to ensure best possible outcomes if people get sick. 
      Validate their feelings. Validate any worries by acknowledging that, like any new activity, going back to school can be hard, but with time, it will get easier. For younger kids, praise ‘brave’ behaviors, e.g., “I love how willing you were to take the bus this morning.” Make sure they know they aren’t alone - that teachers and administrators are watching out for them and that you’ll deal with any safety and health issues together.
      Have a routine. Making sure that your child has a predictable school morning routine can help everyone feel more secure. Try to do things at the same time, the same way every day. And practice problem-solving if issues come up; for example, if they worry they can’t find their way around school, help them think through who to ask for help.
      Make sure they get enough sleep and good nutrition. The shift from summer to school-year wake-up times can be challenging for a lot of kids, but lack of sleep can make them more vulnerable to anxiety. To deal with this, consider leaving TV, phone, or laptop outside the bedroom at night. And have lots of healthy snacks and lunch material in the house to ward-off unhealthy eating (which also contributes to stress).
      Observe your child's behavior. Watch for signs of depression or anxiety, for example, becoming more withdrawn, angry, or having trouble concentrating. Also watch for physical changes like abdominal or other physical pain - which also can be warning signs. Be sure to regularly and directly ask them how they're feeling. It is also not uncommon for kids who struggle with anxiety and depression to “hold it together” during the school day and have a “meltdown” when they arrive home to release some of the pent up feelings they have kept inside while in school. It is important for parents to be prepared for this type of response and to create space for their child to decompress when they arrive home before trying to engage them about their day. Understanding “why” your child may be acting in a way that is unlike them is the first step in recognizing the signs that they may be struggling with a mental health issue.  
      When to seek additional help
      If you see any of the warning signs mentioned above (and see more here), or if a young person’s worries about school start to interfere with their ability and willingness to attend school or participate in normal activities, like sports, or socializing with peers, consider consulting a licensed behavioral health professional. In some cases, kids may be resisting going back to school because last year’s learning at home “felt” easier than going to school (e.g., kids with a lot of social anxiety, or those with learning disorders may have had an easier time when they could work at their own pace). Mental health professionals can sort out real anxiety and depression symptoms, and provide recommendations to help.
      If a young person in your life is showing signs of heightened back-to-school anxiety, consider contacting a mental health professional
      With the right mental health support, kids can adjust to school this Fall, make new friends, learn new things, and thrive. If you’re a client, request an appointment online or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today! If you’re a behavioral health provider looking to join our network, see all the benefits and learn how to apply here.

      Harvard Medical School
      Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
      Behavior Analysis in Practice
      JAMA Pediatrics
    10. How EFT Tapping Helps Relieve Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

      There’s a lot to be stressed about these days - whether it’s news headlines, endless to-do lists, or worry about money and bills. But for some, stress and worry can be so prevalent that it starts to interfere with our ability to function. In this case, we might consult a clinical professional and try talk therapy or medication. In addition, there’s another technique that has gained popularity in recent years to deal effectively with anxiety and depression, called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), also known as "tapping."
      EFT Tapping is a research-based intervention that combines cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) techniques, such as awareness building and reframing of interpretation, with the stimulation of acupressure points on the face and body by literally tapping on them. In our continuing series on treatment modalities, we’ve provided an overview of EFT Tapping here: how it works, some of the research behind it, and who can benefit from it.
      What is EFT Tapping?
      EFT Tapping helps tune in to the negative patterns we form around anxious thoughts or troubling memories, by physically tapping with our fingers on identified acupressure points while at the same time focusing on those thoughts and emotions. According to experts, focusing on a negative thought while simultaneously tapping on acupressure points sends a calming signal to the brain, allowing us to acknowledge the stress while calming the body. Think of it as having similar (but noninvasive) effects as acupuncture. 
      EFT Tapping is facilitated by an experienced, certified EFT practitioner in a therapy session, with the ultimate goal of shifting limiting thought processes, resolving past traumas, and promoting healing around emotional issues that may be holding us back.
      How does EFT Tapping work?
      EFT Tapping can rewire the brain. From research, it is understood that tapping on specific pressure points can result in a calming effect on the amygdala (the stress center of the brain) and the hippocampus (the memory center), both of which play a role in the unconscious process we use to determine if something is a threat or not, and therefore whether our “fight or flight” response should kick in. Indeed, studies at Harvard Medical School have shown that by stimulating the body’s acupressure points you can significantly reduce activity in the amygdala. Therefore, EFT Tapping works to effectively rewire the brain; to interrupt and change neural pathways so that you want to do the things that are going to improve your life and make you feel better. 
      Research shows EFT Tapping is effective in treating multiple mental health disorders
      Multiple studies have been done to determine the effectiveness of EFT Tapping for different mental health issues. Here are just a few:
      Reducing cortisol levels. One study measured changes in cortisol (the primary stress hormone) levels and other psychological distress symptoms after a single hour-long intervention of EFT Tapping and found it reduced those distress symptoms by 24%.
      Decreasing anxiety. Another study looked at the length of time needed before different therapeutic interventions took effect in patients with anxiety, and found that only three EFT Tapping sessions were needed before study participants’ anxiety was reduced. That same study showed that after a year, those reductions in anxiety were maintained by 78% of participants.
      Treating depression. In a study exploring EFT Tapping for depression, researchers found that a weighted mean reduction in depression symptoms was 41% after using EFT.
      Reducing symptoms of PTSD. Another study using EFT Tapping to treat PTSD in veterans found that 60% of participants no longer met clinical PTSD criteria after three EFT Tapping sessions and 86% no longer met the criteria after six sessions.
      Other studies have shown the effectiveness of EFT Tapping even beyond reducing anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms. For example, it can help minimize food cravings and aid in weight loss, or reduce fears around events like public speaking, test-taking, and even childbirth. 
      If you or a loved one are living with mental health issues such as Anxiety, Depression, or PTSD, consider EFT Tapping
      Like other treatment modalities, therapists can be trained and certified in EFT Tapping. Certification requires a specific number of hours in the classroom and in clinical practice. Many behavioral health specialists offer EFT Tapping therapy; look for one that is experienced and certified.
      Many of Telemynd’s clinicians specialize in EFT tapping. If you’re a client, request an appointment online or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today! If you’re a behavioral health provider looking to join our network, see all the benefits and learn how to apply here.
      Journal of Evidence-Based Integrated Medicine
      EFT International
      Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease
      Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease
      Explore: The Journal of Science & Healing
    11. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): Effective Treatment for Extreme Emotions and Destructive Behaviors

      Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based cognitive-behavioral treatment that provides individuals with tools to help reduce negative behaviors and regulate intense emotions. Although it was originally created to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD), it has been effectively adapted to treat other mental health conditions, such as depression, bipolar disorder, and eating disorders. Its objective is to help people understand and accept difficult and often contradictory feelings, and then learn the skills to manage them. Read our overview to learn how it works, who can benefit from DBT, and what treatment looks like.
      What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?
      DBT is a comprehensive treatment that includes many aspects of other cognitive-behavioral approaches, such as exposure, problem-solving, and stimulus control, as well as cognitive restructuring. In plainer terms, DBT focuses on helping individuals to change unhelpful ways of thinking and behaving while at the same time focusing on self-acceptance. DBT teaches four sets of behavioral skills: mindfulness, distress tolerance, improved interpersonal skills, and emotion regulation, so that individuals have the tools to make positive and healthy changes in their lives.
      The key to DBT is the term, dialectical. Here, dialectical means learning to understand how two seemingly opposing perspectives can both be true. In this way, DBT promotes balance and avoidance of “black and white”, “all-or-nothing” styles of thinking. For example, accepting yourself and changing your behavior might feel contradictory, but DBT teaches that it's possible to achieve both goals together. At the heart of DBT are acceptance and change.
      Who can benefit from DBT?
      DBT has been adapted to treat those with mental health issues such as eating disorders, suicidal and self-harming behavior, bipolar disorder, treatment-resistant depression, and substance use issues. The thinking is that since these disorders are often associated with unhealthy attempts to control intense, negative emotions, DBT’s emotion-regulation approach can help. 
      Indeed, multiple research studies have shown that DBT can be effective in treating substance use issues, and decreasing suicide ideation, hopelessness, anger, and depression, and also that the effects of DBT treatment can last for sustained periods of time.
      What does DBT treatment look like?
      Although highly effective, DBT can take many therapy sessions and multiple months (sometimes over a year) of treatment in order to see change. It typically involves weekly one-on-one therapy sessions, weekly group skills training sessions, homework, and regular therapist check-ins (often by phone or video).
      According to the research, DBT treatment consists of four stages which go in order, with each phase having specific goals, such as:
      Treating issues related to past trauma
      Reducing therapy-interfering or quality-of-life-interfering behaviors, such as suicidal ideation or self-harming
      Developing renewed self-esteem and improving day-to-day behavioral skills
      Developing the capacity for optimum life experience and for finding a higher purpose.
      Please note, if you or a loved one have thoughts of suicide, contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), Option 1.
      If you or a loved one are living with disorders such as depression, an eating disorder, or other self-harming behaviors, consider DBT
      DBT treatment requires fairly extensive training in order for behavioral health specialists to offer it to clients. Some get trained in DBT in graduate school or postdoctoral work, and others can get DBT-certified with supervised, on-the-job training. A qualified mental health professional will first assess your symptoms, treatment history, and your goals, and from there, figure out which type of therapy treatment is best for you. Because each illness responds differently to treatment techniques, you’ll want to go with what’s been shown most effective for your diagnosis and symptoms.
      Many of Telemynd’s clinicians are DBT-certified. If you’re a client, request an appointment online or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today! If you’re a behavioral health provider looking to join our network, see all the benefits and learn how to apply here.
      Sources Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine BMC Psychiatry Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation
    12. EMDR Therapy And Its Effectiveness In Treating PTSD

      EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy has been around since the 1980s, and recent stories featuring several well-known media personalities have credited the technique with helping them heal from past trauma. In the news or out, EMDR is an evidence-based, extensively researched therapeutic modality that is commonly used by behavioral health specialists to help support clients’ recovery from past trauma. EMDR has proven particularly effective for those living with PTSD, and as the date draws nearer for US troops to pull out from Afghanistan, we’re focused on sharing vital resources and techniques that can help military families and their loved ones cope with the transition.
      What Is EMDR?
      In plain language, EMDR is an individual therapy technique aimed at helping people process trauma during therapy in a more detached way than talking about the event (which can be emotionally intense and often lead them to shut down). It had been thought that emotional pain from past trauma required a long time to heal. But studies have shown that our minds can mend from psychological trauma in a similar way that our bodies recover from physical trauma - and often in as little as 6 to 8 weeks, depending on the individual and their engagement in the program. In fact, one of the important benefits of EMDR is that by using this therapy, people can experience progress that normally can take years. In one study, 77% of combat veterans were free of PTSD symptoms in only 12 therapy sessions.
      EMDR works in eight phases. The clinician first learns about the client’s history, while also helping them to create a sense of safety and awareness in the body. Key traumatic memories are identified and reprocessed. After the clinician has determined which memory to target first, they ask the client to hold different aspects of that memory in their mind while using their eyes to track the therapist’s hand as it moves back and forth. As this happens, internal associations arise and the client starts processing the memory and associated disruptive feelings. Once the memories are reprocessed in this way, the brain develops new neural pathways free from the associated negative emotion so that the traumatic memories do not cause the same repeated “fight, flight or freeze” survival response. 
      As the psychologist who originated EMDR, Dr. Francine Shapiro said, “unlike straight talk therapy, the insights clients gain in EMDR therapy result not so much from clinician’s interpretation, but from the client’s own accelerated intellectual and emotional processes.” The EMDR International Association has a more specific description of the eight phases here.
      How Does EMDR Help Veterans Recover From PTSD?
      It’s estimated that almost 4% of the general US population is affected by PTSD — a number that rises to 55% of those who have served in the military. A few months ago, we wrote about PTSD and how it negatively impacts the lives of those suffering from it. For example, remembering and reliving the initial trauma may cause problems at work or at home – triggering an out-of-perspective or inappropriate emotional response to everyday experiences. Individuals who have PTSD avoidance symptoms may do things like avoiding driving a car or visiting certain locations. Others may feel stressed and angry all the time and isolated from friends and family. Left untreated, PTSD can cause adverse impacts on relationships and work, and even dependence on drugs or alcohol.
      EMDR therapy has been recognized as effective for PTSD in the treatment guidelines of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the World Health Organization (WHO). EMDR treatment options for veterans range from intensive daily therapy sessions to weekly sessions. In multiple research studies, both frequencies were found to be equally effective, with a substantial decrease in PTSD symptoms ranging between 36% and 95%, depending on the framework of the study. As well, studies show that EMDR therapy can produce stable long-term effects for PTSD sufferers.
      But how exactly does EMDR therapy reduce the symptoms of PTSD? As we wrote a few months ago in How Trauma Changes the Brain, stress responses are a protective part of our natural instincts. But in those diagnosed with PTSD, the distress from the trauma remains in the memory, and those upsetting thoughts and emotions can create an overwhelming feeling of being “back in that moment” - even if you are sitting safely at home. 
      EMDR therapy is thought to help improve the way the mind processes these memories, which can sometimes be too difficult to do by just talking about them. EMDR  allows guided self-healing to happen in a natural way that has long-term benefits. Moving your eyes in a rhythmic back-and-forth motion in EMDR therapy, while recalling the trauma, causes shifts in the way that you experience that memory, and information from the past is allowed to finally process. Essentially, the experience is still remembered, but the protective need for the fight, flight, or freeze response related to the original event is resolved. In effect, EMDR is helping to ‘retrain the brain’.
      If You Or A Loved One Has Been Diagnosed With PTSD, Consider EMDR Therapy
      Many behavioral health therapists offer EMDR therapy. Look for therapists who are EMDR-certified. Among other requirements, EMDR certification requires 20 hours of training and 20 hours of clinical practice, 50 EMDR therapy sessions, and adherence to EMDR International Association policies. Telemynd supports veterans and their families, and many of our clinicians are EMDR-certified. Through our national partnership with TRICARE, we’re able to offer you and your beneficiaries access to licensed therapists or psychiatrists from the convenience and privacy of your own home. Request an appointment online or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today!
      EMDR International Association
      Journal of EMDR Practice and Research
      Journal of EMDR Practice and Research
    13. Telebehavioral Health — The Accelerated Adoption & Growing Demand

      I believe it is safe to say that Covid-19 has caused widespread disruption to life as we knew it. School, work, travel, relationships - all shaken up during the pandemic - and with it, our mental health. Some of the latest research has found that 25% of US adults are experiencing significantly more anxiety this year than in the past, and 20% are experiencing more symptoms of depression now than in the past. The research also shows that the volume of calls to helplines has increased significantly over the past year.
      The disruptions to everyday life have increased the need for behavioral health care – which has put an even greater demand on what was an already limited supply of mental health providers. Here at Telemynd, we’ve found that providing mental health care virtually, also known as telebehavioral health, has proved to be an effective way to make sure everyone seeking quality care has access. In fact, we believe that if there’s a silver lining to the pandemic, it’s that the adoption of telemedicine by the industry and consumers alike, has been accelerated by at least 5 years. Every indication points to telebehavioral health being here to stay, and if you’re a provider, there may be no need to return to your brick and mortar office.
      Research Supports Overall Satisfaction & Effectiveness For Patients & Providers
      One study published in JIMR Formative Research suggests that more than half of people using telehealth want to keep receiving that care virtually post-pandemic. Another study found that 78% of patients who use telebehavioral health are very or extremely satisfied with their telehealth experiences, and 75% are more likely to continue to use it after the pandemic.
      In addition, in a recent survey of employers who offer healthcare benefits, 90% report that their focus on telemedicine increased during the pandemic, and 52% say virtual medicine will continue to be an important priority within their organization’s health care activities following the pandemic.
      It’s clear that the demand is there for telebehavioral health - but is it effective? The answer is a resounding ‘yes’. A published literature review found without question that “behavioral health virtual visits deliver the same outcomes as in-person visits for many conditions, and meet the same standards of care set by the National Committee for Quality Association.” 
      Our Own Data Shows Record Growth Levels Beyond The Pandemic

      At Telemynd, we’re seeing strong indications from payors and patients that telemedicine is their preferred method for the delivery of behavioral health care services. Between third quarter 2020 and second quarter 2021 we experienced 4X growth in new patients seeking mental health services, an upward trend we continued to see as we move through 2021 at a record-setting 61% increase in demand. Both clinicians and patients have demonstrated their ability to quickly adapt to telemedicine with no sign of slowing down, even in a post-pandemic world. 
      Telebehavioral Health Benefits — For Patients & Clinicians
      Many challenges have been addressed through the implementation of telebehavioral health, including:
      Minimal wait to connect with a quality mental health professional
      Expanded access for patients who may live in a rural area, have limited mobility, or reside in long-term care facilities
      Saving time with virtual screenings and evaluations
      Better treatment for chronic conditions and medication management
      Personalized care from home, which promotes willingness to share in settings they’re already comfortable in
      Eliminating the stigma often associated with seeking mental health services and providing additional patient privacy
      For clinicians, telebehavioral health has many benefits as well, such as:
      Removing the overhead and upkeep of a physical location
      More flexibility to schedule clients at a pace and level that supports your needs
      Added freedom to travel while seeing patients anywhere in the country
      Simple and reliable weekly income direct deposited with complete remittance reports from our finance team
      All of these benefits lead to a true work-life balance. Telebehavioral health is a win-win for clinicians and their patients!
      Telebehavioral Health Allows Clinicians To Be Better At What They Do
      With all the benefits and studies showing adoption and effectiveness, telebehavioral health can now be considered a fundamental component of our healthcare environment – in other words, it’s here to stay. Telemynd helps each provider who joins to expand their practice and eliminate the administrative burden. Giving reliable income and the ability to focus on what matters most — delivering quality mental health care to patients.
      Willis Towers Watson
      American Psychological Association
      Journal of Internal Medicine
    14. Studies Show Link Between Traumatic Brain Injury & Mental Health Disorders

      Much has been written about returning military personnel and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) because it’s important to raise awareness of this issue as so many of our men and women who have served overseas live with the lingering effects of serious head injuries. And depending on what part of the brain is injured, TBI is often correlated with mental health problems. In fact, studies show that when people without any prior mental health issues or history of mental illness suffer a TBI, their risk for depression and other mental health issues increases significantly – up to two to five times higher than the general population. In this post, we review the link between TBI and mental health, how to look out for symptoms, and treat them if they develop.
      What Is Traumatic Brain Injury & Why Do So Many Military Personnel Get Them?
      The TBI Centers of Excellence (part of the Office of the Secretary of Defense) reports nearly 450,000 TBIs among U.S. service members from all branches between 2000 and 2020 - that’s a significant number of our service men and women living with the repercussions of a serious head injury. The CDC defines a TBI as a disruption in the normal function of the brain that is caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, or a penetrating object. Military service members are especially at risk from explosions experienced during combat or training exercises, and in fact, currently, approximately 80% of new military TBI cases occur in non-deployed settings, most often sustained during training activities.
      TBIs have persistent, and sometimes progressive, long-term debilitating physical and emotional effects. Typical physical symptoms include headaches, seizures, weakness, numbness and loss of coordination, to name just a few. A TBI may also trigger cognitive symptoms including confusion, frequent mood changes, memory loss, executive dysfunction, behavioral changes and difficulty reasoning or learning.
      The Link Between TBI & Mental Health Disorders
      Scientists have found that living with a TBI may also lead to mental health disorders, including Major Depressive Disorder (most common), PTSD (second most common), Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and to a lesser extent, Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia – all most likely caused by damage to brain tissue during the original head injury.
      Following Is More Detail About The Two Most Common Mental Health Disorders Associated With TBI
      Major Depressive Disorder — The prevalence of depression within the first year after brain injury is 33%–42%, and within the first 7 years is 61%. Depression may slow the pace of cognitive recovery, impact social functioning, and lower overall health-related quality of life. In addition, people recovering from TBI who also have depression are 3 times less likely to stay on their prescribed medication. They also report more severe physical symptoms (like headache, blurred vision, and dizziness) compared to non-depressed TBI patients. Depression after TBI may result in part from direct or secondary injury to brain tissue, and it also may result in part from the TBI patient’s frustration with the pace of recovery and loss of “normal” routine and ability to participate in activities of daily life.
      PTSD — Studies show that military personnel who suffer a TBI are almost twice as likely to have developed PTSD one year later than those with no TBI. One of the problems in diagnosing PTSD in these situations though, is that post-acute symptoms following TBI overlap somewhat with those associated with PTSD itself. Fortunately, clinicians with solid experience treating PTSD are more apt to be able to tell the difference. Scientists believe that PTSD may develop following TBI due to several factors: unconscious or conscious “encoding” in the brain of sensory factors (the sights and smells) associated with the event that caused the TBI, reconstruction of the trauma memory from secondary sources (for example, other people who were there), and memory of circumstances surrounding the event that also may be emotionally traumatic (like seeing others hurt).
      Looking at this issue from another perspective, researchers have also found that veterans seeking help from the VA for mental health issues, were found to have undiagnosed TBI in 45% of the cases studied. In other words, symptoms of depression and other mental health disorders were the tip-off that something was significantly wrong medically; in this case, the patients had suffered a TBI at some point in their military service that had not been diagnosed or treated.
      Watch For Symptoms Of Mental Health Disorders If You Have Been Diagnosed With A TBI
      Making progress in rehabilitation from a TBI can be especially challenging when it’s complicated by an undiagnosed mental health disorder. That’s why it’s so important for people with TBI to be screened for mental health disorders too, and for loved ones and clinicians to watch for signs of mental health problems after TBI. If you see general symptoms such as the following, consult with a qualified mental health provider (and when in doubt, go ahead and get checked out):
      Feeling especially sad or down
      Excessive fears or worries, or extreme feelings of guilt
      Extreme mood changes
      Withdrawal from friends and activities
      Detachment from reality, paranoia, or hallucinations
      Inability to cope with daily problems
      Problems with alcohol or drug use
      Excessive anger, hostility, or violence
      Suicidal thinking
      Mental Health Disorders Associated With TBI Are Treatable
      For people with a TBI who are also diagnosed with a mental health disorder, it’s important that treatment for that disorder be integrated into the overall TBI rehabilitation treatment plan as prescribed by a qualified mental health provider. Treatment may include a combination of medications and therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR) — treatment options similar to those recommended for people who are not dealing with a TBI. So, the good news is that mental health disorders associated with TBI are treatable, but it’s critical to be on the lookout for symptoms so they’re not missed.
      Journal of Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment
      Centers for Disease Control
      Journal of Neuropsychiatry
    15. Coping With Postpartum Depression (PPD)

      One of the less-talked-about mental health conditions today is postpartum depression (PPD). A CDC study shows that about one 1 in 10 women in the US reports symptoms of depression after giving birth; in some states, it’s 1 in 5. But despite its prevalence, almost 60% of those women do not receive a clinical diagnosis. And if any group needs support, it’s new mothers, yet of those who do screen positive for the condition, less than 25% receive follow-up care, often because they don’t fully understand their symptoms or are worried about a perceived stigma around the condition.
      During the pandemic, PPD levels in new mothers have been higher than normal. It’s thought that this is due to the general stress that hit us all during this life-threatening global event, as well as necessary hospital covid-19 policies like quarantining, separating family members in the birthing area, and reducing skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby after birth.
      In general, postpartum depression can be a highly disruptive condition if not addressed – and often comes at a time when women are still trying to recover from the physical effects of childbirth – so it’s important to raise awareness of what it is, what causes it, who it affects, and ways to cope with it.
      What Is Postpartum Depression (PPD) & What Causes It
      Postpartum depression (sometimes called peripartum depression) is a serious mental health condition that involves the brain and affects behavior and physical health. Much more than the “baby blues”, PPD causes sad, flat, or empty feelings that don’t go away and often interfere with your day-to-day life. You might feel unconnected to your baby, as if you are not the baby’s mother, or as if you can’t love or care for the baby. These feelings can be mild to severe.
       Symptoms of postpartum depression are similar to symptoms for depression (see our symptom list here), but may also include these symptoms which can last for weeks or even months:
      Crying more often than usual
      Feelings of anger
      Withdrawing from loved ones
      Feeling numb or disconnected from your baby
      Worrying that you will hurt the baby
      Feeling guilty about not being a good mom
      It’s thought that normal pregnancy hormonal changes in estrogen and progesterone may trigger symptoms of postpartum depression. In the first 24 hours after childbirth, these hormones quickly drop back to normal pre-pregnancy levels, and scientists think this sudden change may lead to depression in some women. Levels of thyroid hormones may also drop after giving birth, and in some women, low levels of thyroid hormones can cause symptoms of depression.
      In addition, social and psychological factors play a large role in determining who develops PPD and who does not. For example, women with lower or poorer quality social support, and less stable domestic situations may be at increased risk of PPD. Also, a family or previous history of depression, having multiples like twins or triplets, being a teen mom, or experiencing a preterm birth and/or birth complications can also increase the risk of PPD. It’s also important to note that PPD can also occur in women with a healthy pregnancy and birth.
      Treatment Of Postpartum Depression
      The best way to know is to watch carefully for the symptoms described above, in yourself or your loved one who recently gave birth. If you notice any, the first step to getting treatment is to talk to your health care provider or mental health professional who can diagnose and prescribe a course of treatment.
      Like other types of depression, postpartum depression can be managed with talk therapy, medication, lifestyle changes, and a supportive environment, or a combination of all of these. Women who are nursing should discuss the risks and benefits of medication with their doctors.
       Tips For Coping With Postpartum Depression
      In the meantime, here are some tips to help you cope with postpartum depression (note, these do not replace treatment with a trained professional):
      Talk to your partner, friends, and family about your symptoms and your need for support.
      Don’t overdo it on housework and baby care once home from the hospital; balance these duties with your partner or a loved one or try to get outside help if that is not possible.
      Join a support group of new parents, many of which are now online, making them easier to attend - try looking here or here.
      Eat a healthy, balanced diet - again, ask for cooking help from friends and family, or consider a meal delivery service.
      Get physically active, as much as possible - even if just a 20 min walk around the block; researchers have found that those who engaged in at least 2 hours per week of moderate intensity exercise were less likely to report depression or anxiety symptoms after birth.
      Engage in mindfulness and relaxation, such as meditation or yoga.
      Consider Telebehavioral Health
      Telemynd offers patients the ability to connect with providers from the safety and convenience of their homes. If you’re a patient, request an appointment online or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today! If you’re a behavioral health provider looking to join our network, see all the benefits and learn how to apply here.
      Centers for Disease Control
      US Department of Health and Human Services, OASH
      Postpartum Support International (PSI)
    16. PTSD & Military Veterans: What Are the Available Treatment Options?

      It’s estimated that 9% of people in the US will be diagnosed with PTSD in their lifetime; the numbers are much higher for veterans of military service: between 11 and 20% are diagnosed with this debilitating condition. And it’s no wonder - PTSD is a mental health disorder that occurs in response to experiencing or witnessing disturbing and distressing traumatic events - which is common to most vets who have seen combat. By way of detailed explanation, Matthew Friedman, MD, Ph.D., Vice-Chair for Research in the Department of Psychiatry at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, says that PTSD is common, especially among recent veterans, because deployed military personnel “have at some point felt helpless to alter the course of potentially lethal events; been exposed to severe combat in which buddies were killed or injured; been exposed to uncontrollable and unpredictable life-threatening attacks such as roadside bombs; or experienced exposure to the consequences of combat, such as observing or handling remains of civilians, enemy soldiers, or US and allied personnel.” We can all agree that that’s a significant amount of trauma for an individual to experience.
      Thankfully there is hope for those who are seeking treatment for PTSD. Due to the many military veterans living with PTSD (and more diagnosed every year), scientists at government and educational institutions are constantly researching new ways to help those living with this mental health condition. Our goal is to shed light on some of the latest PTSD treatments that have been found to be effective.
      Traditional Treatment For PTSD: One Size Does Not Fit All
      A few months ago, we wrote about the science of PTSD; how experiencing trauma impacts different parts of the brain and ultimately changes it, causing the parts of the brain responsible for thinking and memory to stop functioning correctly. When this occurs, it’s hard to separate safe and “normal” events happening in the present from traumatic events that happened in the past. Because of this, PTSD can impact daily routines, making it difficult to do normal tasks, such as sleeping, eating, or concentrating. It can significantly impact work and relationships and left untreated, it can cause dependence on drugs or alcohol.
      Traditional treatment for PTSD has been a combination of medication and therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT). These treatment methods are an attempt to help minimize, or even eliminate, the distressing symptoms that people with PTSD experience.
      However, a 2020 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that a “one-size-fits-all” treatment prescription for PTSD does not work. It may be that traditional therapies work for one individual, but newer, innovative therapies work better for the next. The study concluded that it is vitally important that each patient is evaluated within the context of their unique set of PTSD causes and symptoms, and that their behavioral health professionals help them find the right combination of treatments that work for them, rather than use a one-size-fits-all approach. Further, it’s important for patients and medical professionals to keep trying different treatments until they find one that works - something that isn’t often done, as many sufferers give up after trying one or two treatment attempts.
      What Are The Latest PTSD Treatment Options For Veterans?
      Below are just some of the latest evidence-based treatments for PTSD. This list is by no means exhaustive. To keep up on treatment developments, watch the news or subscribe to military and scientific / health journals, some of which you can find here.
      Non-Traditional Approaches Like Meditation & Acupuncture
      Researchers have found that non-traditional treatments like yoga, meditation, acupuncture,  acupressure, and doing repetitive, peaceful tasks such as sanding wood, knitting, crocheting, restoring cars, or tying fly-fishing flies can be very effective tools in managing trauma symptoms. Horseback riding or having a service or companion dog can also help some PTSD patients. 
      Trauma-Focused Psychotherapy
      A 2021 study published in Biological Psychiatry showed that trauma-focused psychotherapy can significantly reduce the symptoms of PTSD. This treatment, used specifically for PTSD, involves techniques such as "in vivo exposure," which involves directly facing a feared object, situation, or activity in real life, and "imaginal exposure," which involves facing the trauma memory. A person who is afraid of crowds, for example, may be repeatedly exposed to large gatherings. After a while, the person recognizes there is no actual danger, so this process eventually promotes new learnings in the brain.
      Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)
      You may have recently seen Prince Harry, on his mental health series The Me You Can’t See, undergoing this kind of therapy on camera in an attempt to show us (and de-stigmatize) how he is healing from childhood trauma and loss. EMDR works by having the individual with PTSD pay attention to a back-and-forth movement or sound (like following a moving finger, a flashing light, or a tone that beeps in one ear) while calling to mind the upsetting memory – until shifts occur in the way that the memory is experienced. A similar therapy is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as ‘tapping’.
       Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB)
      This treatment involves a shot of local anesthetic in either the stellate or C6 ganglions on the side of the neck, which numbs the nerves for 8 hours. When the numbness wears off, patients report immediate relief of PTSD symptoms. A recent study published in JAMA Psychiatry found that SGB therapy significantly reduced the severity of PTSD symptoms over a period of 8 weeks.
       Three Key Takeaways
      If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with PTSD, know that there are multiple proven treatment options available. Perhaps some of these newer therapies may work for you. And remember, it’s likely that your medical professional will recommend a combination of more than one therapy to reduce your symptoms.
       In summary, the three most important learnings to take away from this post are:
       One size does not fit all when it comes to treating PTSD; what works for one person may not work for the next. Mental health specialists must view each patient as unique, requiring highly individualized therapy combinations.
      The most effective PTSD treatment may actually be a combination of several therapies and medications; rather than just one.
      If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again: Keep trying different treatments until you find the ones that work. It may feel like a slow healing process, but persist and you’ll find the combination that’s right for you.
       Please note that any treatment must be done in conjunction with a trained mental health or medical specialist and not attempted outside of medical care.
      American Psychiatric Association
      National Institutes of Health
      Journal of the American Medical Association
    17. When Soldiers Return Home: Mental Health & Adjusting to Life Post-Deployment

      With the recent announcement that the U.S. will withdraw all its forces from Afghanistan by September 11th of this year, we thought it was a good time to look at the issues that veterans may face adjusting to life post-deployment. Over 2.2 million troops - men and women - have served in the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2003. While many service members readjust to life after being deployed, many do not.
      An Assessment of Readjustment Needs of Veterans, Service Members and Families by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies found that many service members returning from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan “report that their experiences were rewarding, and they readjust to life off the battlefield with few difficulties. Up to 44%, however, return with complex health conditions and find that readjusting to life at home, reconnecting with family, finding work, or returning to school is an ongoing struggle...These military personnel often have more than one health condition. The most common overlapping disorders are PTSD, substance use disorders, depression, and symptoms attributed to mild TBI.
      Common Challenges Facing Soldiers Readjusting To Life At Home
      Soldiers face unique challenges when they separate from military service and return to civilian life. Even the most resilient find adjustment somewhat stressful; unfortunately these challenges are also associated with mental health disorders like PTSD, depression and anxiety.
      Post-Deployment Adjustment Challenges Include:
      Relating to civilians who do not know or understand what they’ve experienced in the field.
      Families may have created new routines during deployment. 
      A returning vet may have never applied or interviewed for a civilian job, and needs to figure out how to translate their military skills into civilian terminology for a resume.
      Or if returning to a job, they may need to catch up, learn new skills, or adjust to a new position.
      No clear chain of command or hierarchy outside the military; they don’t know where to go for help.
      Learning how to buy clothing, groceries and other seemingly mundane civilian needs, and having to negotiate the overwhelming choices of civilian shopping outside the PX.
      Adjusting to subtle nuances in social conversations and workplace lingo that are unfamiliar.
      These are just a few of the logistical adjustments that returning soldiers must make, never mind the emotional adjustments they face, such as losing an immediate support group of fellow troops, recovering from the loss of friends who died overseas, feeling isolated and alone among people who don’t understand what they experienced, feeling challenged by a new civilian job, having to renegotiate family relationships, and dealing with good and bad memories of deployment. And this commonly (and understandably) leads to problems with mental health.
      Mental Health Issues Among Returning Veterans
      They call them “war’s invisible wounds.” While physical wounds are easy to identify, the psychological wounds of war are often not as easy to spot. Multiple studies have found a link between combat experiences and mental health issues related to military service. And it's not just soldiers who suffer - one study found that lengths of deployments are associated with more emotional difficulties and mental health problems among military children and spouses too. Below are three of the most common mental health issues associated with returning soldiers.
      Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
      Traumatic war-time events such as military combat and violent accidents or deaths in the field involving themselves or unit members can have long-lasting negative effects such as trouble sleeping, anger, nightmares, feeling constantly jumpy, and alcohol and drug abuse. Many vets find that these symptoms are in fact Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). A JAMA Psychiatry study found the rate of PTSD to be 15 times higher in returning veterans than in civilians.
      Depression & Anxiety
      Overall, the rate of depression in returning vets is 5 times higher than for civilians.However, research has found that depression is currently one of the most prominent health conditions among female veterans, who experience higher rates of depression than their male counterparts. Women who have been exposed to combat during deployment or witnessed the injury of unit members and civilians in war zones are especially vulnerable to depression and anxiety — all of which makes readjustment that much harder. Over half of all female veterans have needed to access mental health treatment with a primary diagnosis of depression and/or anxiety disorder.
      Suicide is a particular concern that has emerged for veterans, who experience a 50% higher incidence than the general population. And like depression and anxiety, female veterans have an 80% higher incidence of suicide than male veterans. A recent study of active-duty soldiers and veterans found that 3% of men and 5.2% of women reported suicidal ideation in the previous year. And of those who reported suicidal ideation, 8.7% also reported a recent suicide attempt. This is a trend that must be stopped.
      Tips For Acclimating Upon Return 
      These are just a few tips to help with the transition from deployment to civilian life:
      Allow yourself to feel all kinds of emotions. Give yourself permission to feel the way you feel, even if it’s uncomfortable. Go easy on yourself and give readjustment time to unfold.
      Talk about how you’re feeling with family and friends. Your loved ones may not know how to ask about your experience, but talking about your feelings can be an important part of the readjustment process. 
      Try not to overbook yourself. You may have lots of things on the post-deployment to-do list, but give yourself time to ease back into your routine. And give yourself a break if it doesn’t all feel comfortable right away.
      Limit your use of alcohol. Drinking too much can confuse your thinking, cloud judgment, and exacerbate mental health disorders.
      Watch spending. It's very common to want to celebrate your return with a new car or electronics, but those bills can catch up quickly and cause extra stress at a time you don’t need it.
      Most importantly, know when to seek help. If you or a loved one are feeling signs of stress — either physical or emotional — seek expert help from a behavioral health specialist as soon as possible. (And if you or a loved one are suicidal, contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), Option 1). 
      Consider Telebehavioral Health
      Telemynd supports veterans and their families. Through our national partnership with TRICARE, we’re able to offer you and your beneficiaries access to licensed therapists or psychiatrists from the convenience and privacy of your own home. Request an appointment online or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today!
      Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
      U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
      American Psychological Association
    18. The Impact Military PCS Moves Have On Family & Kids

      According to the Department of Defense, 37% of active-duty military families have children, and like their active-duty parents, military kids make sacrifices in their own ways too. From coping with the challenges of a parent’s deployment to starting a new school to accommodate a recent move (known as a Permanent Change of Station or PCS), military kids commonly experience stressors that can impact their mental health. On average, military kids attend up to nine different schools before graduating high school due to relocations. What kind of impact do these frequent moves have on the mental health of military kids and their families? And what are some ways to cope with the stress?
      Military Kids Move Every Two to Four Years, On Average 
      Military families typically make a PCS move every two to four years (this is over 3 times the civilian family average), which means that the kids are constantly adjusting to new schools and environments, making new friends, and leaving old ones behind. In some cases, PCS moves can occur quickly and unexpectedly, leaving little time for closure, for kids to fully process what is happening to them, or to say goodbye. 
      Multiple studies have been conducted to measure the impact on mental health of PCS moves. The Journal of Adolescent Health published findings that military kids who move frequently were significantly more likely to have a mental health issue. In addition, it found that age was a powerful predictor of the impact on mental health, i.e., military kids aged 12-17 were four times as likely to need help from a mental health professional as military kids aged 6-11. This makes sense intuitively, as teens are already going through the changes and stresses of puberty. Add in the need to rebuild their social connections and form new friendships, and one can see why PCS moves impact teens harder.
      The stress of PCS moves affects parents too. Another study by the School Psychology Review found moving increases tension in the home in general. Kids reported feeling anger or resentment toward their parents and the military because of the disruption to their lives. Some kids reported telling their parents that they refused to move or would run away to avoid moving entirely. 
      Ways The Disruption Of A PCS Move Causes Stress
      What is it about frequent moves that causes so much burden? First, change itself is stressful to us all, as numerous studies have found over the years. And when families make a PCS move, they must adjust to a new home, new school, address, neighborhood, friends, teachers, religious community, routines, and potentially new local culture and weather. That’s a lot of change! In addition:
      Students involved in sports who move later in the year can miss team tryouts, or the new school may not offer the same athletic programs.
      They may feel the loss of having to end close relationships with friends at a previous school.
      It’s more difficult to gain acceptance in a new school where cliques and social networks are already established.
      Because of potentially limited experience with military families, civilian school staff may have a knowledge gap that affects their effectiveness working with military students.
      Parents themselves are swamped with new jobs and to-do lists, and may not have the patience or time to consider a kid having trouble with the transition.
      If one parent is deployed or at risk of being deployed, kids may experience further stress from the constant fear for a parent’s safety.
      All can lead to considerable stress, as kids find they lack a feeling of connection to others in their new community. As a result, symptoms of depression and anxiety can appear, such as separation anxiety, excessive worry, sleep problems, and physical complaints such as headaches or stomach pain. 
      Tips For Coping With The Stress Of A PCS Move
      PCS moves are not all doom and gloom. Research suggests that many kids develop strength and resilience from adapting to frequent military moves. And there are steps parents and schools can take to support them through the moves in order to reduce the impact on their mental health. Number one is simply to be aware of the potential mental health impacts and to watch for signs and symptoms of distress. Our previous release discussing different symptoms of mental health conditions is really helpful. Parents can read up on the impact of PCS moves, and educate themselves on ways to support kids during the transition. And as with all mental health issues, the earlier that symptoms are noticed for intervention and treatment to begin, the better the prognosis and outcomes.
      Experts Suggest These Tips For Coping With The Stress Of PCS Moves
      Keep up established routines and rituals as much as possible, and start new rituals in the new place that encourage parent-child bonding time.
      Talk about the move as much as possible and give kids the opportunity to vent their negative feelings (and help them find positive ones too). Parents are advised to let kids in on a little of their own misgivings about the move and to find ways to address them as a family. This provides more positive feelings of validation and control.
      Connect with other military children and families when possible. As well, in the military community itself, most installations have a resource officer or School Liaison Officer who may be able to suggest appropriate resources.
      Even in a civilian school where there are few military kids, school guidance counselors are the best place to start a conversation between the family and the new school, as they are the gatekeepers to community mental health resources. Even if the counselor does not have experience with military students, he or she may be able to suggest local resources with more expertise.
      Finally, although it may seem simple, making sure that kids get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and get out and exercise will go a long way toward maintaining better mental health. And when kids do exhibit symptoms of transition distress, seek out a mental health professional as early as possible.
      Military Spouse
      Journal of Adolescent Health
      School Psychology Review
    19. Trouble Sleeping? How It Relates To Your Mental Health

      Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? You may be one of the 50 million adults in the United States with a chronic sleep disorder. For healthy adults, the recommended amount of sleep is seven hours per night. But if you suffer from a sleep disorder, squeezing that many hours into a single night is a real challenge — but shouldn’t be ignored, because our body’s inability to rest could be linked to underlying mental health conditions. A lack of sleep only exacerbates mental health disorders like depression and anxiety, leading to a negative cycle between overwhelming feelings of hopelessness or stress, and restlessness. 
      So, what are sleep disorders, how can we manage mental health symptoms, and what can we do to achieve better sleep?
      Common Sleep Disorders
      In general, sleep disorders are characterized as chronic sleep conditions that impact your quality of life or ability to function. These include trouble falling or staying asleep, falling asleep at the wrong times, and abnormal sleep behaviors. According to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD-3), the official description is a “curtailed sleep pattern that has persisted for at least three months for most days of the week, along with complaints of sleepiness during the day”.
      The five most common are:
      Insomnia. Characterized by the inability to initiate or maintain sleep, it may also take the form of very early morning awakening. Often causes excessive daytime sleepiness, which results in functional impairment throughout the day. 
      Narcolepsy. A neurological disorder that affects the brain’s ability to control sleep-wake cycles. People with narcolepsy may feel rested after waking, but then feel very sleepy throughout the day. They may fall asleep even in the middle of an activity.
      Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). Characterized by an unpleasant “creeping” sensation, originating in the lower legs, but often associated with overall leg pain. This sensation is seemingly only relieved by moving your legs, walking, or kicking - which of course, prevents sleep. 
      Sleep Apnea. People with sleep apnea often make periodic gasping or “snorting” noises while asleep, during which their sleep is momentarily interrupted. If you snore loudly and feel tired even after a full night's sleep, you may have sleep apnea.
      REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (sometimes called Parasomnia). Characterized by abnormal sleep behaviors which manifest in vivid, often frightening dreams associated with movement during REM sleep, people with this kind of sleep disorder appear to “act out their dreams”. Common symptoms include: movement such as kicking, punching, or jumping from the bed in response to action-filled or violent dreams; making noises, such as talking, laughing, or shouting; and being able to recall dreams if you awaken during an episode. 
      The Link Between Sleep Disorders, Depression, & Anxiety

      Scientists have found that 75% of individuals with depression experience sleep disturbances. And unfortunately, the relationship is bi-directional - meaning that not only does depression exacerbate sleep disorders like insomnia, but having a sleep disorder first can actually help bring on depression (if a person is already predisposed). And like the proverbial chicken and egg, often it’s hard to know which came first.
      Researchers believe sleep problems may contribute to depression by way of abnormal changes in the functioning of the neurotransmitter serotonin, the key hormone that stabilizes our mood and provides feelings of well-being. They have found that not enough sleep impacts the way serotonin works, disrupting our circadian rhythms and increasing vulnerability to depression.
      Sleep problems are also a common symptom of anxiety disorders. If you’ve had anxiety, you know that feeling of your brain “racing”, making it almost impossible to sleep. And even after falling asleep, you may wake up with anxiety in the middle of the night. Sleep disruption like this can lead to sleep fragmentation, which reduces both the quantity and quality of sleep. 
      Scientists say that individuals with anxiety disorders have high sleep reactivity - sleep reactivity being the degree to which stress disrupts sleep, manifesting as difficulty falling and staying asleep when a person is highly stressed. Compounding this is something called anticipatory anxiety, which is when individuals with anxiety know they’ll have problems falling asleep, and so their anxiety increases when they go to bed, causing sleeplessness, and ultimately a downward spiral of anxiety and lack of sleep.
      There’s a clear link between sleep disorders, depression, and anxiety. As a result, taking steps to sleep better can have a significantly beneficial effect on quality of life, so it’s important to seek professional help if you’re experiencing sleep problems or think you recognize any of the symptoms discussed above. And fortunately, once diagnosed, sleep disorders are treatable.
      Tips For Achieving Better Sleep
      Persistent problems sleeping increase the risk of relapse for those who’ve been treated for depression or anxiety, but practicing healthy sleep habits can reduce those feelings and can have a beneficial effect on your overall mood.
      Establish a sleep schedule. Creating a routine to sleep can help your brain get accustomed to getting the full amount of sleep. This means having a set wake-up time regardless of whether it is a weekday or weekend. 
      Follow a routine each night. Building a consistent routine such as washing your face and brushing your teeth can reinforce in your mind that it is time for bed.
      Unplug from devices. Set a buffer to unwind without electronics that can cause mental stimulation. Making it harder to calm thoughts. The blue light emitted from these devices can also decrease melatonin production, taking longer for you to achieve REM.
      Don’t force it. If you’re still tossing and turning after 20-minutes, consider getting up and stretching, reading a book, or doing something that calms you using soft lights before returning to bed to try again. This will help build a healthier mental connection between being in bed and falling asleep.
      Diagnosis & Treatment In Conjunction With Mental Health Issues
      In order to diagnose a sleep disorder, a doctor or mental health professional will gather information about your symptoms, as well as medical and mental health history. They may also order tests, such as a daytime or overnight sleep study to determine a diagnosis. Because of the multifaceted relationship between mental health and sleep, it is common for treatment to include both cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and prescription medication. With proper treatment underlying causes of disruption can be addressed; allowing you to achieve better quality sleep. 
      Consider Telebehavioral Health
      Telemynd offers patients the ability to connect with providers from the safety and convenience of their homes. If you’re a patient, request an appointment online or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today! If you’re a behavioral health provider looking to join our network, see all the benefits here & apply. 
      American Psychiatric Association
      Sleep Foundation
      Sleep Foundation
      National Institutes of Health (NIH)
    20. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Fact From Fiction

      Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) may be one of the most misunderstood mental health conditions. It’s estimated that 1 in 100 people in the US lives with OCD, so it’s more common than you think, however, the way it’s often portrayed in the media may not be entirely accurate (think Monica Geller in Friends or Adrian Monk in Monk). In this article, we explain exactly what OCD is and take a look at common stereotypes in an effort to set the record straight.
      What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
      OCD can impact anyone, regardless of age or gender. It can emerge any time from preschool to adulthood, but most commonly appears between the ages of 12 and 20. OCD is a disorder in which people have recurring, unwanted thoughts, ideas, or sensations (obsessions) that compels them to do something repetitively (compulsions). The repetitious behaviors, such as hand washing, checking things, or cleaning, can significantly interfere with a person’s daily life. The key here is that the behaviors / compulsions are a direct result of the recurring, unwanted thoughts and anxiety. They do not occur without each other. Or to put it another way, many people without OCD have stressful thoughts or repetitive behaviors. However, these thoughts and behaviors are usually not linked, and do not typically disrupt your life.
      A diagnosis of OCD requires the presence of obsessions and/or compulsions that are time-consuming (more than one hour a day), cause significant distress, and impair work or social function. Contrary to popular belief, OCD is not just about hand-washing and being neat. While there are similarities across cases, individual manifestations of the disorder tend to mirror anxieties based on an individual’s life experiences.
      Surprisingly, people with OCD usually recognize that their thoughts and obsessive impulses are not reasonable. However, the distress caused by these intrusive thoughts can’t be dismissed by logic or rationale. 
      Typical Obsessive Thoughts May Include (But Are Not Limited To):
      Recurring thoughts about germs; of being contaminated by others or their environment
      Extreme concern with order, symmetry, or precision
      Recurring, intrusive thoughts of certain sounds, images, words, or numbers
      Fear of misplacing or discarding something important, or forgetting to do something important
      Fear or recurring thoughts of existential crises or death
      Fear of blurting out obscenities or insults, or of hitting something (loss of control)
      The compulsions that are linked to or follow repetitive behaviors or activities that a person performs in response to an obsession. In the person’s mind, these behaviors prevent or reduce the distress related to the obsession, and that’s why they do them.
      Typical Compulsions May Include (But Are Not Limited To):
      Excessive hand washing, showering, or brushing teeth
      Repeatedly checking locks, switches, or making sure appliances are turned off
      Constantly seeking approval or reassurance
      Repeated cleaning of household objects
      Ordering or arranging things in a particular way
      Counting and recounting currency
      Repeated counting to a certain number
      OCD-related conditions include hoarding disorder (HD), body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), as well as hair-pulling and skin-picking disorders.
      Causes Of OCD
      The exact cause of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is unknown, but scientists believe that several areas of the brain may not respond normally to serotonin, a chemical nerve cells use to communicate with one another. In other words, neural miscommunication could be the root cause. 
      Genetics, something we discussed in our previous article, plays a part - if you, your parent, or a sibling, have OCD, there's a 20-45% chance another family member also has it. Like other anxiety disorders, childhood trauma and environmental factors may cause onset OCD symptoms.
      Myths About OCD
      So what are the misconceptions about OCD? And where did they come from? As is often the case, OCD myths can stem from pop culture and entertainment. For example, if you saw Leonardo DiCaprio in 2004’s The Aviator, you know the true story of the reclusive billionaire industrialist, filmmaker, and pilot Howard Hughes, whose desire for extreme control over cleanliness and order in his home seemed truly unfathomable. Or if you watched USA Network’s Monk, you saw a brilliant former city detective frequently battling with his OCD tendencies. 
      The problem with these portrayals is that they may not be accurate, and the disorder and its obsessions and compulsions are often treated as a gimmick to a serious condition. Viewers are encouraged to laugh when in reality, it can cause fear and shame to those who live with it.
      Three Common Myths About OCD, & Why They Don’t Reflect Reality
      Myth 1: OCD is only about cleanliness and being tidy. A fixation on keeping things clean is just one of the common compulsions of OCD, but not the only one. And not everyone with OCD has this particular compulsion. Triggers related to cleanliness and symptoms related to washing make up only a small part of the range of OCD triggers and symptoms. People can also have obsessions related to a wide variety of things, including losing control, hurting others and themselves, or losing things. 
      Myth 2: OCD isn’t treatable and will never go away. Many people don’t seek treatment because they’re embarrassed; they believe they are alone in their experience and that their symptoms are unique to only them. This can be one reason why it goes untreated. But research proves it can be treated through therapy and prescription medication. It will likely never go away completely but symptoms can be managed so that they stop impacting daily life. In fact, it’s considered one of the most “highly manageable” mental health disorders. 
      Myth 3: We’re all “a little bit OCD'' sometimes. Untrue and in fact, it is an inappropriate expression to use by those who do not have OCD and are unfamiliar with how devastating untreated symptoms can be. 
      Stigma is a systemic problem faced across a variety of mental health disorders, which is why it is so important to realize that words and actions can trivialize those living with it. People with OCD cannot simply “turn it off.” Research has shown their brains are wired differently - results show higher levels of extreme worry and fear that can entirely overwhelm you.
      Treatment For OCD
      There are no tests for OCD, however, trained mental health specialists can diagnose it by asking a series of questions that try to get at the three signs of OCD: having obsessive thoughts, exhibiting compulsive behaviors, and whether they get in the way of normal activities.
      With proper treatment by qualified mental health specialists, people with OCD can lead full and productive lives. Many respond positively to a type of therapy called Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy, designed specifically to treat OCD. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is another effective therapy. These therapies are often prescribed in combination with medication. Finally, many individuals report that support groups provide a safe, understanding place for those with OCD to feel less alone.
      Consider Telebehavioral Health
      Telemynd offers patients the ability to connect with providers from the safety and convenience of their homes. If you’re a patient, request an appointment online or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today! If you’re a behavioral health provider looking to join our network, see all the benefits here & apply. 
      American Psychiatric Association
      National Alliance for Mental Illness
      International OCD Foundation
    21. Study Correlates Stress & Lack Of Sleep To Experiencing Concussion-Like Symptoms

      Most of us know that a good night’s sleep is important to good health. It’s critical to maintaining brain cognition, concentration, and productivity. Sleep also improves immune function, staves off serious conditions like diabetes and stroke, and maintains our ability to deal with the challenges of everyday life. A new study has also found that many of us could be coping with concussion-like symptoms such as confusion, low energy, and memory loss due to a lack of sleep and compounded stress. 
      Participants Included Cadets From U.S. Military Academies & College Athletes
      The research published in the January issue of Journal Sports Medicine was conducted by the Concussion Assessment, Research and Education (CARE) Consortium, a founding alliance between the NCAA and U.S. Department of Defense. Participants included cadets within U.S. military service academies – who undergo rigorous training and are required to participate in athletics – and students who competed in NCAA sports at 26 U.S. colleges.
      Study Results
      Researchers found between 11% and 17% of healthy college or military academy athletes with no history of recent concussion were reporting multiple symptoms – such as memory loss, low energy, and dizziness – that met the criteria for post-concussion syndrome (also known as PCS). The study found lack of sleep, pre-existing mental health conditions, and stress were the most common predictors for these concussion-like symptoms. Furthermore, between 50% and 75% of the athletes surveyed had at least one concussion symptom, with the most common being fatigue, low energy, or drowsiness.
      Women who participated in the study reported more symptoms than men: among cadets, 17.8% of men and 27.6% of women experienced concussion-like symptoms, and among NCAA athletes, 11.4% of men and 20% of women. The study concluded that a history of depression or ADHD were key contributing factors for NCAA athletes who experienced PCS-like symptoms.
      "The numbers were high, and were consistent with previous research in this area, but it is quite shocking," said lead researcher Jaclyn Caccese, assistant professor at The Ohio State University School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. "These are elite athletes who are physically fit, and they are experiencing that many symptoms commonly reported following concussion. So looking across the general population, they'd probably experience even more."
      What Are Typical Symptoms?
      A concussion can affect your memory, judgment, reflexes, speech, energy level, balance, and muscle coordination. Individuals who have had a recent concussion or are experiencing PCS-like conditions may act confused or dazed. Other symptoms can include:
      Nausea or vomiting
      Memory loss
      Ringing ears
      Difficulty concentrating
      Sensitivity to light
      Loss of smell or taste
      Fatigue and drowsiness
      A key takeaway related to those who have not had a recent concussion may be experiencing identical symptoms due to lack of sleep and/or the burden of stress being carried.
      What Do Experts Recommend?
      The research was originally designed to gather additional information regarding the effects and recovery of concussion for student-athletes at colleges and military service academies. Concussions are a known problem in sports, particularly contact sports such as football. 
      Scientists who performed the research stated the results have implications for how we treat concussions in college athletes as well as how the general population manages sleep and stress.     For example, they suggest athletes recovering from concussions be assessed and treated on a highly individualized basis. In addition, knowing athletes' medical history and baseline symptoms can help clinicians predict which pre-existing factors contribute to concussion recovery times, and ultimately improve treatment and recovery.
      For those of us who’re not college athletes, self-awareness and recognizing when our sleep cycle is being disrupted or how stress has been negatively impacting our daily lives is essential. Place greater emphasis on addressing the issues as they arise or develop healthier mechanisms for coping with the guidance of a mental health therapist. Difficulty sleeping or stress related to underlying mental health disorders such as anxiety or depression should always be diagnosed by a qualified and licensed behavioral health specialist.  
      Consider Telebehavioral Health
      Telemynd offers patients the ability to connect with providers from the safety and convenience of their homes. If you’re someone seeking mental health services, request an appointment online or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today! If you’re a behavioral health provider wanting to join our network, apply online. 
      Journal Sports Medicine, 01.11.21: Factors Associated with Symptom Reporting in U.S. Service Academy Cadets and NCAA Student-Athletes without Concussion: Findings from the CARE Consortium
      Concussion Legacy Foundation: What is Post-Concussion Syndrome
    22. Are Mental Health Disorders Genetic?

      Mental health disorders affect more than 25% of the population in any given year, and for a while now, scientists have understood that these disorders arise from a combination of genetic influence and environmental factors. Even early physicians made clinical observations noting the tendency of mental illnesses to run in families. Recently, several new studies have confirmed that psychiatric disorders do indeed have genetic roots. But how much can genetics be a contributing component to your mental health? Which disorders are you more susceptible to and which have no genetic correlation?
      What The Current Science Says About The Role Genes Play In Mental Health 
      Advances in genomic research have identified hundreds of genetic variations that contribute to a range of psychiatric disorders. Recent studies published in science and medical journals such as Molecular Psychiatry, The American Journal of Psychiatry, and Cell, have confirmed that most major psychiatric disorders have a familial and heritable component. What they found was that no individual gene contributes much to the risk of a disorder; instead, hundreds of genes each have a small effect. The way it works is this: your genes are made up of segments of DNA; and any alteration in the DNA sequence produces a gene variant, which can then increase the risk for a disorder. 
      Specifically, scientists found that the genetic causes of different mental health disorders can range from 20% to 45% for anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and major depressive disorder; from 50% to 60% for alcohol dependence and anorexia; and from 75% and up for autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.
      These studies should not be inferred as an absolute that any one individual will develop a disorder. People with no family history of mental illness can be diagnosed with mental health disorders too. And even for those at higher genetic risk, environmental factors such as poverty, childhood trauma, exposure to certain toxins, substance abuse and others, also play a significant role in whether or not someone develops a disorder, or the severity of the illness.
      One Example: Bipolar Disorder
      According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), irregularities in many genes may combine to increase a person’s chance of bipolar disorder (a disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs). More specifically, scientists can now predict the chances for getting the illness in this way: there is a one in 100 chance of developing bipolar disorder if you are in the general population; however if one of your parents has it, the chances go to 10 in 100; and if one of your siblings has it, the chances go to 13 in 100.
      Remember, just having a genetic predisposition to Bipolar Disorder is not enough to trigger its development. Environmental factors must be present also. It’s also important to note that just because someone has a greater chance of the illness, doesn’t mean they will ever develop it.
      Why Research The Genetics Of Mental Health?
      Beyond identifying genetic risk variants, a major benefit of this research and its findings is the ability to provide new clues about the biological pathways that contribute to mental illness. Learning how mental health disorders are related at a biological level may inform how we classify and diagnose them in the future. As well, the findings may help develop new treatments that benefit multiple conditions.
      While we’ve got a good start, scientists all agree that much more research into the genetics of mental health is needed. Until then, it is still recommended during initial sessions with behavioral health specialists to share your family history of mental health in order to better recognize and treat underlying conditions. If you recognize potential symptoms of a disorder, it is important to receive a proper evaluation from a qualified behavioral health specialist, most mental health disorders can be managed through a combination of therapy and/or prescription medication..
      Consider Telebehavioral Health
      Telemynd offers patients the ability to connect with providers from the safety and convenience of their homes. If you’re a patient, choose your current insurance provider to request an appointment or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today! If you’re a behavioral health provider looking to join our network, apply online. 
      Massachusetts General Hospital: Largest study of its kind reveals that many psychiatric disorders arise from common genes
      The Journal Nature: The hidden links between mental disorders
      American Journal of Psychiatry: Psychiatric Genetics Begins to Find Its Footing
    23. What Undiagnosed ADHD Looks Like In Adults

      We focus so often on the treatment of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in children, that tend to overlook the fact that just as many adults are living with the condition; experts suggest even more remain undiagnosed. While some children outgrow their ADHD symptoms, up to 70% will continue being treated into adulthood.
      ADHD in adults follows a slightly different pattern than in children, as symptoms tend to evolve and may become more subtle over time. For example, adults with ADHD tend to have more problems with memory and attention rather than with hyperactivity.
      Adult Symptoms Of ADHD & The Impact On Daily Life
      In order for an adult to be diagnosed with ADHD, the must meet the following criteria in accordance to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV): six or more symptoms of inattention that have lasted at least six months, or six or more symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity that have persisted at least six months.
      Specific Symptoms Of ADHD In Adults May Include:
      Forgetting names and dates
      Missing deadlines and leaving projects unfinished
      Chronically late for work or important events
      Becoming easily distracted and disorganized
      Low frustration tolerance
      Putting off boring tasks in favor of more enjoyable activities
      Trouble multitasking
      Executive function deficits
      Excessive activity or restlessness
      Extreme emotionality and rejection sensitivity
      Generalized anxiety and mood disorders 
      Blurting out inappropriate or hurtful thoughts
      The effects of adult ADHD are an overall inability to remain focused to follow through with responsibilities and an overwhelming accumulation of incomplete tasks — impacting careers and relationships over time.
      Adults With ADHD Often Remain Undiagnosed
      There is an abundance of materials focused on the general education of signs to look for in children with ADHD, but not nearly as much on awareness for similar symptoms and diagnosis in adults. That’s why some experts believe up to 75% of adults who have ADHD don’t know they have it. Without knowledge or outreach for treatment, day to day life can be much more challenging and lead to false feelings of inferiority. In fact, studies show that substance abuse as well as other compulsive bad habits impact a far higher percentage of adults with undiagnosed ADHD than the general population.
      So What Can Be Done?
      We need to better inform the public and broaden the conversation surrounding ADHD to include the adult population and eliminate common misconceptions & stereotypes that surround ADHD as “only a childhood condition affecting hyperactive kids”.
      If you are able to recognize these symptoms in yourself or someone you know, consider checking in with a mental health specialist who can conduct a clinical assessment to diagnose ADHD. Neuropsychological tests are often used for diagnosis. These can include timed, computer-based tests to measure attention and problem-solving skills. Neuropsych testing is not essential to making a diagnosis, but it can help shed light on how ADHD can be affects your daily life. It can also uncover potential coexisting conditions.
      Once Diagnosed, Adult ADHD Is Highly Treatable
      Getting the right diagnosis and proper treatment can be life-changing. Adults with ADHD don’t outgrow the condition, but most learn to manage it to great success. Standard treatments for ADHD in adults usually involve a combination of medication, education, skills training and psychological counseling. As with most treatments, it may take some time to determine what works best for each person, so stick with it.
      Considering A Career In Telebehavioral Health Or Know Someone Who Could Benefit From Virtual Access To Licensed Behavioral Health Professionals?
      Telemynd offers patients the ability to connect with providers from the safety and convenience of their homes. Providers can join our network by applying online. If you’re a patient, choose your current insurance provider to request an appointment or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today!
      Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD): Diagnosis of ADHD in Adults
      American Family Physician: Diagnosis and Management of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults
      Harvard Medical School - Harvard Health Letter: Recognizing and managing ADHD in adults
    24. Building Support For Those Struggling With Mental Health Issues

      Last week, we wrote about how a good social support system of friends can help strengthen our mental health. Friends benefit us by providing a sense of belonging, keeping us motivated, and supporting us through challenging times, among other things. So in this article, we thought it would be a good idea to demonstrate specific ways that friends and family members can support those struggling with mental health issues, as well as to highlight support resources in the community beyond friends and family.
      How To Support Friends Or Family With Mental Illness
      First, know that there is no ‘one size fits all’ way to support someone with a behavioral health issue. How you provide support depends on their issues and needs, as well as your relationship with them. But at the top of the list is knowing the warning signs of mental health problems; in fact, you may be able to spot these before someone recognizes them in themselves. For example, if someone withdraws from social interaction, or has unusual problems functioning at school or work, or has dramatic changes in sleep and appetite, it may be a good idea to encourage them to see a medical professional to rule out specific mental health issues. 
      The following are additional ways to offer support:
      Offer to be available for support. They may not even realize you are ready to be there for them, so make sure that they know they are not alone. Reassure them that you care about them – even if they don’t always feel like talking or being with you, it can be a comfort just to know that you care.
      Ask what you can do to help. You can leave this open-ended (“I want to know how I can best support you.”) or suggest specific tasks that might be helpful (“Can I drive you to your appointment?”).
      Don't try to diagnose or second guess their feelings. Try not to make assumptions about what is wrong or jump in too quickly with your own diagnosis or solutions. 
      Listen patiently. Allow the person to talk openly with you without hearing dismissal of their thoughts or feelings. If they choose to share personal information with you, don’t share it with others. (However, if you hear talk of suicide, contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), Option 1)
      Stay calm and low-key. It’s possible that the person you care for may have very challenging and complex behavior. 
      Talk about suggestions for wellbeing. For example, ways of de-stressing or practicing self-care like exercising, eating a healthy diet, and getting a good night’s sleep.
      Experts advise that in supporting a friend with mental health issues, you don’t need to be available 24/7. Nor should you put yourself in danger to watch over your friend, or stay in a relationship that’s not working for you. At the end of the day, you aren’t responsible for another person’s mental health, so take care of yourself while you are taking care of them.
      Finding Local & National Support Mental Health Resources
      Beyond the support of family and friends, there are also community resources for mental health, and even resources at the national level – all of which can provide helpful information and services. To find help at a local level, reach out to medical professionals, and also check your local library, place of worship, or community center to learn about nearby resources. The National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors lists the names and contact information of public officials who head up each state’s mental health program.
      Also consider joining a virtual or in-person support group to connect with people who are facing similar mental health diagnoses or are caring for someone with similar issues. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has an online resource that can direct you to local support groups, as does the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance.
      At the national level, we have a Mental Health Crisis Resource Center to locate not-for-profit organizations and government entities provide high-quality information and resources for various types of behavioral health issues.
      Considering A Career In Telebehavioral Health Or Know Someone Who Could Benefit From Virtual Access To Licensed Behavioral Health Professionals?
      Telemynd offers patients the ability to connect with providers from the safety and convenience of their homes. Providers can join our network by applying online. If you’re a patient, choose your current insurance provider to request an appointment or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today!
      American Psychiatric Association: Helping a Loved One Cope with a Mental Illness
      Psychology Today: How to Help a Loved One with Mental Illness
      National Alliance on Mental illness (NAMI): Community Support Builds Better Lives
    25. How Friends Can Strengthen Mental Health

      It may seem obvious that having supportive friends makes us feel better, but did you know scientists have proven a link between our friendships and mental health? In one study, people who lacked social support were more likely to suffer from mental health disorders such like anxiety and depression. In another study, the presence of social support systems correlated to faster remission of major depressive symptoms. As the saying goes, friendship - defined as affection, emotional attachment, intimacy, and trust between two people - is “having someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.”
      But why is this? How can something as simple as having friends have such a positive psychological impact on us?
      Five Mental Health Benefits Of Friendship
      Humans are social animals by nature. The power of true friendship can be invaluable, but at times, we need a little extra help. If you are living with a mental health condition such as depression or anxiety, you know how comforting it can feel to just talk with someone. Good friendships also have additional benefits, such as increased feelings of belonging, increased levels of happiness, as well as improved self-worth and confidence. Here are five benefits of friendships that can help our mental health.
      Improve Our Mood. Friends can boost our mood by being there for us, whether it’s virtually or socially distanced. There is a simple pleasure in being in the company of other people we like, and it can be a relief to talk to someone else about how you’re feeling. Friends can also provide a distraction: a good laugh with friends releases endorphins (the feel-good hormones) into our bodies. Perhaps even better, research suggests maintaining strong friendships can help you cope with stress more effectively and help lower your chances of facing some types of stress in the first place.
      Provide A Sense Of Belonging. We all want to know that we matter to others — and that our life has purpose. Knowing you have a supportive network of friends can help you feel more secure in your life. Even when your friends are in different places, you still have those connections to trusted individuals who always have your back. And when you care for others, you take on the responsibility of offering compassion and emotional support, which can make you a stronger, better person too.
      Avoid Feelings Of Loneliness. Loneliness and social isolation can affect mental and physical well-being. A chat with friends can reduce the stress of feeling alone and provide us with a much-needed distraction. And even when you can’t get together in person, simply knowing you share a strong connection with friends can help you feel less alone.
      Keep Us Motivated. If you want to create positive change in your life, friends can help you maintain your resolve to practice healthier habits. They’ll cheer you on and might also support your choices by making changes with you. This encouragement can boost your self-confidence, increasing your chances of success. And friends can also help us make changes for the better by providing good examples.
      Support Us Through Challenges. A good friend can help cheer us up and offer support when we need it most. Knowing that support is available can improve feelings of security and help to protect against compounded stress. In fact, research suggests that if you have strong friendships, you’ll probably find it easier to handle the challenges that life throws at you. This study also found that while family support also helps boost immediate resilience, good friendships are an even better predictor of greater resilience throughout life.
      Talking To Friends About Mental Health Issues
      So there are many positive impacts of having good friends. No matter what you’re going through, healthy and close friendships encourage better mental health and well-being. But sometimes it can feel hard to talk to them about mental health issues. If you decide to tell your friends about your mental health condition, don’t be frustrated if they don’t understand right away. Answer questions they may have and remember that they are trying to understand your experience in their own way. If they are still unable to grasp it, be thankful for your time with them and the effort taken to try and comprehend what you’re experiencing. If you are the friend or relative, consider doing some more research to learn about the condition, and remember to check in on your friend regularly, your support can make a huge difference.
      Getting Together Safely During The Pandemic
      Recently the CDC has amended its guidelines for casual get-togethers with friends. While most of the time, we must continue to socially distance and wear masks, we may now “visit with other fully vaccinated people or those who have a low risk of serious infection indoors without wearing masks or staying 6 feet apart.” Read more about CDC guidelines here.
      Considering A Career In Telebehavioral Health Or Know Someone Who Could Benefit From Virtual Access To Licensed Behavioral Health Professionals?
      Telemynd offers patients the ability to connect with providers from the safety and convenience of their homes. Providers can join our network by applying online. If you’re a patient, choose your current insurance provider to request an appointment or call our live support for assistance in scheduling care today!
      National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI): Friendship and Mental Health PLOS One: Social network structure is predictive of health and wellness
      NIH: The correlation of social support with mental health: A meta-analysis
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